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What is brain fog?


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I have a friend who complains of "brain fog." She says it feels like their brain has been replaced with a cotton ball. She says can not remember the last time she had pure mental clarity. She is a pretty smart person, but says the brain fog makes her feel insecure and nervous. She tells me that she just feels out of it all the time. She mentioned that she is tired all day and then it is only at night that she has energy to do anything. I asked if she is depressed and she said not really. She is just upset that she has this "fog," as she describes it, always.

She didn't know what was causing or how to make it go away.I told her I know a great place to get answers. So I ask you people, what is she talking about?

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I'm inclined to think that "brain fog" is an actual slowing of the funciton of the brain. I believe that it is chemical or perhaps electrical in nature, and brought about by either an lack of something (sleep, or required nutrition).

It may also be a triggering of the unconscious side of the brain (which is activated for certain tasks that require it over the conscious side -- further details can be found in Discovery October 2008 "Is there an inner zombie controlling your brain" by Carl Zimmer.

Of course, I could be wrong.

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How consistent is this feeling? How old is she? The reason I ask is because I feel I have been confronted with this feeling at times. The best way to reduce it is to read more, have intellectual conversation more, etc.

It seems to be more active for me when I watch too much television or focus too much on something stupid (even really stupid conversation will sometimes leave me in a fog).

I am guessing I have it partly because of a high alcohol intake in my younger 20s, and partly because after leaving school I haven't been a good person to my brain in terms of mental exercise at all times, something I am definitely trying to address more and more.

That is just me being real, talking from my own personal experience. Sometimes it feels like I have a steady case of "brain fog" which is why I asked how consistent it is.

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Brain fog is just a general feeling of being off your game from a mental acuity standpoint. Usually it just means that you're just be unfocused, off-balance, and/or just plain tired.

Could be a result of any number of things... poor diet, lack of exercise, too much exercise, insomnia, oversleeping, stress, depression, overexcitement, boredom, etc.

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How consistent is this feeling? How old is she? The reason I ask is because I feel I have been confronted with this feeling at times. The best way to reduce it is to read more, have intellectual conversation more, etc.

It seems to be more active for me when I watch too much television or focus too much on something stupid (even really stupid conversation will sometimes leave me in a fog).

I am guessing I have it partly because of a high alcohol intake in my younger 20s, and partly because after leaving school I haven't been a good person to my brain in terms of mental exercise at all times, something I am definitely trying to address more and more.

That is just me being real, talking from my own personal experience. Sometimes it feels like I have a steady case of "brain fog" which is why I asked how consistent it is.

The feeling is fairly consistent, I think. She's my age. She doesn't really drink that much, although at VT I know that she binged on the weekends. She mentions that concentrating, when having a conversation, is very hard and that she is sometimes consumed with other thoughts, such as wondering how she is coming across, that it is almost impossible to pay attention and be involved with people.

I feel bad for her she is one of the coolest girls ever.

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I get the same thing sometimes. In fact I think I'm just coming out of it. Sometimes I think it's my diet, sometimes I think it's just lack of sleep. Other times, I think it's just doing the same thing over and over and a different stimulation is needed. I don't know....but it's definitely frustrating.

When people look at you and expect you to provide a snap answer on something you obviously know and you have a blank look on your face, it just makes you shake your head.

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The feeling is fairly consistent, I think. She's my age. She doesn't really drink that much, although at VT I know that she binged on the weekends. She mentions that concentrating, when having a conversation, is very hard and that she is sometimes consumed with other thoughts, such as wondering how she is coming across, that it is almost impossible to pay attention and be involved with people.

I feel bad for her she is one of the coolest girls ever.

It's possible she just needs to practice focusing on things. I'm not much of a believer, in general, in ADD or psychological disorders of most of those sorts; only few are chemical in my opinion, and many can be corrected by practice and discipline.

Personally I think just reading more and performing more intellectual activity helps. If you want to help her, maybe tomorrow have a stimulating conversation on the VP debate tomorrow.

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I've had problems in the recent past where I would feel in a dreamlike state... I'd get lightheaded, confused, slow down, weak and edgy, to the point I would snap at people (which I NEVER do)... I was thinking it was something with my blood sugar.. It sounds similar to what she was having... It's gone away lately, I think it's because I'm eating better...

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Is she taking any meds? Some medications (especially anti-depressants) can cause this. Doctors are prescribing these for all kinds of things now - neuropathy, fibromyalgia, etc. and depending on the dosage and frequency the "fog" is worse, especially within a few hours of taking the medication.

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Is she taking any meds? Some medications (especially anti-depressants) can cause this. Doctors are prescribing these for all kinds of things now - neuropathy, fibromyalgia, etc. and depending on the dosage and frequency the "fog" is worse, especially within a few hours of taking the medication.

I don't think so, but I'll ask.

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I don't know much about this "brain fog", but I have exactly the same problem. It comes and goes. I'll go weeks a time just feeling out of it. I go to work and I'm just an absolute zombie. I'm surprised that I can even get through the day in such a state.

I appreciate any advice that others are posting. Personally, I try to exercise and take vitamins when I'm feeling like that. I'm not sure if it helps or not--the foggy periods just come and go, seemingly with no reason. But I always feel a little bit sharper if I've just gone running the night before.

mifchelle might be on to something there. I experimented with Zoloft for a while and it made my brain much foggier than normal. Although even without medication, I still have frustrating down periods.

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I have a friend who complains of "brain fog." She says it feels like their brain has been replaced with a cotton ball. She says can not remember the last time she had pure mental clarity. She is a pretty smart person, but says the brain fog makes her feel insecure and nervous. She tells me that she just feels out of it all the time. She mentioned that she is tired all day and then it is only at night that she has energy to do anything. I asked if she is depressed and she said not really. She is just upset that she has this "fog," as she describes it, always.

She didn't know what was causing or how to make it go away.I told her I know a great place to get answers. So I ask you people, what is she talking about?

Sarah Palin might have an answer....or then again maybe not.

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Wrong place for that response.

This thread has nothing to do with that. Please don't put your overflow into random other threads. Thanks.

Lighten up. It was a harmless post debate quip.....I didn't mean to make light of the topic. :peace1:

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yeah, lighten up. the politicos all have brain fog, to where if they're not bashing the other team, they can't think straight. they have to post politics in every thread, or they'll shut down.

Yes we get the shakes, and start to twitch. :twitch: (always wanted to use that smiley)

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