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I think i found the best CP photo ever


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omg are the stands really that steep or is it the pic? they dont look that steep on tv? if so that must be scary to climb after a beer or 2....

Put one foot in front of the other and make it happen. Just don't be that guy on the concourse who is belly up before the game starts.

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That pic is great. Has anyone found anything similar when Portis was doing the angel hand-sign and jumping into the air? I still haven't found one of those.

Btw, joeknows: Stands are not that steep. Must be using a fisheye in that pic and distorted the background, though Gart might be thinking about what they look like after a few too many beers. ;)

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That pic is great. Has anyone found anything similar when Portis was doing the angel hand-sign and jumping into the air? I still haven't found one of those.

Btw, joeknows: Stands are not that steep. Must be using a fisheye in that pic and distorted the background, though Gart might be thinking about what they look like after a few too many beers. ;)

You could probably grab a screenshot from a video....this one's my favorite that I've been using for quite a while on my phone:


This was that image on my phone:


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