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Huizenga to sell Dolphins because of Obama


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Huizenga wants to sell Ross another 45 percent of the team by Dec. 30, the source told The Palm Beach Post. Huizenga is believed to be motivated by his belief that Barack Obama will win the presidency and help implement tax policies that would take a bigger chunk of Huizenga's revenues from a sale.

Well, there's one change already being implemented and the election hasn't even taken place yet.


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Huizenga has been threatening to sell for a decade. He's such an ass.

Yes, he has been threatening to sell, but I do not think he is an ass. I met him a few years ago and he was much more genuine than any of the other (granted it is not many) double extra super rich people I have ever met.

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The Grand Ole Rich White Guys Party

Oh stop! There are plenty of rich black people who are Repub. and its kinda of offensive to say that.

In otherwords, is Obama the party of the poor black man looking at this as a chance to get one over on whitey.

Im just saying, no reason to bring race into it. :2cents:

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Oh stop! There are plenty of rich black people who are Repub. and its kinda of offensive to say that.

There is only one party in this election that benefits the rich. My bad the Grand Ole Rich Males and Females Party.

Sorry for offending you. But take a look back at the Republican Convention and think about how much diversity you've seen.

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Oh stop! There are plenty of rich black people who are Repub. and its kinda of offensive to say that.

In otherwords, is Obama the party of the poor black man looking at this as a chance to get one over on whitey.

Im just saying, no reason to bring race into it. :2cents:

Says the GOPer who has had exactly 2 black members represent its party in Congress the past 80 years.

The fact is, the GOP is a largely homogenous party. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it works for them. I suspect though, it won't work for them much longer.


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Seems like a smart move. Especially if he was already looking at doing the deal prior to The Messiah's Socialist Redistribution of Wealth rantings. If I owned a business I'd probably be seriously looking at selling it myself considering what The Messiah is likely looking to do to anyone who he considers "wealthy".

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Says the GOPer who has had exactly 2 black members represent its party in Congress the past 80 years.

The fact is, the GOP is a largely homogenous party. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it works for them. I suspect though, it won't work for them much longer.


Mostly homo's huh?

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Says the GOPer who has had exactly 2 black members represent its party in Congress the past 80 years.

The fact is, the GOP is a largely homogenous party. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it works for them. I suspect though, it won't work for them much longer.


Excuse me. Who you referring to as the GOPer?

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Says the GOPer who has had exactly 2 black members represent its party in Congress the past 80 years.

The fact is, the GOP is a largely homogenous party. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it works for them. I suspect though, it won't work for them much longer.

I think it will keep working for them IF they decide to return to the concept of CONSERVATISM (a philosophy not embraced by large portions of the black population) as the defining principle of their party.

Now, if they decide to move even further towards the center of the political spectrum than their current candidate has taken them, then yes they will need to become, and likely will become more varied in their membership.

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Meh. I lose track of who supports who these days..especially with all the rats jumping ship.


That said - I have no idea what political position you take and should have stated...says the person who is a talking about a party that...

You ****.....how dare you do that! I am personally offended. ;)

I was just confussed by your reply b/c i have pretty much stayed out of the political mudslinging on here. You should know Im more worried about the state of Michigan football then this president race. :D

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Profits from NFL franchise ownership have been flat for the past two years.

With the coming (Bush) recession, the value of the franchise will probably go down. He's just timing the sale correctly.


Well, there's one change already being implemented and the election hasn't even taken place yet.


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