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Is Obama a Muslim?


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Then how does having a Quran in his house make him Muslim? I'll admit I haven't read the thread, but from the few posts I've read, I can't see the direct connection.
In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.

Sounds like he is making an statement on equatability

Do you put that Bible next to a stack of Playboys?

Do you put that Bible on top of the Comic Books?

Maybe the Bible was a MYTH to Obamas Mom?

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In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.

Sounds like he is making an statement on equatability

Do you put that Bible next to a stack of Playboys?

Do you put that Bible on top of the Comic Books?

Maybe the Bible was a MYTH to Obamas Mom?

Or maybe, while having a strong religious understanding from the Bible and the Quran, he could read the Greek, Norse and African myths which 9/10 provide valuable morals and life lessons?

I may be Muslim but that doesn't preclude me from studying classics. I think you're reading far too much into the wording of a statement.

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In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.

Sounds like he is making an statement on equatability

Do you put that Bible next to a stack of Playboys?

Do you put that Bible on top of the Comic Books?

Maybe the Bible was a MYTH to Obamas Mom?

You're taking what you read and twisting it to fit whatever agenda it is that you have. I have a couple of Bibles. It's on a bookshelf right next to the Koran, and Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Jesus Papers, The Messianic Legacy, along with a host of other books that fall into a certain category-RELIGION. It has nothing to do with equatability.

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Do you know for sure the Bible isn't a myth? .......
........I have a couple of Bibles. It's on a bookshelf right next to the Koran, and Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Jesus Papers, The Messianic Legacy, along with a host of other books that fall into a certain category-RELIGION......
Thanks for making my point
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Then how does having a Quran in his house make him Muslim? I'll admit I haven't read the thread, but from the few posts I've read, I can't see the direct connection.

Yup, part of Freemasonic rituals involve the Qur'an among other Scripture. Does that make all Freemasons Muslims?

Heck, there are plenty of "Muslims" with Qur'an's lying around the house that do nothing but gather dust. I'm sure that can be said about any Scripture.

The problem with this entire discussion is that this discussion exists in the first place. It's really embarassing and shameful to see us speak in a way that goes against everything so many of us are taught as Americans. The fact that a man's religion has garnered so much hatred pointed towards him shows just how powerful the media and the education system in America is in conditioning the people with negativity, and it's easy at will. We're not talking about some weirdo, freak idea of a religion. We're talking about Islam, the second largest religion in the world and one that will overtake Christianity eventually as being the largest according to rate of growth (if, of course, the growth rate stays about the same). Furthermore, it is a monotheistic religion, one based on the same "Judeo-Chrisitian" values so many love to claim America was founded upon (which it was).

What most fail to realize is Islam has as much a claim to those values as Judaism and Christianity. The similarities of the religions far outweigh the differences, granted, the differences are important and fundamental.

What this discussion proves is that a majority of Americans have been influenced so strongly by Zionist thought that it's reached the point of brain washing. Evangelical Christianity has almost strictly become about Israel and Judaism. If that statement really hurt anyone I'm sorry, and I don't mean to hurt anyone, however, you're only proving the previous statement. All it takes is a little bit of listening (with an open heart) to what "televangelists", especially, are talking about on an almost daily basis. Chrisitianity is too great of a religion to be turned into Zionism; the belief that Israel must exist, or that Jews are somehow Divinely entitled to that land. Never in the history of Christianity has that belief ever existed, yet today, it has almost completely consumed the most outspoken segment of Christian leadership. I stress "outspoken segment" as much as possible because I'd be a total idiot to think all Christians have these ideas.

I know some will feel I've strayed from the topic of this discussion, but I haven't. All I intend to, hopefully and God willingly, help a few of us here understand is that this discussion exists for very dark and un-American reasons. It's a discussion that belittles and condescends Muslims. I know we as Americans are smarter than to fall into generalizing and misguidance that easily, no matter how much media we're bombarded with and no matter how much anger we have towards extremist and ignorant people coming from any segment of any group of any people.

I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I don't mean to, although I'm sure I have. May God guide us all. :)

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I keep my Bible on the floor. Under my bed. After reading through this thread, I guess to some, that negates my Christian beliefs.

BrandyMac - Yes, you are eviiiiiiiiiiillll for reading through the Koran. Trying to understand different cultures and even possibly the roots of some elements of extremism displayed in varying cultures...well, that's just silly you would do something like that. :silly:

Larry Equating lies propagating the notion that a person is a muslim and lies propagating the belief that someone is a CRIMINAL child molestor is insane. You can't even compare those two "analogies" in any sort of serious discussion.

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Real republicans I agree with. (less spending, tax cuts, small gov. etc.) But the repubs nowadays don't really care about that. They will tell you they do by slamming dems for trying to change things. If you breath air and have a pulse you should know that things aren't going that great in America.

