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Difference between Joe Gibbs, and Jim Zorn?


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Gibbs is not a computer bonehead. 2.0 and 1.0 is something that was created by a idiot radio host. When you get old you will still be the same person you were as when you were young despite how much you changed.

Hey listen big mouth no need for slingin insults on me. Wanna talk idiots? An idiot is someone who acts like a tough guy on the internet, feels the need to insult someone else because their opinion differs from yours. Grow up.

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No way Gibbs goes for it there either. JZ is an evil genius. It'll come back to bite him one day but i'd always rather go down with the gun empty and that seems to be his philosophy as well. Love this coach.

It almost did. On 3rd and 1, he decided to go up top, despite the fact that Portis and Co. had rushed for 200+ yards collectively.

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Go bang metaldrumz on your ipod. And take the hall of famers name out of your head.

What a tough guy you are. You are such a badass lemme tell you. LOL.

Usually guys like you who talk big on the PC usually the biggest wimps out there. Now please stop......you're scaring me.

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Just like pointing out the obvious that Jim Zorn is more aggresive than Gibbs on 4th down and closing out games? Stop contradicting yourself.

I pointed that out because it's the difference between them, which is what this thread is talking about. Try and keep up.

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Joe Gibbs has 3 rings and Zorn doesn't have any, yet.

However, based on the last 2 weeks, I'd say one of the biggest differences is O-line continuity. All those old dirt bags are healthy, which JG never had in in 4 years. Someone was always going down for poor Ole' Joe, and it's a problem I hope Zorn never has to face.

This type O-line play, winning in the trenches, is what was missing the past 4 years, mostly because of said injuries.

Having the O-line to close out game by controlling the clock is hotness. Many times JG tried to do this, like his old school teams, but the play would always be blown up, or stuffed. Glad to see things finally coming together, the way it should have been.

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Fact: Coach Gibbs won 3 SBs with three different QBs - the only Redskins SB wins.

Fact: Coach Gibbs is a HOFer.

Fact: Under Coach Gibbs II the Redskins corrected the lopsided Cowboys rivalry and provided great moments like the Monday night Miracle.

Fact: Coach Gibbs guided this team through the emotional turmoil of ST's untimely death with a return to the playoffs.

Fact: Coach Gibbs returned the Skins to the playoffs twice after only being there one other time since his departure in '92.

Fact: The majority of this team was assembled on his watch and he saw something special in JC which looks to be paying off.

Fact: I see the same clowns...errr screen names... taking shots at him every chance they get. I will chalk it up to 1. Youth or 2. Lack of any football knowledge.

Perhaps Coach Gibbs was a bit lost in the new NFL, but he righted the Redskins ship and with Coach Zorn at the helm, the Skins can return to football glory.

Compare coaches. Make constructive criticism. Do not take shots at the Coach that has given the majority of his professional life to make this franchised one of the storied ones of the NFL.

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];5638127']It almost did. On 3rd and 1' date=' he decided to go up top, despite the fact that Portis and Co. had rushed for 200+ yards collectively.[/quote']

I guarantee you Zorn already knew was going for it on 4th down when he called that pass play. If Samuel doesn't commit a penalty (not called as usual) Thrash is running for a touchdown - game over. If he covers Thrash, JC throws it away and they go for it on 4th. That's what's great about Zorn - he thinks ahead instead of being surprised by every development that pops up (like an old coach who will remain nameless for fear of hurting people's feelings).

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Gibbs has done more for this franchise than anyone. Only a moron would feel

the need to slam him. Thank him for what he did and root for the new coach.

EXACTLY! I have been nothing but respectful of Gibbs in my posts. I only pointed out how much I love the aggressive play calling of Zorn. There's no reason to bash EITHER of them.

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