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Factcheck: Obama's False Medicare Claim


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Obama's False Medicare Claim

October 20, 2008

Updated: October 21, 2008

He accuses McCain of proposing to cut benefits. Not true.



In a TV ad and in speeches, Obama is making bogus claims that McCain plans to cut $880 billion from Medicare spending and to reduce benefits.

  • A TV spot says McCain's plan requires "cuts in benefits, eligibility or both."

  • Obama said in a speech that McCain plans "cuts" that would force seniors to "pay more for your drugs, receive fewer services, and get lower quality care."

  • Update, Oct. 21: A second Obama ad claims that McCain’s plan would bring about a 22 percent cut in benefits, “higher premiums and co-pays," and more expensive prescription drugs.

These claims are false, and based on a single newspaper report that says no such thing. McCain's policy director states unequivocally that no benefit cuts are envisioned. McCain does propose substantial "savings" through such means as cutting fraud, increased use of information technology in medicine and better handling of expensive chronic diseases. Obama himself proposes some of the same cost-saving measures. We're skeptical that either candidate can deliver the savings they promise, but that's no basis for Obama to accuse McCain of planning huge benefit cuts.

Go to the link for the full analysis...
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I live in Florida, and Mom's favorite show is Matlock. Half the advertisements on her TV are for drugs (mostly for arthritis). She probably gets one Obama ad every 15 minutes. (We're in a blue town in a red state.)

But I haven't seen that one.

But I trust factcheck. Really wish more "reporters" did this kind of thing. Just seems funny that they aren't shoving that one down Mom's throat. (Yet.)

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Won't get it from me.

I hate stuff like this, from both sides.

That's all I can really say about it.

I just love this post.

both sides..disgusting.

its so true and i just wish someone would be like "look, this is what i can do and this is what i cant. i wont blow smoke up your ass by telling you what you wanna hear either" and be able to believe him. :2cents:

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I love the tags people have added to the thread. I added the "false campaign ads" one, but to whoever added the rest, yes we all know Factcheck is conservatively biased. :rolleyes:

It just speaks volumes about how when the tailgate is flooded with negative threads about McCain/Palin, a thread is started that exposes falsehood from Obama's campaign, all of a sudden its a hate campaign against him.:doh:

Grow up people.

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It just speaks volumes about how when the tailgate is flooded with negative threads about McCain/Palin, a thread is started that exposes falsehood from Obama's campaign, all of a sudden its a hate campaign against him.

Where in this thread does someone say that it's a hate campaign against him? If what Obama is saying is false, then it's false.

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I heard the add and said:

The Republicans are trying to kill old people: check that one off the list.


That's a little unfair. Republicans don't want to kill old people, they just don't want the government to live up to it's responsibility to pay for their meds. I'm sure the Republicans have nothing against wealthy old people who can afford to pay for their own meds...

Here is the Wall Street Journal's story confirming that John McCain's "revenue nutral" healthcare plan would in fact gut a trillion dollars from Medicare and Medicad over a decade. They quote a senior McCain staffer as confirming it.


McCain Plans Federal Health Cuts

Medicare, Medicaid Spending Would Be Reduced to Offset Proposed Tax Credit

John McCain would pay for his health plan with major reductions to Medicare and Medicaid, a top aide said, in a move that independent analysts estimate could result in cuts of $1.3 trillion over 10 years to the government programs.

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That's a little unfair. Republicans don't want to kill old people, they just don't want the government to live up to it's responsibility to pay for their meds.

And not paying for old people meds = death.

But it does show the Repubs want to balance out Social Security :).

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Where in this thread does someone say that it's a hate campaign against him? If what Obama is saying is false, then it's false.

It looks like it's mostly true....

The McCain camp said their 5k tax deduction for health insurance would be budget neutral and offset by cuts in medicare and medicade...

Obama says that's about a trillion dollars worth of cuts over 10 years. Which means deep cuts in services.

McCain's camp responds says they believe they can ring most of those savings out of these programs by fighting fraud... and that when they were talking about a trillions dollars worth of spending cuts for the programs, they didn't say they'd cut services..:silly:

Mr. Holtz-Eakin (senior McCain budget advisor) said the Medicare and Medicaid changes would improve the programs and eliminate fraud, but he didn't detail where the cuts would come from. "It's about giving them the benefit package that has been promised to them by law at lower cost," he said.


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If he's going to cut 1.4 trillion over 10 years, and he is refusing to detail where the cuts will come from, it is reasonable to assume that benefits could be reduced.

In fact, I would say it is a probability. If you look at McCains stance on veterans benefits, you can use that as a predictor. Veterans benefits are not a priority for McCain, and neither will be medicare benefits.

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If he's going to cut 1.4 trillion over 10 years, and he is refusing to detail where the cuts will come from, it is reasonable to assume that benefits could be reduced.

In fact, I would say it is a probability. If you look at McCains stance on veterans benefits, you can use that as a predictor. Veterans benefits are not a priority for McCain, and neither will be medicare benefits.

Do all seniors need medicare benefits?
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Do all seniors need medicare benefits?

Do you know seniors that have private insurance? It's usually covered by employers, so once you are retired, that's it. You're on Medicare.

Some employers pay for insurance after you retire, but it is a minority, and usually tied to local government, not private employers.

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If he's going to cut 1.4 trillion over 10 years, and he is refusing to detail where the cuts will come from, it is reasonable to assume that benefits could be reduced.

In fact, I would say it is a probability. If you look at McCains stance on veterans benefits, you can use that as a predictor. Veterans benefits are not a priority for McCain, and neither will be medicare benefits.

Unless, I misread or misunderstood the fact check the problem is that Obama is claiming the samething w/ respect to recouping money via making undisclosed cuts.

The inaccuracy is really that Obama is saying that McCain WILL have to cut benefits, but that in other places that he will somehow cut the expenses, while not cutting benefits.

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Do you know seniors that have private insurance?
Yes. Several in fact.

It's usually covered by employers, so once you are retired, that's it. You're on Medicare.

Some employers pay for insurance after you retire, but it is a minority, and usually tied to local government, not private employers.

It would be interesting if we could find some more statistics on this.
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