A lot of things the right tries to claim as "spreading freedom and democracy" just don't work. Other countries are not America. Democracy doesn't work for other countries. It might, one day. I am well aware of the democratic peace theory, which holds true as of now.

It irks me how the right lay claim to these righteous deeds of spreading freedom to the people who most need it and yet many of them don't even know of the atrocities going on in Darfur. (The reason being is that there is no money to be made)

All conflicts in the world can be broken down into a simple matter of economics. So don't try any "this is the right thing to do type bull****"

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The Bible is probably the best story ever written. It ranks right up there with Shakespeare and Stephen King..

This thread is about Obama and his faith. Was this really necessary? I'm sure you feel so strongly about your position that you needed to make this comment, but you should've done it where it was relevant. :)

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This thread is about Obama and his faith. Was this really necessary? I'm sure you feel so strongly about your position that you needed to make this comment, but you should've done it where it was relevant. :)

I know what this thread was about. However, to say that this train wreck of a thread (not only does it commence false information in the OP but, was already beaten to death previously in numerous threads) was on topic the whole last page, you'd be feeding yourself lies.

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You know, religion doesn't just include Christianity. And for the record, there's nothing wrong with reading and learning about other cultures/religions. Accepting other people is ok. I promise it is. If you read any of these "religious books" you might know this.


You wouldn't think that religion covers more than one belief from reading a lot on this site.

I read a statistic that was taken in 1996 and then again in 2006. In 1996 14% said believers of another religion still had a chance to get in heaven. In 2006, 22% said that believers of another religion had a chance to get into heaven.

So, I suppose we are making short and small progress.

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I know there are not call out threads allowed.

So I want to ask Kilmer (who I think is a smart person and very knowledgeable about politics) how your sig can say how has your life been the past couple years (meaning a democratic congress) when we are gong to have a democratic congress for the next 2 years (at least). If McCain is running on the same policy as Bush, with the same Bush people, how do you expect it to get better by electing McCain?

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Yet you don't think Obama has done "enough" to convince people he's not Muslim. The hypocrisy is astounding.

And no, I don't blame any of that stuff. I blame stupid people for not being able to do what's best for their country. Or are you going to tell me these past 8 years have been fabulous? The sad part is they're going to win again, too.

Sad Part? Huh? So when one candidate gets elected and another one loses it's sad? No, it's the essence of a democracy. How about you and all your lib pals stop feeling sorry for yourselves? There's a reason why a guy like Al Gore LOST his home state of Tenn. in 2000. Yeah, this is what cost him the election in 2000....he couldn't even deliver his home state! Maybe the folks who know him best in Tenn. knew he wasn't the better man for the Presidency? And as for the past 8 years, there hasn't been a single attack on American soil since 911, but miserable and angry libs like yourselves only want to complain and bellyache, rather than praise and offer REAL SOLUTIONS to try and make America a better place to live. It's pathetic that people like you think the voters are stupid and idiotic when elections don't go your way. Amazing.......and you have the nerve to say I'm an idiot. Get your message out, get a candidate that IS ELECTABLE, (wow, what a novel idea, make sure your party nominates someone that the people actually want to vote for!) and get out and VOTE, and then maybe you want have the cry about an election that didn't go your way.

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Its what happens when liberals can't deal with facts

Do you even read the stuff you spew?

You try to claim he's a Muslim, and you "support" your claim by quoting a passage that says Obama's Mom believed in exposing him to several religions, while encouraging him to belong to none of them.

Oh, the horrors! You mean that, when Obama chose to follow Christianity, he was actually making an informed decision? How un-Conservative.

Your next attempt was

More Obscure religious history from the Obamination....

In which you quote, underline, and bold the sentence "So, I’ve always been a Christian.", and then accuse Obama's mother of the horrifying, mortal, sin of being open minded.

Which you then feel obligated to follow with

Was Obamas mom a Chrsitian?

Which you "support" by quoting one of Obama's Mom's friends who says that Mom thought.

Three posts. Two of which aren't even attacking Obama's religion, but are attacking Obama's Mom's religion. And two of the three containing "support" which directly contradicts the smear you're desperately trying to make stick.

It's like arguing with Sarge. I don't even have to hunt for things that say you're full of it. You provide the material that says you're full of it, without even being asked, and attach it to your own posts.

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Larry Equating lies propagating the notion that a person is a muslim and lies propagating the belief that someone is a CRIMINAL child molestor is insane. You can't even compare those two "analogies" in any sort of serious discussion.

Right. I hereby recognize a second vote that systematically, deliberately, lying about someone is morally justified, as long as you're not falsely claiming something illegal.

I think I'm going to spend the next three months following you around into every thread you post, and announcing in every one of them that you're gay. Since, after all, being gay isn't illegal, and therefore, you don't mind me lying about you.

