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The Beer Thread


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Another installment:

Peg Leg Imperial Stout: This was fruitier than I like my stouts to be, and it's also overly smooth. Don't get me wrong, it's unique and could be right up your alley, but to me it's definitely not worth the price for big time stout drinkers. When it says Imperial Stout it better make Sally Joe make such a bitter beer face that it caves in like a black hole developed in her tonsils. The busy taste hid the alcohol content well, but I'll pass on this one.

Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat: Ah yes, everybody's favorite Sam Adams to pick on. This is like wine and seltzer water with chocolate in it. You really notice the carbonation, it makes it feel watered down. However, it isn't the worst Sam Adams I've had. The Blackberry Witbier and Irish Red Ale are far and away worse than this.

Dominion Hop Mountain Pale Ale: This stuff is good. Dominion is 2 for 2. Their Oak Barrel Stout is good and so is this. Again, bang for the buck, got this for $7.25 a 6 pack. It's definitely on the bitter side so beware if you want the hops to dominate. It has a nice overtone of hops but the bitterness will settle in after a few sips. Above average APA.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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What's a good snowed in beer? I've been downing some Sam's Winter Lager for awhile and I'm ready for something new.

dominion oak barrel stout is good. i always like a flying dog classic pale ale. neither one is too strong in ABV or overpowering in flavor- not to the point where you cant enjoy a couple. or three.

had some brooklys east india pale ale the other day. i was really impressed. very clean, not real heavy, but good hop flavor.

got some hoptical illusion from blue point brewery. not sure how it really is yet, cuz i drank one at room temp straight from the store. couldnt wait....

i like the anchor steam porter. picked up a sixer of that last week in a pinch. very nice.

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Saw an awesome movie last night called Beer Wars. Provides and interesting look into the beer industry. Evidently Anheuser Busch tried to sue Dogfish Head for the names of two beers. Punkin Ale & Chicory Stout. It sounds like any other business where the big dogs are very very dirty. They also did a blind taste test between Bud Light, Coors & Miller. No one guessed the correct beer haha.

I really want an Arrogant **** after watching that movie.

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They also did a blind taste test between Bud Light, Coors & Miller. No one guessed the correct beer haha.

I really want an Arrogant **** after watching that movie.

I don't think that it is that hard to tell the difference between those 3 beers. I have done a blind taste test between Miller Lite and Bud Light and the taste is completely different. I don't like either one, but they are definitely different.

Arrogant **** is a good beer. I have never had the Oaked version, but the original is really good.

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I bet if they threw in Ginger Ale and Dasani the results would still be the same.

lol. i'm pretty sure i could taste the difference between coors light and miller lite. coors has that funny 'peachy' taste.

probably couldnt tell between lite and bud light though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm really loving this Dominion Hop Mountain Pale Ale. It isn't the best APA out there but it's certainly great for the price. Dominion beers are relatively cheap as dirt around here. Got snowed in with 14 of these and have been starring at the last one for about 2 days now. Gonna slam it and head to the store in a sec.

i usually pay around 7 bucks or more for a 6er. shoppers food warehouse has the best prices in germantown. where do you live?

havent had that in a while but i had their stout last week. i like all their beers.

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SS Oatmeal Stout, Nut Brown Ale and Taddy Porter (not pictured) are all I really drink these days. :)

i think they have a beer called tadcaster ale? or is it their lager? cant recall, but i had one a few years ago and i thought it was the best beer of its kind i'd ever had.

just opening up a sierra nevada torpedo ale.

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i usually pay around 7 bucks or more for a 6er. shoppers food warehouse has the best prices in germantown. where do you live?

havent had that in a while but i had their stout last week. i like all their beers.

I'm in Rockville and get my beer at Twinbrook Shopping Center. Either Twinbrook Deli or the liquor store. Dominion beers go for $7.14 at the liquor store and $8.99 at the deli. Only time I get beer at the deli is if it's something the liquor store doesn't have, or if I need it chilled right away.

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I'm in Rockville and get my beer at Twinbrook Shopping Center. Either Twinbrook Deli or the liquor store. Dominion beers go for $7.14 at the liquor store and $8.99 at the deli. Only time I get beer at the deli is if it's something the liquor store doesn't have, or if I need it chilled right away.

nice. my mother in law lives near there. i'll have to swing by there next time i'm nearby.

jmu- whats that bigfoot like? i'm a hop head, and generally stay away from wheat beers or fruity style stuff, but i might try some of that.

i had a clipper city barleywine style beer a long time ago, but i cant remember what i thought of it.

Edited by grego
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jmu- whats that bigfoot like? i'm a hop head, and generally stay away from wheat beers or fruity style stuff, but i might try some of that.

i had a clipper city barleywine style beer a long time ago, but i cant remember what i thought of it.

Like most barley wines, it is around 10% or so. If you like hops, you should really like Bigfoot. It is definitely heavier than most beers. It is like a brown/red color. It has a good combination of sweet and hops. It has a sweet first taste with a bitter after taste. It is around $10-11 for a 6 pack.

Edited by JMURedskins
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i think they have a beer called tadcaster ale? or is it their lager? cant recall, but i had one a few years ago and i thought it was the best beer of its kind i'd ever had.

just opening up a sierra nevada torpedo ale.

Probably the Taddy Lager. Not 100% sure though since they make so many different kinds. Can't really go wrong with any SS IMO.:drooley:

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