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Is Obama a Muslim?


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I wanted to start this thread since Sarge and I was having this discussion, and it become evident that we had side-tracked from the OT of the thread. Yes, I know this has been discussed, but I would like to get to the root of the matter, even if it seems like a bit of a contentious subject.


I'll get back to this tomorrow

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Um, he said he was Muslim in an interview.

You must be an idiot if you dont think that was a Freudian slip (haha)

No, libs think they're the smartest people in the room. The mere fact that this question (Do you think Obama is a muslim?) is STILL being asked shows how poorly Obama and his camp got their message out. But no, libs will never blame themselves for doing a poor job of getting their message out....when it doesn't work out their way, they instead say the voting public are idiots....

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No, libs think they're the smartest people in the room. The mere fact that this question (Do you think Obama is a muslim?) is STILL being asked shows how poorly Obama and his camp got their message out. But no, libs will never blame themselves for doing a poor job of getting their message out....when it doesn't work out their way, they instead say the voting public are idiots....
He was joking, btw. And yes, you are an idiot.
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This has NOTHING to do with Obama. Assuming all things were more or less equal ( an election for President that had 2 candidates equally qualified where either one would surely be a good President), and 1 candidate was a Muslim, and the other candidate practiced Christianity, I would never, ever, EVER......vote for the Muslim candidate. PERIOD. America was founded (Christopher Columbus and on) on Judeo-Christian values and morals, and I am not interested in anybody or any movement that would try to re-define what it is to be an American. Oh, and if anybody has a problem with my opinion, that's just too bad....go get yourself a crying towel.

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He was joking, btw. And yes, you are an idiot.

This idiot laughed when the libs were crying when Al Gore lost Florida in 2000. (rigged voting machines, and voter suppression right?) This idiot also laughed when another lib hero named John Kerry couldn't win Ohio in 2004. This idiot laughs when libs talk about rigged voting machines causing them to lose Presidential elections. This idiot doesn't blame the voting public when my candidate loses. This idiot doesn't sit back and conjure up looney conspiracies about Bush and Cheney being behind 911.

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This idiot doesn't sit back and conjure up looney conspiracies about Bush and Cheney being behind 911.
Yet you don't think Obama has done "enough" to convince people he's not Muslim. The hypocrisy is astounding.

And no, I don't blame any of that stuff. I blame stupid people for not being able to do what's best for their country. Or are you going to tell me these past 8 years have been fabulous? The sad part is they're going to win again, too.

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child molester = muslim?

(on the outside chance you weren't kidding)

What's the big deal about people spreading lies about you? Why should you object? You must be overly sensitive on the subject of child molestation, or something.

Wasn't that your point? Why are people upset about being lied about?

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What's the big deal about people spreading lies about you? Why should you object? You must be overly sensitive on the subject of child molestation, or something.

Wasn't that your point? Why are people upset about being lied about?

I think you completely missed coderama's point. You should re-read.


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I think you completely missed coderama's point. You should re-read.
Those people are not going to vote for him anyway. So again, I'm not sure why the left is all up in arms...

Gee, what's wrong with these lefties? You lie about them for months on end, and they get all touchy and try to argue with you. What's their problem?

Every time the Right spreads the lie, again, the liberals argue with it. Why don't the people being lied about just stop objecting to being lied about?

Movie reference: If this guy would just pay me what he's spending to make me stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

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Obamas religious background is pretty muddy.....

"In his book The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama writes:

I was not raised in a religious household. For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness. However, in her mind, a working knowledge of the world's great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.

On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.In sum, my mother viewed religion through the eyes of the anthropologist; it was a phenomenon to be treated with a suitable respect, but with a suitable detachment as well.".......

......As a child in Indonesia, Obama studied for two years at one Muslim school and then two years at a Catholic school. In both places he experienced religious indoctrination, but in neither case did the indoctrination take hold: during Quranic studies he made faces and during Catholic prayers he would look around the room.


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Gee, what's wrong with these lefties? You lie about them for months on end, and they get all touchy and try to argue with you. What's their problem?

