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Is Obama a Muslim?


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I wanted to start this thread since Sarge and I was having this discussion, and it become evident that we had side-tracked from the OT of the thread. Yes, I know this has been discussed, but I would like to get to the root of the matter, even if it seems like a bit of a contentious subject.

Thus, the question is simple: Do we really believe Obama is a Muslims? And if we do, what does that mean to us? What sort of fears or anxieties does that produce? I would really like to hear some honest replies from folks, just because I am curious to the thinking behind some of our positions:

I am continuing from Sarge's last reply (which is in bold) to one of my posts, which I put into italics, followed by my secondary reply:

Let me ask you this: Do we have American Muslims? And, as president, isn't a president supposed to show sympathy for ALL Americans? So, by that virtue, doesn't the president show "sympathy" for Muslims? After all, in spite of the hatred that some show for president Bush, he has gone out of his way to show "sympathy" for the Muslim faith, even calling it a religion of "peace."

Is a president required to have sympathy for an American serial killer? Or child rapist?

I assume you are suggesting that a president does not have to give sympathy to the worst elements of our society, and that may be true. I would hope that you aren't equating Muslims to serial killers or child rapists, at least Western Muslims. (And I am aware of the sometimes archaic behavior demonstrated by some Muslims.)

Maybe sympathy isn't the right word - empathy?

A Muslim-American is an American - that is the point. And, as president, he is required to consider them as his constituents as anyone else, unless for good cause.

After all, in spite of the hatred that some show for president Bush, he has gone out of his way to show "sympathy" for the Muslim faith, even calling it a religion of "peace."

Yes, Bush has gone out of his way, and what has it gotten him? The world supposedly hates us and we have a muslim community here that while it does help in the tracking of *******s, is also very slow if not outright neglectful to condenm terrorists acts.

Well, Bush is hated by some in the world for various reasons. Just showing respect to another religion probably doesn't cancel out some of the other reasons.

Every Muslim isn't in the US isn't the same - heck, some don't even belong to a Muslim "community" because they aren't that devout.

Do you think we are headed to a final, conclusive showdown between Us and Them, and if so, what does that mean for the state of American Muslims?

I mean, what type of sympathy are we talking here? Wearing a bomb vest into Congress? Invading a Christian nation instead of a Muslim one? What does that really mean?

And no, I don't think he's going to do any radical muslim ****. But I do think it could affect his judgement in regards to Israel, make him more symapthetic to organization like Hamas and Hezzbo (In a Jimmy Carter way) and will make him a lot more hesitant to pull the trigger on an islamic country that may need to be whacked in the future.

Ironically, there are folks who think Obama is merely a puppet of the "evil joos" since he has expressed support for Israel.

I see your point, though, in regard to potentially misplaced sympathies and poor decision making due to that. But I believe this can go both ways - we also need enough impartiality to make good decisions, as far as Israel is concerned. Even the Bush administration has deviated from some positions held by pro-Israel supporters, because it a resolution of Palestine can only happen with Israel's full backing.

I also have a concern, but it actually has to do with folks such as Rev. Hagee who believes that a conflict, possible nuclear, is inevitable with Islam. These are the folks who are called "Christian Zionists" whose support of Israel seems to transcend being an American, and beyond into something else, into a super-Christian "crusader." This sort of thinking has been connected to Palin's church., and while I am not convinced she believes in this, it did have my worry on the affect on her judgment.

Thus, we all have our concerns when it comes to the faith of others, it would appear. As far as your last point, though, I do believe that is a valid concern and not entirely unreasonable.

The question comes down to whether or not Obama has shown sympathies in the past.

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I'm not so sure why the left is so afraid of Obama possibly being a muslim. Why does it matter?
I don't think the left cares (I'm a libertarian; I think :bfd: ) but you've got all the bigots and idiots COUGHsargeCOUGH) who won't vote if he was Muslim :doh:
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After beating the dead horse, Baculus has decided to shoot it too.

Long time ago, on one of my government projects, we has a cartoon in the conference room.

Picture shows a group of cave men, squatting around the skeleton of some creature.

Caption: This meeting has been called in order to discuss the meat. It has been pointed out that there is no meat. Motion has been made that we fight over the bones.

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I think that's a good point. What's the big deal? :whoknows:

I agree...I think...;)

However I don't get why people like to make not voting for Obama into a bigotry or racist thing.

Obama isn't offering us anything other politicians haven't offered us.

What is the "change" he really is going to give us? I am against Universal Health Care or whatever form of health care you want to phrase it. I can give specific and real reasons why I am against it. So that in itself makes it hard to vote for him.

And for the realists out there, no president is going to change the inner workings of our political process. If you want to be real, it is what it is.

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Love to hear it..

God knows, Americans dont need any of that "pesky" health care coverage.


I have family in Tennessee that get free health care coverage. Care to hear about it?

I love how people don't get it.

It's not as simple as oh, poor johnny doesn't have health care. His parents can't afford it.

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Can you post a link?

I have been looking for one, to be honest I am having a hard time finding one. I am 90% sure at this point that I heard something about this during the opening ceremony when the Kenyan contingent entered the stadium.

I very well could be wrong about the IOC bit, however it still doesn't answer the question why Obama would campaign with Odinga.

I am not sure what to say at this point, unless I find something, I guess I am wrong?

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I have family in Tennessee that get free health care coverage. Care to hear about it?

I love how people don't get it.

It's not as simple as oh, poor johnny doesn't have health care. His parents can't afford it.

I have family in.. R.I., MASS, PA, VA, NC and FL.

And simply put.. They dont get it.

Neither do I.

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