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What is wrong with people???


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So this weekend my wife and I and another couple go to Knott's berry farm to attend their annual Halloween Haunt. where they transform the park for the month of October at night for a huge haunted house sort of thing. Mazes and monsters.

Anyway, we are standing in line for this one maze and my friend gets pushed out of the way and I than get bumped by these three people pushing thier way up to the front of the line.

My friend speaks up and says "WTF". They ignore us and keep moving. They end up about two people ahead of us. My friend keeps saying stuff and eventually they yell at us telling us that they had friends up ahead.

A verbal assault insues and we try to explain to them that they were being rude and we would have gladly let them through had they asked nicely and excused themselves.

They proceed to launch verbal F bombs at us, as if they are intitled to what ever they want because they are who they are.

Incident #1.

Moving ahead, we are now in another line for another maze and the line gets tied up and as we look ahead, we see that people aren't wanting to walk all the way down the row, so they are basically lifting the ropes and cutting into the closer line. Not just 1 or 2 people but 20-30 at a time.

When anyone spoke up we got the :finger:

further down the line, a young (I'll call him a punk) who isn't even in line lifts the rope and pushes me out of the way to get into the line. This time I speak up and say "I don't think so dude" and he gets up in my face and says " Oh I think so" I had had it and tell him that if he doesn't leave I will physically remove him.

Luckily event staff saw him and try to remove him, but he even bullies them and refuses to get out of line. It wasn't until some guy behind us who was fed up too, threatens him with bodily harm that he leaves.

My point to all of this, is when did people become so retarded and unkind that other people are just meaningless??

We have been waiting for a good long time, and these people think that they are so special that they can just cut in front of us and threaten us if we don't like it??

I would have never thought of doing that when I was a kid let alone when I am an adult!!!! have we gone so far now that our society has become an FU culture. ME ME ME and everyone else can F off???

These people weren't even sorry. didn't care. In fact, it was our fault for pointing out to them that they were breaking the rules and being rude and illmannered. What is wrong with people??

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Just a lot of self-centered behavior out there. And yes, I do think this type of mindset has escalated and gotten worse, especially with kids. I've been back-talked, names, etc. by little punks when I worked at my dad's office...stuff I was punished big-time for as a child and would never think of doing to an "adult."

My mom is a choir teacher and I swear to heavens she comes home at least once a week with some story of a crazy-ass kid she had to discipline. I'm like "flunk 'em." But she says she feels badly flunking a second grader in choir or something, evidently I'm the one with the ice cold heart. lol. She has conferences with their parents and basically gets the same crap from them, rude, disrespectful behavior.

I don't know why it's devolved, even when I was in school, but it has. I'll tell you what though, my kids are not going to be like that. :stick: :D

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I see this behavior a lot these days. I believe most of this disrepectful behavior is caused by a lack of discipline in the household when they were children, or kids always being rewarded without earning it. We live in a society these days where spanking, or a bar of Ivory soap raked across a childs teeth is called "child abuse." :rolleyes:

This same type of behavior is carried over to retail and restaurant establishments where the poor customer service by teens and young adults is prevalent.

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Sadly, this attitude exists amongst Redskins fans. In the Tailgate Park & Walk field, waiting in line to leave (there are two lanes to exit that eventually merge) impatient ******** always drive through the rows to the merge point. Like they can't see the lines or are immune to waiting in them.

Also, on interstates when they announce a lane closed ahead and 95% of the people merge early, there are always those 5% that are ******** that zoom down the closed lane and cause backups because they are "entitled" to be further up the road.

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Guest sith lord
I blame the 80' and MTV for the Me First generation being made to seem cool.

True, but it's mostly bad parenting. I'm not just talking for the sake of talking, I can give you plenty of examples from my own family.

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Yea, some teenagers are jackasses. Some people just need a good whippin.

And teenagers have always been jackasses. Things haven't gotten drastically worse because of MTV or whatever. Those just describe why teenagers today may be jackasses.

I laugh when my dad talks about my generation in those terms. I've seen the Woodstock pictures dad, you had a 2 foot afro and no shoes on. :D

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Guest sith lord
Im the guy in the back that would tell him I was going to beat his ass if he didnt get out of the ****ing line. I dont put up with that **** at all and when a "punk ass kid" as I call them disrespects me I give him ONE chance and then I will physically make him stop.

That all sounds good, but what if he pulls out a knife or gun? To me, the only time to get into a fight is when you or someone who's defensless is about to be harmed.

That's just my opinion.

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Im the guy in the back that would tell him I was going to beat his ass if he didnt get out of the ****ing line. I dont put up with that **** at all and when a "punk ass kid" as I call them disrespects me I give him ONE chance and then I will physically make him stop.

I agree with your sentiment, Mike -- but what if you do beat his ass, the cops get called, and you get charged with assault?

Is that worth it because some kid was punking you?

Honestly, as an adult, there just doesn't seem to be too many ways out of these sort of situations where both your pride and your reputation makes it out unscathed. :2cents:

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I agree with your sentiment, Mike -- but what if you do beat his ass, the cops get called, and you get charged with assault?

Is that worth it because some kid was punking you?

Honestly, as an adult, there just doesn't seem to be too many ways out of these sort of situations where both your pride and your reputation makes it out unscathed. :2cents:

you snatch a kid up by the fat of his neck and physically lead him to where you want him to go and he will be demoralized. if then he decides that he wants to take a swing that is just offering you a chance to do what you wanted to do anyways. most cops will see that you are really calm but were not going to let some punk kid (who will most likely be talking **** when they come) disrespect or physically get in your face.

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That's why I avoid crowds as much as possible --- and I'd attribute a lot of this tacky behavior to parents. You've got to teach kids at a young age that the world doesn't end and begin with them. That there are consequences for their actions and not let them get away with being nasty. These little brats grow into adults asses.

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you snatch a kid up by the fat of his neck and physically lead him to where you want him to go and he will be demoralized. if then he decides that he wants to take a swing that is just offering you a chance to do what you wanted to do anyways. most cops will see that you are really calm but were not going to let some punk kid (who will most likely be talking **** when they come) disrespect or physically get in your face.

Still think you're taking an enormous risk touching a person outside of your family. Considering our society's penchant for litigation and the permanent nature of a criminal record (and the effect it has on employment opty's), I'm turning the other cheek unless I'm completely backed into a corner.

To each their own, though -- I appreciate what you have to say. :cheers:

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Sadly, this attitude exists amongst Redskins fans. In the Tailgate Park & Walk field, waiting in line to leave (there are two lanes to exit that eventually merge) impatient ******** always drive through the rows to the merge point. Like they can't see the lines or are immune to waiting in them.

Also, on interstates when they announce a lane closed ahead and 95% of the people merge early, there are always those 5% that are ******** that zoom down the closed lane and cause backups because they are "entitled" to be further up the road.

Yeah that one kills me. In fact I give them plenty of space to merge (which they don't) so I am completely justified by being an A-hole by not letting them in when the lane ends and they really need to merge

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