Larry, I don't know if you've been spending too much time on the board lately or what- but you are not the same poster you were 6 months ago. You're incapable of even having a grown up discussion. It's a shame- and the only reason I even bring it up is because I have a lot of respect for you as a person and as a member

Now, as for your ridiculous comparison, let me be as clear as I possibly can here. Calling someone a child molester and calling someone a muslim should not even be compared. It's an entirely different ball game. One is an outright slander- the other is (at most) just incorrect. One is against the law, the other isn't.

So if I say that you, Larry, have blonde hair- and you counter by calling me a child molester- how ridiculously stupid do you appear by saying they're both lies, so therefore should be met with the same measure of outrage? I'll let you answer that.

Because there is misinformation everywhere- about Palin, about Biden, about McCain, and about Obama. Some of it is an exaggeration of the truth, and some of it is just lies, some of it will be repeated just to divert attention, and some of it will turn out to be true. That's what the pre-election process is for, fleshing all of this out.

The Obama is a muslim deal has continued to be met with what I (and code) feel is outrage that should be reserved for calling someone, well, something BAD. Hey, Obama said he isn't, that should be good enough. And those continuing to say he is should just look stupid.

But what appears a little strange to the casual observer has been the tendancy of so many, such as yourself, to treat being called a Muslim the same as being called something horrendous- like maybe a child molester :)

So there you go. Reply if you feel like it, but I'm done in here- I'm sorry at this point I even posted in this thread. Political debate has always been heated (and great) in the ES Tailgate, but lately just quoting a post and saying "good point" in one of these threads is about the same as dropping a cheeseburger in a school of pirhanha.

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Larry, I don't know if you've been spending too much time on the board lately or what- but you are not the same poster you were 6 months ago. You're incapable of even having a grown up discussion. It's a shame- and the only reason I even bring it up is because I have a lot of respect for you as a person and as a member

Now, as for your ridiculous comparison, let me be as clear as I possibly can here. Calling someone a child molester and calling someone a muslim should not even be compared. It's an entirely different ball game. One is an outright slander- the other is (at most) just incorrect. One is against the law, the other isn't.

So if I say that you, Larry, have blonde hair- and you counter by calling me a child molester- how ridiculously stupid do you appear by saying they're both lies, so therefore should be met with the same measure of outrage? I'll let you answer that.

Because there is misinformation everywhere- about Palin, about Biden, about McCain, and about Obama. Some of it is an exaggeration of the truth, and some of it is just lies, some of it will be repeated just to divert attention, and some of it will turn out to be true. That's what the pre-election process is for, fleshing all of this out.

The Obama is a muslim deal has continued to be met with what I (and code) feel is outrage that should be reserved for calling someone, well, something BAD. Hey, Obama said he isn't, that should be good enough. And those continuing to say he is should just look stupid.

But what appears a little strange to the casual observer has been the tendancy of so many, such as yourself, to treat being called a Muslim the same as being called something horrendous- like maybe a child molester :)

So there you go. Reply if you feel like it, but I'm done in here- I'm sorry at this point I even posted in this thread. Political debate has always been heated (and great) in the ES Tailgate, but lately just quoting a post and saying "good point" in one of these threads is about the same as dropping a cheeseburger in a school of pirhanha.

Right. The problem isn't the organized, systematic pattern of lies stretching over months. The problem is the people who are getting tired of it. It's their fault for objecting to it.

In fact, their objecting to it must mean that there's something suspicious going on. They wouldn't be objecting to being lied about unless there was something they're trying to cover up, huh?

Don't blame the people performing the slander. Blame the people objecting to it.

And if you seriously expect me to believe for a moment your assertion that you just can't understand why Obama would object to this particular slander, then maybe you could explain why the people attacking him keep repeating it? If you honestly believe that a Muslim's chances of being elected President are noticeably better than a child molester's, then why is the smear campaign continuing?

Why aren't you asking the liars on this board, why they continue to repeat this lie, instead of asking the people being attacked why they're objecting to being attacked?

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More Obscure religious history from the Obamination....

"My father was from Kenya,” he said, “and a lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn’t practice Islam. Truth is he wasn’t very religious. He met my mother. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I’ve always been a Christian. The only connection I’ve had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father’s side came from that country. But I’ve never practiced Islam."


If Obama's mom was a Christian....she sure was "Open Minded"

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Was Obamas mom a Chrsitian?

"She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue," said Maxine Box, who was Dunham's best friend in high school. "She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn't."


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