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The skins are the most hated on team in the NFL


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:doh::doh::doh:.... This is just a homer view of the world. You go and live in any other city in this country and I guarantee that the fans have the same feelings we do. People will always complain that their team is not getting the respect of the media or the calls from the refs!

San Fran during the Steve Young era always complained that the east coast teams got all the coverage. St. Louis during the greatest show on turf seasons complained they got no respect. The giants last year (and to a certain extend this year) complained they got a back seat to all the other NFC east teams.

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While true, it seems that you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting a cowboys fan. And 90% of them have never been to texas and 30% of them could not find texas on a map if you spotted them the TEX_ _ ...

I have traveled alot and many football fans I have met (outside of Texas) all hate the Cowboys. Of course there are pockets of bandwagon fans in various parts of the nation, but overall the Cowboys are the most hated imo.

What about the Raiders? Al Davis anyone?

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Why is that?

every time the redskins put out a good team, win a game, beat a good team, make the playoffs etc... the media talks sh*t. not just this season... ALWAYS.

It might seem like always to you because you're kinda a young 'un. But it wasn't always this way.

Jack Kent Cooke was one of the most respected owners in the league. Dan Snyder, not so much.

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No matter what this team does on the field, people are going to start threads on ES about the media and their supposed hate for this team.

It's like this on every teams board around the league. Our fanbase is no different.

Never understand why people/fans care. Skins are 4-1. Enjoy that and quit hoping that some ex-player says you're team is great. Who cares?

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When was the last time the Redskins put back-to-back playoff teams together? The last time the media (at least in part) was on our nut was in 2000 and we really embarrassed them. Every year, we lose games we should not lose. Even in 2005, we lost 3 or 4 games that we should not have lost while maybe winning 1 or 2 we should not have won. Last season, we lost 4 or 5 we should not have lost as opposed to stealing maybe 1 or 2. Tell me, what indication have we given the media that they should get on our nut? I think the media tends to treat us right (that is, the way the sports media should treat every team) while treating teams like Dallas and Philadelphia as if they were fans (could be because they are).

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It really depends. We get hated on by the media, but at least we're not completely ignored like some teams. And that's just among the media. I think if you ask football fans across the nation, they'd probably say they hate the Cowboys the most (overexposure and bandwagon fans)

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It all started 10 years ago. We've had a reputation of just spending money and not having a good agenda. Meaning, Danny Boy never really had a direction with his team, he was just flaunting his money...no one likes that.

It actually started during the petibone Season when we stunk and kept stinking for years

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While true, it seems that you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting a cowboys fan. And 90% of them have never been to texas and 30% of them could not find texas on a map if you spotted them the TEX_ _ ...
There are so many Cowboy fans out here it makes me sick!

Though last Monday was awesome, walking around my campus sporting all Skins gear. I'm known as the Redskin fan around here.:dallasuck

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cause all the commentaters are ex cowboys.. only the ones that give us credit is tom jackson, and bommer. the realist's. i dont even care if they hate on us. the reason they hate on us, is for one reason. the redskins whooped their butts, when they were playing or they are a fan of the team that got their asses whooped......

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In all honesty, while we (and especially Snyder) certainly have our share of haters, the fact is that I'm seeing a lot of football fans who are impressed and complimentary due to what the team has done under Zorn.

Anyway, quit worrying about what other people think. I'm having too much fun watching my team finally play strong football to worry about that stuff.

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Actually, what I've noticed is that they generally ignore the skins altogether. Which to me makes no sense, at least from a money/ratings standpoint.

great point. i agree, they usually just ignore us all together. they act as if we're not going anywhere anyway so they dont bother really covering us.


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I don't think we are the most hated team in the NFL. I think if you were to poll all the football fans of the country then the most hated team would be Dallas, by far.

I don't think the media hates us, they just ignore us. Because for the most part, the Redskins have been a mediocre team for 17 years now. The only time the Skins get exciting, media-wise, is when Dan Snyder creates some drama in the off-season.

Of course, if we can continue our winning streak through November, that could change. But this remains to be seen.

Now as far as commercials go, I too have noticed that you rarely if ever see someone wearing a skins jersey in a commercial. But some teams are pretty much guaranteed to show up almost every time, and I'm looking at you, Packers, Saints, Steelers.

Why no Redskins? Two things - one, as mentioned earlier, we don't grab the front page of SI, and two, I think Madison Ave is deathly afraid of being accused of being racist and the name controversy is a problem for them.

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I just looked this up for kicks...

Number of times each team has made the cover of SI since 1993:

Dallas Cowboys: 13

New York Giants: 5

Philadelphia Eagles: 5

Washington Redskins: 2*

* - you could argue 1 because the 9.23.2002 cover just happens to have a picture of some Redskins on it. The subject of the issue is Johnny Unitas and the cover photo just happens to include the Skins.

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