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Nearly 300 arrested at RNC convention protest


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Nearly 300 arrested at RNC convention protest

Police: Small groups broke windows, slashed tires, harassed delegates


MINNEAPOLIS - An Associated Press photographer and a Democracy Now! TV and radio show host were among those arrested at an anti-war march on the first day of the Republican National Convention. Both were released hours later.Police said Tuesday they arrested 286 people during Monday's event. Most of the estimated 10,000 people in the march were peaceful, but small groups that police said numbered about 200 broke windows, slashed tires and harassed delegates.

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Wonder if these are some of the same buttheads who protested the Dems last week.

If each one of these people spent their time raising money and sponsoring anti-war opinions written by non-loons, they would be infinitely more effective. Then again, amny of them are probably drawn to the drama of getting fire hosed by the cops. Have you ever known people who are drawn to that type of thing? I have. One guy I knew in HS would just jump into random fights for no reason. In a sense, he's an adrenaline junky but he doesn't get his fix from skydiving. Instead it's bar brawls and whores.

Anyway, I get the feeling that's what the 286 non-peaceful protestors are after, and they couldn't care less about world politics, suffering in Iraq, informing themselves, etc.

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Should have turned the fire hoses on them. Hippies probably need a bath anyway


My first college was a liberal ****hole and when people protested the World Bank a few years ago, a bunch of the real radical ones went up and protested. They got arrested for the weekend and thought it was the coolest thing ever. They could literally not shut the **** up about how awesome it was to get arrested at a protest.


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My first college was a liberal ****hole and when people protested the World Bank a few years ago, a bunch of the real radical ones went up and protested. They got arrested for the weekend and thought it was the coolest thing ever. They could literally not shut the **** up about how awesome it was to get arrested at a protest.


I go to the World Bank protest every year to **** with the protestors. :)

Its really a lot of fun, those kids are ****ing eggplants.

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Should have turned the fire hoses on them. Hippies probably need a bath anyway


I wish the cops could just be released on them one time and have it on tape. Then before every convention play this tape and let them dirties see exactly what will happen if they get out of line.

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The people breaking windows are the same sort that go to WTO protests and also perform acts of vandalism. They typically aren't there for the protest itself, but just to cause trouble.

I have seen videos of the police action at the RNC, and the cops are just running into crowds of people, smacking them with their batons and randomly arresting folks who aren't doing anything at all. And God forbid if you are filming the event, or the cops will give you a real hard time.

No one should be breaking stuff, but the police officers are overreacting to people who aren't even involved in such actions.

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Let me know when the next one is, we'll tailgate it. :)

I'll join you both. I go to protests in DC all the time just to **** with people. My favorite was an anti-war rally where a hippy in a communist t-shirt called me a fascist for not buying weed from him. lol

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As I said before, the fringes of each side come out during the conventions. time to break out the dogs and the hoses and wash the hippies and give them a good scare. ;)

A fair mount of the protesters are not hippies - case in point, the people running around and breaking stuff. Those tend to be anarchists, who despise hippies for their inaction to "confront the Man."

And a decent amount of the protesters are college age people who see this as a way to voice their opinion. After all, protesting is as American as apple pie - it isn't always "fringe" to protest and state your opinion as a citizen.

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A fair mount of the protesters are not hippies - case in point, the people running around and breaking stuff. Those tend to be anarchists, who despise hippies for their inaction to "confront the Man."

And a decent amount of the protesters are college age people who see this as a way to voice their opinion. After all, protesting is as American as apple pie - it isn't always "fringe" to protest and state your opinion as a citizen.

...says the hippie with the Grateful Dead logo in his sig.


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Let me know when the next one is, we'll tailgate it. :)
The WB is near Rumors and Camelot. :)
I'll join you both. I go to protests in DC all the time just to **** with people. My favorite was an anti-war rally where a hippy in a communist t-shirt called me a fascist for not buying weed from him. lol

Let me know, I'll bring the cooler and the portable grill, I'll even supply the ribs and smokes :)

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