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The word "bama"


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yeah we used OC a lot in high school

it was funny cuz when iw as up in jersey (ny slang) people would say you were od'ing


examples: he called her like 5 times last night, son was od'in!

or in sports: Yo i'm about to OD on you son!

since we're talking about slang in other cities

my good friend is from PA

and he says drawlin(g) a lot

example: zorn was drawling in that game against the giants by not running the hurry up

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"I was so blown when that bama Reggie Bush returned that punt for a TD."

I said that exact sentence word for word, lol.

that chick was a roller!

That is getting to the present day slang.

3. You might treat somone in a terrible manner. "I might say cut that bamma stuff out."

4. Someone may view as a chump or punk. "They might say look at his bamma a_ _."


example: zorn was drawling in that game against the giants by not running the hurry up

I think that means sleepin round here.

That bamma Zorn was sleeoin when he aint run that hurry up. He was acting like a gump <--- that is a word I aint hear yet.

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my friends and I used bama all the time. Donnie Simpson show had some guy come on once a week and declare someone the bama of the week....week....week.... etc

so after weekends of partying or whatever, someone that was a complete bama (loser, doofus, dumbass) would get the bama of the week term.

Lunchin is strictly a moco thing

also for whatever reason, "that's tight" is used way to much there too

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Did anyone else use the term beast?

As in: That **** was the beast. Similar to the bomb.

we took it further.

Beasting Out.

when u did something or were currently doing something so awesome/beastly compared to the people around you or the general population; usually about partying/drinking/doing something physically demanding and excelling


"I beasted out real hard while in London, I stayed up till 7:00am most nights"

Beasting out at a tailgate by pounding whiskey and shotgunning a buttload of beers, and looking sweet doing it

Basically partying real hard

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I haven't heard some of this stuff in a long time. A friend of mine who is down here in NC is from DC as well and it just dawned on me that we use DC Slang when we talk to each other. It's funny as hell to be speaking to someone else and then all of a sudden break into, "Ay jo, you tryin to crack on that young'n?" or "I can't believe bamma *ss Dallas won that joint Monday night"

Good times man.

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Man, I forgot about the bama of the week....week....week. That was hilarious.

How about bunned up? Do people use that anywhere other than the DC area?

Bunned up as in "man, Craig's not gonna hang with us tonight...he's bunned up" ...meaning he had a girl or girlfriend

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Have you heard the word "bama?" You know, the word you say when calling someone a loser..."man, he's such a bama!" I remember hearing it when I lived in northern va...all the time.

One of my best friends says it all the time. He's got me saying it. I can't talk to him this week though. He's a Cowboys fan. What a Bama! :)

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Mug, wow that was a good one. I remember when I arrived at my first duty station in Germany I used mug and everyone looked at me like I was stupid. WTF is a mug? I got so tired of being asked what it meant that I quit using it.

Rack, that was a good one too.

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