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Get a New Punter! Who's available??? (Merged--MET)


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I've been one who was supporting the drafting and the retention of Brooks. And even my patience is wearing thin.

I don't know what the problem is -- maybe he's trying too hard. It's just like he's over-punting, or rushing his mechanics. Danny Smith needs to work with him.

Hopefully he settles down. I think he will, somewhere along the line.

I'd stay with Brooks, and see if he can right the ship, ... at least to the bye.

It's not a talent issue, because he was booming the ball in the NCAAs -- he's just got to get on-track.

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That idiot brooks punted it TWENTY SIX yards and literally gave them 3 pts on the board.

Please put Suisham in there to punt, heck even Randel El could do better I'm sure.

This game is going to give me a heart attack. Here I thought we'd gotten past our choking techniques, but you won't tell me otherwise. Even if we win, we need to drop big time in the Power Rankings.

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Come on guys he is only a rookie.

Yeah that's enough of that. He is a rookie yes but unlike other positions we have nobody to back him up if he sucks like he's been doing. This isn't a one game thing either he's done this EVERY game. You have to just say enough is enough and cut ties w/ him. He is costing us games.

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