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GD: Hillary Clinton to accept Obama's offer of secretary of state job


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I blow thru here

The music goes 'round and around


And it comes out here

I push the first valve down

The music goes down and around


And it comes out here

I push the middle valve down

The music goes down around below

Below, below, deedle-dee-ho-ho-ho

Listen to the jazz come out

I push the other valve down

The music goes 'round and around


And it comes out here

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it always shocks me how people running against each other go at each others throats then turn around and get in bed with each other when its over. you call me out that personally and seriously and I dont wanna even see your face.

but if its better for the country then go for it but it seems strange to me.

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it always shocks me how people running against each other go at each others throats then turn around and get in bed with each other when its over. you call me out that personally and seriously and I dont wanna even see your face.

but if its better for the country then go for it but it seems strange to me.

It's actually weird. On the congressional campaign I worked on, I had to work against some of my friends from college and when we were working we hammered each other and each others candidate, but once the election was over we went acted like nothing had happened.

I'll admit that my example is on a smaller scale and we weren't the candidates, but I have to wonder if its really that different.

I remember reading about a presidential campaign (I wanna say it was Goldwater/Johnson in 1964) and the candidates happened to cross paths at an airport. They had been hammering each other for weeks on the campaign trail but they sat down together and had a drink at the lounge and just talked for a while until one of them had to leave.

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it always shocks me how people running against each other go at each others throats then turn around and get in bed with each other when its over. you call me out that personally and seriously and I dont wanna even see your face.

but if its better for the country then go for it but it seems strange to me.

Did you see the video of McCain and Obama at the Al Smith roast last month? They were both kind of biting in their comments, but both seemed to genuinely enjoy the evening and if they were faking their laughs at each other's barbs then they're pretty good actors.

I think its a very good thing for the country as long as Obama can shape the differering viewpoints into coherent policy. I hope McCain is offered a significant role in the administration also.

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it always shocks me how people running against each other go at each others throats then turn around and get in bed with each other when its over. you call me out that personally and seriously and I dont wanna even see your face.

but if its better for the country then go for it but it seems strange to me.

That was one of the points I had been trying to make.

The Left has been in favor of McCain for a long time. He was their boy in the GOP, but as soon as it came down to him vs. Obama, he was the deebil.

Sad really. All the McSame crap. He is the guy who has been reaching across the isle for decades and all of a sudden he just represented everything Bush had done.

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That was one of the points I had been trying to make.

The Left has been in favor of McCain for a long time. He was their boy in the GOP, but as soon as it came down to him vs. Obama, he was the deebil.

Sad really. All the McSame crap. He is the guy who has been reaching across the isle for decades and all of a sudden he just represented everything Bush had done.

Yup, when it was McCain vs Bush, McCain was the darling of the left

As soon as he became the nominee the fangs came out, in particular from the media. Remember the New York Times article on his alleged affair with a lobbyist back in February?

No surprise there at all that now he is back in the good graces of the media and the left

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Did you see the video of McCain and Obama at the Al Smith roast last month? They were both kind of biting in their comments, but both seemed to genuinely enjoy the evening and if they were faking their laughs at each other's barbs then they're pretty good actors.

I think its a very good thing for the country as long as Obama can shape the differering viewpoints into coherent policy. I hope McCain is offered a significant role in the administration also.

so lets say were at this roast and McCain gets visibly pissed at the jokes Obama is making, then what? he looks like an ******* that cant take a joke and may not have the tempermant to handle the most stressful job in the world.

Of course it is an act and they played it up well. I saw the roast and I laughed a lot but they arent pals.

There is no way you talk about me on a personal level, call me a terrorist supporter, criticize and question my ethics and then expect me to sit down and have a coke and smile with you. :2cents:

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LOL at the conservatives worked up over this, hoping to stir up the poop pot over "change". Conservatalk radio goes on and on over this (well, this and how unions are to blame for the demise of the auto industry). I see little consternation from the Democratic side over this. The most blessed of change will occur January 20th.

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