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Which Will You Watch?


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The Skins' pre-season game or Obama's acceptance speech?

I would say flip to speech during commercials, but NC State and South Carolina hook up for the first college game of the year. That game will be kinda neat for me. I worked at Tommy Beecher's high school for a few years and actually have the same state championship ring that does. So I'm interested to watch him in his first start at QB for Carolina. The other part is that I am a big NC State fan....so I'll have to switch to that fairly often. I'll probably DVR the State game and keep it live for the skins.

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I don't need to see Apollo, the Greek God, come out for his acceptance speech.

I'll stick with the Skins game.

*For the record, I likely won't watch the McCain acceptance speech either. I think these conventions are a waste of money and time, personally.

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The Skins' pre-season game or Obama's acceptance speech?

You can watch both since Obama is big football fan there putting the game on the JUMBO TRON at INV field tonight. Obama knows its the last time to see CB5 before next AUG. So he is going to delay is speech. To watch the Skins and CB5 put a beating on those guys from Jvill. I'm voting for him he knows whats important!!!

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Let's see here. Somone comes on "Extreme"skins and poses the question political speech or Redskins? Hmmmmmm.......;)

In all fairness, this is a little more than your average political speech.

For the first time ever, an african-american is going to accept the nomination for a major political party.

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Skins will always have priority. I may also DVR the acceptance speech, but until Nov. 4th (and since I already know who I'm voting for), the Skins are the only thing on my mind this fall. Oh, I guess my family too. :D

The Phelps thing in your sig is just CRACKING me up. Where can i find that?

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