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The word "bama"


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Have you heard the word "bama?" You know, the word you say when calling someone a loser..."man, he's such a bama!" I remember hearing it when I lived in northern va...all the time.

So I come out here to Cali and start saying Obama as OBAMa (instead of obaHma) and no one knows what I'm talking about. My boyfriend has never heard the word, my coworkers have no idea...but I used to hear it almost daily in VA.

So I looked it up on wikepedia today and realized it's a DC word... but want to know if the majority of people in the DC/MD/VA area have heard it and know what it means.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bama#Bama_.28word.29 (you have to scroll down to the bottom to read the "urban dictionary" definition)

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During my time in the "urhea" I always understood it to be a general term for someone that's country, behind the times, corny or lame. Example, "So and so is such a Baltimore bama." Unfortunately, that term doesn't quite go over so well in the deep South for obvious reasons so I've had to eliminate it from my vocabulary.

One learns quickly after an exchange that goes something like this:

Me: So and so is such a bama.

Co-worker: Yure dead wrong own that. He's an Auburn feller thru and thru.

Me: Uhhh, yeah....OK

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I never knew that was only a DC thing. It's funny how there are some DC words like that that you just assume everyone else says. For example, I'm pretty sure the slang term 'lunchin' is a DC thing.

I think that's right. I've lived in NY and Seattle and no one has used that either.

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I never knew that was only a DC thing. It's funny how there are some DC words like that that you just assume everyone else says. For example, I'm pretty sure the slang term 'lunchin' is a DC thing.

I know, I was shocked when I found out nobody had ever heard of it out here bc it was so common in VA

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I never knew that was only a DC thing. It's funny how there are some DC words like that that you just assume everyone else says. For example, I'm pretty sure the slang term 'lunchin' is a DC thing.

I just asked my boyfriend if he knew what lunchin' was...he had no idea. Crazy!

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When I first heard bama, it was a term to denote someone who was poorly dressed. As a couple of years passed, I had heard it in a more general sense as to say somebody was a loser or as just a general diss.

Another word that I can think of right now that may be localized to D.C.: Ganked. Meaning, to steal.

Used in context: Man, Joe ganked my lighter when we were taking bingers yesterday, how am I supposed to smoke my jack now?

Hell, bingers and jack may be local terms too for all I know.

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I never knew that was only a DC thing. It's funny how there are some DC words like that that you just assume everyone else says. For example, I'm pretty sure the slang term 'lunchin' is a DC thing.

Yeah, that's definitely something I've never heard outside of the DC area. Oddly enough though, "shawty" went national.

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