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OK, here we go. Sarge's Official 2008 Election position on "Is Obama a Mulsim"

Dyed in the wool, five times a day on a prayer rug off the jihad muslim?


Raised in a Muslim environment until forth grade? Definately.

Now, before we get going, how many here have been to Indonesia? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Iraq? Kuwait? Afghanistan? Pakistan? Maldives? A couple of other muslim countries I can't mention. OR any other place where the call to prayer goes off over a fire siren five times a day (Except Detroit)

Think that's enough background to speak somewhat intellegently on the subject?

Thank you

Now, how many here have school memories up to forth grade?

I do

In fact, the first history teacher I had that peaked my interest in history and ultimately lead to me getting my history degree from UNC was in the forth grade. Mr George Bailey

I had a teacher in third grade named Mrs Fruworth whom I could not stand

I had a giant Polish lady teacher in second grade who, after discovering I had been hoarding library books, turned me upside down in front of the whole classs and shook me to see if I had any change in my pockets to pay the late fee

My first grade teacher was the wife of the school principle

THe first day I had to go to Kindergarten it was raining like a dog

Memoriy point made here?

Thank you

It's certainly more info than Barack has released.

Back to Barack

Indonesia is not a radical muslim country. But when you go to an admittedly muslim school, you're going to start to learn the koran. No doubt in my mind. In fact, I'll bet Barack can recite at least part, if not all of the koran to this day. And it was a muslim school

Here''s the link the the LA Times article I posted here


And as I've said before, "understanding" = good.

Any possible sympathy and/or empathy = BAD.

It will have an impact on his view of that part of the world as well as Israel. I don't want a POTUS with Jimmy Carter leanings to AQ, HAMAS, HEZZBO or any other radical muslim organizations. Those are to wiped out IMO, not "understood"

His environment and schooling has already had an impact on his awesome lawmaking formulation. Hell, one of the very, very few pieces of legislation that Obama has gotten his name on is a plan to TRIPLE our foreign policy aid to African and other Turd World countries called the "Global Poverty Relief Act"


Probably an attempt to spread our wealth to places like he grew up and where his brother lives on a dollar a day

In addition, both he and his campaign have already made numerous slips in regard to his religion.

As posted by others, his campaign was quick to say "He was NEVER a muslim". That's is, up until he made the comment along the lines of "I got in trouble in koranic studies class", then they quickly changed it to "He was never a PRACTICING muslim"

Because you know the lib saying, not everything is black and white:rolleyes:

Just last week good ol' Steffie had to correct his little Freudian slip about his muslim faith

So yes, he still has some musilm in him. There are just too many little slips to conclude otherwise.

And again, I don't want a POTUS with that kind of influence in his head leading this country at this particular time

I'm Sarge, and I approved this message

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Do you even read the stuff you spew?

You try to claim he's a Muslim, .


I said his PAST is unclear

What CHRISTIAN mother sends her kid to a MUSLIM DOMINATE school?

Changed later to a CHATHOLIC school.....why 2 years then?

I never said Obama "is" a Muslim

Get real

Talk about SMEAR

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Right. I hereby recognize a second vote that systematically, deliberately, lying about someone is morally justified, as long as you're not falsely claiming something illegal.

I think I'm going to spend the next three months following you around into every thread you post, and announcing in every one of them that you're gay. Since, after all, being gay isn't illegal, and therefore, you don't mind me lying about you.

Wow talking about beating a dead horse on a concept.

Equating following someone around and announcing they are gay or a child molestor without ANY basis is simply lying about someone.

If you are so DENSE that you cannot SEE there is some BASIS for questioning if he is a muslim then you cannot have a reasonable discussion with you.

You SEE there is no BASIS for calling Obama gay because there is nothing in his past that might indicate such.

There is something in his past which COULD mean Obama is a muslim. But you keep DEAD HORSE BEATING on a concept that is not even logical with the muslim accusation. Your lack of logic keeps you from participating in a discussion about the OP question.

Let me explain it clearly to you.

Obama never did anything I know of that might allow him to be lied about and be called a child molestor or gay.

Obama DOES have something in his past which MIGHT make you call him a Muslim.

One is a flat out lie, one is an implication based on facts.

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You know, religion doesn't just include Christianity. And for the record, there's nothing wrong with reading and learning about other cultures/religions. Accepting other people is ok. I promise it is. If you read any of these "religious books" you might know this.
The Mindset that equates All Religions as equal might be diplomatic

Might be good in conversation

Might even find Favor with the Godless


A true Believer (whatever the Religion) does not think that their religion is equal to others....they believe that their religion is SUPERIOR to others....thats what makes them true believers!

Atheists think that all religions are equal.....the Pope doesn't

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