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The skins are the most hated on team in the NFL


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Not only that but also in commercials.. You NEVER see a redskin. I think there is 1 with CP doing a flip in the end zone, but NOTHING else... Like the pregame song for MNF or the sunday night games,, not 1 of Skins player..... I think the media is haten on us for a looonng time ago...

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Not trying to be a dick here, but who the **** cares WHAT the media thinks or says? They don't play the games any more than we the fans do. It's up to the players, and clearly they believe they're good.

So many people here harp on the Skins not getting any respect. Screw respect. I'll take the wins.

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Not only that but also in commercials.. You NEVER see a redskin. I think there is 1 with CP doing a flip in the end zone, but NOTHING else... Like the pregame song for MNF or the sunday night games,, not 1 of Skins player..... I think the media is haten on us for a looonng time ago...

Funny that flip your talking about was a TD that was called back. But one thing I've noticed. You know how during games, they show the NFL logo and hear the guy talking , "This game cannot be rebraodcasted.... blah blah blah", Sammy Baugh is the 1st player that is shown.

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It's really simple, if your a consistent winner then your gong to get more positive media attention. The Skins haven't been that impressive in the past. Look at Tampa Bay, they are a team that's made the playoffs a few times and even won the super bowl but they aren't exactly the poster boys for the NFL because their wins haven't been concise and they haven't been consistent.

The Skins have made the playoffs but its always overcoming losing records or by clenched teeth wins. This year we are winning in a dominating fashion. I know these games haven't been a blowout but anyone can clearly see we were the team in control and I think that's why were seeing the turn around in the media as a result.

FYI: this may be my longest post

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I have been watching football for a very long time and it has always been this way. When ever we are doing poorly then the media has a field day with us. But when we are doing well then you don't really hear that much.

i firmly believe that we live in a pro-Dallas media and which means that the Redskins are not going to get any respect. Which is fine with me. Don't mention my team when we are doing well, Don't give us the respect that we deserve, keep picking us to lose each and every week......then watch us come into your house and beat you up in your home town and scratch your heads in confusion.

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Other than the Girls ESPN, basically ignores the NFC east. Ask the Giants the reason they feel they dont get any respect is because when they won the SB, ESPN spent more time on why the Pats lost than they did on the Gnats winning. Were not glamourous like the NFC north, or AFC east or west. Our division is always mention as a whole, not as the individual teams in it, except of course the CowGirls.

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I have often wondered why there seems to be some unwarranted dislike for the Redskins, not only in sports writers but to me, it even seems to follow us, with how in so many ways be on the crappy end of many bad calls. Almost in a paranoid fan way like (They are all out ot get us) ...

As dumb as this may sound i wonder if there is some politically correct resentment for the teams name (Redskins), i mean look at society these days, the smallest observation of one aspect in an area here of there and the weapon of being called a racist is hurled at you. I actually know people who hate the Redskins over the name.. Its absurd..

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I have to admit that when you see a highlight reel from another team, they make it look like the redskins are on the loosing end. Example, they show the T.O. one from a couple of season ago when he uses the ball as a pillow after scoring a TD. That was the game that their game winning FG was blocked and run back by ST to setup our game winning FG. Another that stands out is a Barry Sanders clip of him putting the moves on Ken Harvey. That was a game from the Norv era that they held Sanders to something like 20 yards.

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I think the OP is dead wrong and even if he right, why would we give a **** anyways??? I care about two things: wins and losses.

THANK YOU! It's threads like this that show that some Skins' fans just aren't used to winning. I'll say it again, "We are competing and winning games that we should win. To hell with praise from the media"

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While I do admit that ESPN seems to love to hate on us constantly, if you go on any other teams message board you'll find a thread like this. The Giants get talked about on ESPN constantly and they're over there whining too about how no one gives them respect.

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