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Which Will You Watch?


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In all fairness, this is a little more than your average political speech.

For the first time ever, an african-american is going to accept the nomination for a major political party.

The fact that Obama is very, very articulate and polarizing is reason enough to watch, but it doesn't change the fact that his speech will be ladened with the same BS that every candidate before him has poisoned us with.

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I have class tonight, so the answer is none of the above. Were I home, I'd be flipping between the Skins and the NC State - South Carolina game. I get all the politics I need by reading the newspaper, I don't need to see that much of it on T.V.

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I'd rather watch the skins 3rd stringers than the DNC....

I'll wait for the debates, but even those look like they are going to be "produced" events. I want to see the candidates respond to questions and debate each other "cold turkey". The presidency is all about on the spot decision making and "going with your gut" on things. I want to know what these people like when they don't have PR people policing their every word and action.

Unfortunately, I don't think we are going to get anything like this!

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I'm not interested in seeing or hearing the same tired old rhetoric about how the country is in such bad shape, global warming is going to kill us all, Bush lied, people died, McCain is Bush II, blah, blah, blah. Plus, have you seen the collection of freaks and weirdos at this convention. I don't know where these people come from, but they sure don't look like normal everday people that I know. It's like going to the State Fair to watch all of the mutants that have come down from the hills.

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