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WP-Redskins Insider: Sean Taylor To Enter The Ring of Honor


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Sounds good, then there won't be any more need of honor him threads.

Between your absolutely disgusting and deplorable signature and your inhumane comments (not just in this thread), I think that ES would be better off without your posts.

Taylor deserves this honor, as he would have been there in twenty to thirty years, anyway.

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Between your absolutely disgusting and deplorable signature and your inhumane comments (not just in this thread), I think that ES would be better off without your posts.

Taylor deserves this honor, as he would have been there in twenty to thirty years, anyway.

And yet somehow, he has over 4,000 posts. Obviously he must know what hes talking about, the youngster with that much time on his hands.

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Retire #21.

I'm beginning to think otherwise about retiring 21, or retiring any number for that matter. There will never be another Sean, or Darrell, or Art or Riggins... but what an incredible honor for a player to have the team (who would dispense these numbers) to bestow the 21 on you, or any of these numbers above. I don't think it lessens the first or latest great 'owner' of that number. I look at it from more of a 'this is how highly we think of you, to be mentioned in the same breath as Sean'.

I'm biased in this argument from my soccer days - the 10 shirt for Argentina being perhaps the most notable example.

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ST does "Not" belong in the ring of fame.

Leave it to Dan to cheapin what should be an incredible Redskin honor just to get fans to show up at the stadium.

Maybe he should have done it Monday night.

One of the dumbest things that I've ever read, and I work with people who have developmental disabilities.

Seriously, man, that was absolutely preposterous. You sure you're not a longtime fan of some other team?

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Hypothetical question, if Portis left soon and we signed LT and he wanted to wear 21, what would you say?

I would say...why did we pick up a guy who is going to be out of football soon and has seemingly lost a step because he carried his team for to long? And then I would say...I don't care if you are Jesus MotherFlipping Christ! Pick a different # because our FS is already 21.

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Grammar police time.

ST does "Not" belong in the ring of fame.

Leave it to Dan to cheapin what should be an incredible Redskin honor just to get fans to show up at the stadium.

Maybe he should have done it Monday night.

Besides the idiocy of the post, which members have already commented on, why is the word "Not" in quotes? And why is the "N" capitalized? And what does "cheapin" mean? Did you mean "cheapen?"

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ST does "Not" belong in the ring of fame.

Leave it to Dan to cheapin what should be an incredible Redskin honor just to get fans to show up at the stadium.

Maybe he should have done it Monday night.

I don't think that is what is happening at all. Many fans also believe that Sean Taylor belongs in the Ring because of what he meant to this team and all the fans. Sean Taylor was the favorite player to an entire generation of fans and for many of us younger fans, he will ALWAYS be our favorite player of all time. Look at the impact he had on the guys he played with. Look at Santana Moss and Clinton Portis. Listen to what his coaches have said about him. Read the articles about what he meant to Landry in the very short time they played together and knew eachother. From the first time he stepped on that field in that beautiful burgundy and gold Sean Taylor WAS the Redskins! Sean Taylor stood for the type of passion and intensity that every fans dreams his players will have. Sean Tayor played the type of smash mouth, take no prisoners football that we all are proud to call Redskins football. Maybe he didn't play for that long. Maybe he didn't have a HoF career. But whenever Sean Taylor took the field he played his heart out for our team! When I watched him play it made me feel like a kid again. When I watched the way he threw himself around the field with a love of the game that was absolutely unmatched I couldn't help but cheer at the top of my lungs. When I talked to people about the plays he made I couldn't help but smile from eaer to ear with pride that Sean Taylor was a Redskin. I couldn't believe my eyes when he would come flying onto my TV screen to make a bone crushing hit or acrobatic interception. I couldn't believe how EVERY TIME the ball was on the ground here would come my favorite player to scoop it up. Sean Taylor was the most amazing player I have ever seen step onto a football field and I cried my eyes out when he died because I knew I would never get that feeling back. I knew that I would never be able to watch another athlete with that same child's enthusiam and wonder. Sean Taylor will ALWAYS be Redskins football to me. And I know many fans feel the same way. That's why he deserves to be inducted into the ring. And if you can't understand that then I feel sorry for you brother.

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