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GD: Hillary Clinton to accept Obama's offer of secretary of state job


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Yup, when it was McCain vs Bush, McCain was the darling of the left

As soon as he became the nominee the fangs came out, in particular from the media. Remember the New York Times article on his alleged affair with a lobbyist back in February?

No surprise there at all that now he is back in the good graces of the media and the left

You would have thought that would have high lighted the "transparency" in politics some have said will be the big difference.

But nope, big media worked against the people in favor of bigger government.

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so lets say were at this roast and McCain gets visibly pissed at the jokes Obama is making, then what? he looks like an ******* that cant take a joke and may not have the tempermant to handle the most stressful job in the world.

Of course it is an act and they played it up well. I saw the roast and I laughed a lot but they arent pals.

There is no way you talk about me on a personal level, call me a terrorist supporter, criticize and question my ethics and then expect me to sit down and have a coke and smile with you. :2cents:

Probably one of the reasons you didn't make a career in politics. :2cents:

This is part of the job description when it comes to politics - like it or not.

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LOL at the conservatives worked up over this, hoping to stir up the poop pot over "change". Conservatalk radio goes on and on over this (well, this and how unions are to blame for the demise of the auto industry). I see little consternation from the Democratic side over this. The most blessed of change will occur January 20th.

Right. Because anyone who has the audacity to disagree with a liberal is a spoonfed moron.

Please. :rolleyes:

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Probably one of the reasons you didn't make a career in politics. :2cents:

This is part of the job description when it comes to politics - like it or not.

Probably one of the bigger problems with politics also.

One of the things I liked about Obama was during the debates with Shillery, when asked a question about experience or who has it, he would concede that she had more, for better or worse. If he liked her ideas, he said so.

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Matthews brought up a great point last night.

Obama beat Clinton because he offered a differnt vision of what our foreign policy should be. And specifically the war in Iraq. How can he now turn around and give her the ONE job in the administration that completely flies in the face of that?

This just stinks of politics as usual.

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The Left has been in favor of McCain for a long time. He was their boy in the GOP, but as soon as it came down to him vs. Obama, he was the deebil.

Koolblue, the left has never liked McCain. Moderate Independents liked McCain back in 2000. The fact is the McCain from 2000 and the McCain from 2008 weren't the same guy. From 2004 on, John McCain flip flopped on just about every major position he's ever held. I think he did this to bring himself more in line with main stream republicans. It cost him moderate Independents.

Sad really. All the McSame crap. He is the guy who has been reaching across the isle for decades and all of a sudden he just represented everything Bush had done.

Name one single significant difference between Bush and McCain in 2008. Their McSame because that's what McCain had to do to come out of the GOP convention.

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so you know what everyone's political choices are on this site Jimbo?

because it appears to me that you dont if you think it is just the conservatives or just a few that are questioning this decision.

come on mike, are you claim saying you, koolblu and Kilmer17 aren't social conservatives?

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I don't know if this is the Obama administration or the third Clinton term. Obama is populating his administration with alot of former key Clinton people in key positions.

I agree. The Clinton administration did go for 8 years, and was pretty sucessful. I guess that's the argument. I would have liked to see some fresh blood too though.

Well see who gets Defense and Treasury...

I actually like Ruban at Treasuy, but that would make them even more Clinton heavy.

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Her husband probably has the inside track if one of those open up

Neither of the Clinton's are going to be SC nominess. They have no experience as judges or even lawyers. If Obama did that it would get laughed out of the Senate faster than Harriet Myers.

Politically I think this is a win/win for Obama and Clinton. Clinton gets a chance to be more than an "asterisk in the history book" as Bill put it, Obama gets her out of domestic politics where she might be a thorn in his backside.

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Matthews brought up a great point last night.

Obama beat Clinton because he offered a differnt vision of what our foreign policy should be. And specifically the war in Iraq. How can he now turn around and give her the ONE job in the administration that completely flies in the face of that?

This just stinks of politics as usual.

That is an interesting point. Although the reality is the differences in opinion had more to do with Hillary trying to be the conventional statesman and trying to cast Obama in a bad light. If there are substantial differences that cause debate and friction that can be good. If there are substansive policy differences that can not be mediated then that could be very destructive.

It's a dangerous dance, but I think more of a balance beam than a tight rope.

Edit: I thought both the Clintons were Lawyers. In fact, wasn't Bill disbarred and Hillary a lawyer in a pretty high powered office?

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I am ABSOLUTELY NOT a Social Conservative.

A quick scan of any thread re: abortion, the death penalty etc will easily prove you're misplaced vitriol again.[/

Vitriol - something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism.

I appologize I didn't mean to insult you in suggesting you were pro life.

It seems to me that you are a very loyal Republican voter, and most of them are social conservatives... I didn't mean to mischaracterize your position.

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How the hell did I miss this diddy?

I'm pro choice, pro death penalty, pro gay rights, pro drugs and pro environment.

Where does that put me on the social issues?

I'm 1 for 3... with Big mike not checking in yet...

KoolBlue you are also critisizing the Dems lately. Is there a moderate GOP contingent left, I'm not aware of?

Try this on for size... Kilmer and Koolblue are socially liberal? Lefties. Pinko's.

That doesn't sound right.

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I'm 1 for 3... with Big mike not checking in yet...

KoolBlue you are also critisizing the Dems lately. Is there a moderate GOP contingent left, I'm not aware of?

Try this on for size... Kilmer and Koolblue are socially liberal? Lefties. Pinko's.

That doesn't sound right.

It fits in perfectly with my conservative beliefs.

Keep your government off my lawn.

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Ive been called worse.

You'll notice that most of my posts show a disdain and VITRIOL towards the Democratic party and the ultra left wing liberal agenda.

That doesnt mean I disagree with their positions all of the time, more that I disagree with their tactics.

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The change comes from the top. To the extent that Obama is filling his administration with Clinton people, how is it a BAD thing to surround yourself with people who are experienced at getting things done?

Every single person hired and appointed at this stage will serve at the pleasure of the President. To the degree that their ideology (currently or previously) differs from that of Obama is irrelevant. They will seek to implement and support the President's agenda. How is it a bad thing to have employees that can do what you ask them to do?

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