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Difference between Joe Gibbs, and Jim Zorn?


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Gibbs built team. Zorn is winning with it and is a great coach . Move on. Why be bitterto the guy who brought guys like Portis, Campbell and Cooley?

Im just stating my opinion. You are a JG fan and I respect that. But this is the difference between tasting blood, or running into the woods with your tail tucked. Zorn is what I have been so desperately wanting in a Skins coach.

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I will Guarantee you will win more ball games this way!!! Keep the ball out of the other teams hands!! How many times have the 2 and under minute comebacks come back to get the skins!!!

Yea one day this will bite zorn in a game but look at how many he will win doing it!!!!

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Im just stating my opinion. You are a JG fan and I respect that. But this is the difference between tasting blood, or running into the woods with your tail tucked. Zorn is what I have been so desperately wanting in a Skins coach.

Same here. After years of sitting back and praying we win, Zorn is ATTACKING and TAKING those victories.

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And with that kind of call you show the offense you have confidence AND the defense. See, thing is if you punt, it does NOT tell your D you have confidence. IT just tells your O you don't believe in them AND that you think the D needs the full field at their back.

Coaches and conventional wisdom has it all wrong. One yard is not that long and is a godo bet. If it comes to WINNING a game rather than letting the other team's O dictate, you take it.

That's why I could not stomach Gibbs II even when we won because we drained ourselves so much at end of games and it takes a toll. We actually had this game pretty comfortably aside from the bad call on ARE's SHOULD HAVE BEEN TD.

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Aside from the fact that Zorn is infinitely better and more aggressive than Gibbs 2.0, Zorn simply understands the modern NFL game, and Gibbs didn't.

We're not just seeing how good Zorn is, we're seeing how BAD Gibbs was. This is the exact same team it was last year. The offense is significantly better now. The bottom line is Gibbs had no idea what he was doing for the last 4 years from a coaching perspective.

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