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Dancing on the Star: Starring Tank, T.O., and a guy named Rock


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Dancing on the Star: Starring Tank, T.O., and a guy named Rock


Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:40 pm EDT

Dancing on the Star: Starring Tank, T.O., and a guy named Rock


ept_sports_nfl_experts-157598959-1222717069.jpg?ymOKsFADgVodmxTnAfter the Redskins won the final game they'll ever play in Texas Stadium, Redskins running back Rock Cartwright pulled a page out of the Terrell Owens playbook and celebrated in the middle of the big blue star at midfield. Cartwright's grand contribution to the Redskins win was three kick returns for 71 yards.

Dallas defensive tackle Tank Johnson didn't care for it, and, says Jason La Canfora of the Redskins Insider, had to be restrained from laying the smackdown on the Rock.

"This is how it is. When you win, you win with class. When you lose, you lose with class," Johnson said. "One of their guys, Cartwright, took it upon himself to celebrate on our star. "It's the fourth game of the season. No one has accomplished anything but a win. That's just disrespectful and I don't think we'd do that to them. And I'm surprised he did that to us."

Oh. So I assume Tank has had this same talk with Terrell Owens, then?

I guess I agree with Tank that it was sort of a bush league move for Cartwright, of all people, to make a show of celebrating on the big blue star, but I also don't know when the Dallas Cowboys were appointed the arbiters of class. Especially when there's a fellow on their roster who invented the practice in question.

I'm not one who's going to get all worked up about the desecration of a piece of turf with blue paint on it, but I understand that it might mean more to the Cowboys and their fans. From my perspective, the big injustice here is that someone held Tank Johnson back. A post-game brawl would've really brightened my day.

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I think the fact that this could very well be the last time the Skins play in that stadium may have motivated Rock to take advantage of the moment more than the win (although David taking down the assumed Goliath surely played a role as well lol)...I'm not crazy that he did it, but I'm not upset too much that he did, either.

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I say f&*% em ... their fanbase, and the media have disrespected us more than they care to remember.

This just proves that they are just as sore losers as they claim everyone else to be. Personally, I love hearing all the fans and the media get all uncomfortable, squirming in their seats and getting their panties in a wad. Maybe if they had TRULY held themselves with more class when they were winning (and been a tad bit more humble and modest about it), they wouldn't feel so disrespected when they lose.

I also find it hilarious, that the Dallass fan base, as well as the media and their bandwagoners feel they are "just" in proclaiming themselves as the SB favorites through week 3, yet they lose and get their asses handed to them on prime time by a 11.5 underdog, and all of a sudden "it's just one win" and "this is the Skins SB" and "it's only week 4."

The whole notion that they are "used to winning" and that "this game means more to skins fans than Dallass fans" is totally bogus. They deny it on the outside, but when it comes time for gameday against us, their true feelings always come through. At least Skins fans have the balls to admit it is our biggest rivalry game. The whole "It's just me against the world" mantra that cowpokes faithful cling to like an old man and his dirty t-shirt with sweat stains in the armpits ... is laughable.

I never heard any of them reject the notion that they were the best team in the league before this game. I have also NEVER ONCE heard T.O. congratulate another team when he has been on the losing side.

Wade Phillips tried, and failed miserably at it. Tank Johnson needs to have his head checked, has never been any such thing as winning with class in Dallass. Talk about an oxymoron. I love it.

Dallass fans are silenced till we meet again, and whatever the outcome of that game, I'll take solace in the fact that i don;t have to listen to any of them talk **** about how this game is only a rivalry to us, because they are so dominant. 5 out of 7 is ALL that needs to be said.

Their days of winning streaks against the skins ARE OVER!

Hail to em!

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I thought Rock said after the game, he wasn't dancing that he was just looking at the Stadium?

It's all ridiculous. I'm sorry, but Tank is just imagining something that just isn't there. He must get easily paranoid. All I see is one of our players doing what Monte Coleman would do after every victory. So the stupid star happens to be below his feet while doing it... :bfd: That's dancing?

Who says you can't raise your helmet while standing on the star or any other part of the field for that matter. All it is is just a lame attempt by Tank for a memo to be stuck on their BB the week they play us again. So weak in fact it won't even show up. I'm sure the other players are already saying to him "Oh shut up Tank... just SHUT UP."

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The article fails to mention that while Rock didn't have a huge contribution that game, he has had them in the past. For example returning a kickoff for a TD in Dallas last season. This was the last game in Texas Stadium, and nobody has stated definitevly if Rock was standing there or dancing, or whatever, Either way I don't mind. Tank is a hypocrite cuz TO started the whole thing, and it's the Skins-Cowboys rivalry.

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Glad Rock did this for one reason only: It underlines the IDIOT they have on their team and the deal with the Devil they made to get a guy who put his middle finger up to all Cowboys fans. It reminds everyone when TO starts whining that they are putting up with a real jerk on their team.

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