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Your best Redskin childhood memory...


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First time I've started to thread, hope it doesn't blow up in my face.

I'm 34, and lived in Northern VA my entire life, so I grew up right during Gibbs v1, the Glory Years. Had some great Redskins-related memories growing up and now that I'm a new father, I was getting a little nostalgic and thought about some of them.

- Had one of those pudgy Redskin mascots (looked like a Campbell Soup Kid, dressed like Chief Zee). Was always by my side for a game. If they lost, it was because the mascot wasn't looking at the screen the entire time.

- Mimicing the fun bunch celebration playing backyard football with my friends. One time, we actually p*ssed off the other team ala Dallas-Washington 1984 when the boys tried to break the celebration up.

- Had a 45 of Hail to the Redskins that I would play after every score. For those who don't know, a 45 is a record...that was played on a record player.

- Throwing on the Redskins helmet and diving over the pillows into my bed ala Riggo.

- Collecting the Redskins team cards from the Police/Fire Department was bigger than any bubble gum pack.

- Always wanting to catch the annual Redskins/ Cowboys off season basketball game at my elementary school. Never went, kicking myself every day for that. I'm sure that was pretty fun back in the day.

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Unfortunatley I really didn't get into football till I was 14 but my is being at a rec center during Super Bowl XXII and after the Redskins fall down 10-0 snapping a pool cue in half and trying to find a place to hide it so I wouldn't have to pay for it. But then by the time I settle down 35-10, I still laugh about it when I see a highlight of XXII

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4th and 1, Riggos Super Bowl run, I still remember jumping out of my seat with my step father watching the game, I was so happy

Marcus Allen doing a spin move the following year and ran for a td, I cried when that happened(Joe Thiesmann throwing that int for a td before halftime in the Super Bowl)

Watching Earnest Byner finally win a SuperBowl after all those years in Cleveland

Rigging taking a bow to the crowd

RFk rocking

There are so many memories with this team, so many moments that put a smile on your face. The Skins are like more than a team to me, their like an extended part of family, its hard to explain but it is.HTTR for life.

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Super Bowl against the Broncos...my sister lived with us at the time, and she was from Denver of all places. She tried to convince me to root for Denver, and I was starting to waffle a little (cut me some slack, I was 7, she was 17) but the 35 point second quarter made me realize who my team was. It's been 20-21 years, and I still give her **** about that Super Bowl.

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Living in San Diego, I was in 3rd grade and they opened the stadium up to the local crowd the day before to check it out...So f'ing sweet! We got shirts and took pictures then my dad threw a giant party for the game and we beat the living dog crap out of Denver....That memory and when I was real little all the people coming to my grandma's house for the game, that was my intro, the Super Bowel game was my first memory...

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Darryl Grant taking Hogeboom's pass into the end-zone.

Darrell Green knocking the pass away on 4th & Goal during the NFC title Game.

Ryp hitting Clark for a TD in the Super Bowl when the score was 24-10 and Buffalo had some momentum. That TD iced it!

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Judging by your post you are looking for things we did as a kid watching the Redskins? I remember having to have all my Skins gear organized just right and I had to sit the same way the whole game. I also remember lighting fireworks every time the Redskins scored in the Super Bowls, quiet night in 84 but I ran out of fireworks in the second quarter in 88.

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My fondest memory is when the Skins lost to the Dolphins in the SB - before that I had been cheering for the team whose unis I liked best. In that particular game I happened to like the Dolphins' unis better (why I still don't understand).

After the loss, and seeing how it affected my Dad, the other kids in school, the neighbors and just about everyone in the area, I GOT IT - and I've been a fan ever since.

My second best memories (three of them) are talking to my Dad after the Gibbs SB victories - that was sweet!

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I used to go all the Redskin games with my Father and Grandfather when I was younger (my Grandfather was in the Redskins marching band for about 20 years). After the skins won the superbowl in 1987, we went to a huge cookout in Carisle PA just before training camp. I got to meet most of the players & coaches which was cool (I have pics somewhere), we got to eat lunch with Dave Butz & a few other guys (not sure there names, I was only seven). I will never forget how much food was on Dave's plate....he was one of the biggest guys I have ever seen!! (Again, I was only 7)

Dave Butz was my fathers favorite player so it was cool to see them hanging out eating lunch together!!

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Mimicing the fun bunch celebration playing backyard football with my friends. One time, we actually p*ssed off the other team ala Dallas-Washington 1984 when the boys tried to break the celebration up.

That celebration breakup attemp was during the 12/11/83 game. ;)

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Became a Skins fan at 6 (when I was still living in the DC area) but moved to Philly at the age of 9, so didn't get to experience a whole lot of the Gibbs glory years down here until I moved back in late '88. I do remember going down to 7-Eleven and getting the Slurpee cups with a different Redskin on it every week. Going to my first game at RFK, a pre-season one against the Steelers (probably 1975). Going to my first regular season game when I was 15 (still childhood, I guess) at the Vet against the Eagles. Getting the series of "Hogs" shirt mailed from a friend in DC as we marched towards the Superbowl. At least being in the DC area (but not at the stadium) watching the great NFCCG against Dallas.

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Judging by your post you are looking for things we did as a kid watching the Redskins? I remember having to have all my Skins gear organized just right and I had to sit the same way the whole game. I also remember lighting fireworks every time the Redskins scored in the Super Bowls, quiet night in 84 but I ran out of fireworks in the second quarter in 88.

Either or, what you saw or what you did. Every now and then, it's nice to think back when things were more simple, more innocent, when Sundays meant Joe T's Redskins Report, followed by the show on CBS, then the game..

Also, remembered watching Redskins Sidelines Saturday or Friday evenings with Sam and Sonny....

Wearing my Doug Williams "Touch of Class' sweatshirt with pride to school the day after the SB.

Hearing that the skins signed Kelvin Bryant, and thinking that he was going to run over the league...oh well, they all can't be gems.

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I don't know about BEST. But my FIRST memory of Redskins Football was walking past the tv my Dad was watching, and seeing Kilmer staggering to the sideline with an OBVIOUS shoulder dislocation.

My best childhood memory was Riggins run to the endzone. I know it's done to death and all. But remember seeing that thing when it ACTUALLY happened?! Chills man! Chills...

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Being 29 I got to be a child during Gibbs 1 era which was great. Im a 3rd generation Skins fan so watching games with my Dad a Grandpa was awesome. I remeber when Darrell Green ran the punt back against the Bears, then the next week they beat the Vikings to go to the Superbowl. After the Vikings win I put on my Hail to the Redskins 45 and ran around the house screaming. I was alive for all 3 of their Superbowl wins but only remeber the Broncos and Bills games, getting to see them win SuperBowls has to be the best thing. I still have a coke bottle from SuperBowl XVII against the Dolphins, that my dad kept then gave to me a couple of years ago.

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My parents use to always tell me about what was happening in Redskins game since I was a baby, but the first time I actually remembered was the night Theismann broke his leg...because my parents had this total look of concern when they told me.

My first memory of actually watching was I believe in the season after, a game against the Vikings, where Schroeder hit Gary Clark on the left side, and he faked in, the cut out, and ran down the sideline for the winning score in OT. I've seen every Skins game since, and to this day, Clark remains my favorite Redskin of all time.

Second best memory would have to be the 2nd Quarter of Super Bowl XXII.

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That INT by Darryl Grant! Man..that was the best feeling ever!!! Ok..so I wasn't a child really...but I was a teenager...18y/o then...what a play! I had many memories before that...The Riggins run to glory was a good one also!

Ahhh..the good ol days! What I wouldn't give to have those back again!

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