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Things that suck about Obama('s policy positions)

Zen-like Todd

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Taxes, taxes, taxes.

I agree about his partial birth abortion stance. I am pro choice, but partial birth abortion disgusts me. If you're going to have an abortion, have one. If you're going to keep the kid, great. But I don't see how you can have a conscience and be for partial birth abortion.

It's not so much policy, but what gets me is that Obama claims that we all have to work together to make things right in this country and that he'll "reach across the aisle"...but I have a very hard time believing that when he's voted with his party 97% of the time.

Hey, if you like bigger government than what we have now....

Taxes are going to get raised, it doesn't matter who is president. At some point, things have to get paid for and economic reality is a *****. I too find that notion of Obama being some greater uniter to be false, but then again I find bipartisanship overrated. It's not like the republican party governed as small government politicians. Recent history suggests, that the democrats are actually more credible when it comes to the expansion of government).

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Taxes are going to get raised, it doesn't matter who is president. At some point, things have to get paid for and economic reality is a *****. I too find that notion of Obama being some greater uniter to be false, but then again I find bipartisanship overrated. It's not like the republican party governed as small government politicians. Recent history suggests, that the democrats are actually more credible when it comes to the expansion of government).

I see where you're coming from, but what pisses me off more than the prospect of Obama becoming elected is the fact that the Republicans have strayed from being known as conservative and we can thank Bush for ruining it.

I need to explore libertarian ideals a bit more, but I like what they have to offer so far...it's a shame that they won't become a viable 3rd party for many years to come, but they are becoming a bigger presence.

Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread.

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At times, he comes across as a civil libertarian, but his support for the fisa "compromise" is extremely disappointing. I find some of his economic rhetoric on domestic policy troubling, but he has surrounded himself with a fantastic economic team . I like his foreign policy rhetoric for the most part (his bombing Pakistan talk last year and that AIPAC speech was extremely hawkish and frankly dangerous), but hate his foreign policy team (consists of a bunch of neo-liberals).

This is why in the end, at most, I can only see myself writing somebody in. Who is he? Four years from now might be a different story, but right now, I don't have a good enough feel for where he is on to many topics, and the things I know he is solid on are things I disagree w/ for the most part.

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I think his NAFTA policy is simply naive, unless he is willing to reverse that stance

The surge has provided significant gains in Iraq, and I think his Iraq policy complied in November 2006 is now outdated based on the current facts on the ground

The "yes we can" philosophy is unfourtantley a lot like Bush's "compassionate conservative" nonsense in 2000, that yes the government can actually do something productive

History has shown it can't.

Obama could actually be the one man who could get the political capital to push through significant changes in our entitlement system. But his belief system won't allow him to do that

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heaven forbid halliburton pay for the war they profited from huh?

Are you saying no Dems or Libertarians have money in mutual funds? That the half of the population with money invested are all Republicans except me?

Plus, look at history. Raising the capital gains tax actually reduces revenue to the treasury.

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As usual, I'm close to SHF in my concerns. His anti-free trade is just the wrong stance. Clinton was a dedicated free trader, whereas W. pushed for steel tariffs that cost a number of American jobs.

Like every other politician besides McCain, Obama is pandering to the disaster that is corn ethanol subsidies.

His is also too tax and spend for my taste...and before anyone says anything, I think W has the WORST spending record of any president ever.

And while I thought the Iraq invasion, particularly as planned by W et al, was going to be and has been an enormous mistake, pulling out too soon will make things worse.

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Hey Todd, any chance you can elaborate a bit more on #2 from your original post? I've seen very conflicting claims about Obama's position on federal welfare programs, including Social Security. It's hard to get a bearing on exactly what the truth is when there are so many competing versions of it.

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Hey Todd, any chance you can elaborate a bit more on #2 from your original post? I've seen very conflicting claims about Obama's position on federal welfare programs, including Social Security. It's hard to get a bearing on exactly what the truth is when there are so many competing versions of it.

Here is a good link


And here


And one more


Now of course I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for years that anyone under the age of 35 is stupid to support maintaining the status quo in SSI and that it fundamentally needs to be changed

But thats just me :)

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Here is a good link


And here


Now of course I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for years that anyone under the age of 35 is stupid to support maintaining the status quo in SSI and that it fundamentally needs to be changed

But thats just me :)

There's some good stuff there. Thanks, SHF. :cheers:

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Here is a good link


And here


And one more


Now of course I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for years that anyone under the age of 35 is stupid to support maintaining the status quo in SSI and that it fundamentally needs to be changed

But thats just me :)

that's pandering. however, doesn't affect my vote cuz i think mccain's proposals on doubling the amount of nuclear reactors and offshore drilling are mere pandering as well.

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Alright, I'll play this game.

I like Obama's general idea on Social Security, but I think he's copping out on raising taxes for the $100k-$250k earners. I am very willing to contribute more to Social Security.

I also think he should stop pandering to the "middle class" and just be up-front about how much we need to raise taxes to cut the deficit. Tax me more Obama!

I don't really like his reticence on free trade, but everything I read from him, and his cadre of economic advisers suggest that he is merely pandering to the unions, and that as President, he would be generally in favor of free trade but with some more emphasis on human rights, which I wouldn't have a problem with.

I also don't necessarily like his support of ethanol tariffs, but I guess it's not that big a deal for me, and I attribute that, along with his free trade stance, to representing Illinois. Once we get him out the Midwest, we can change him. :silly:

Another issue like that is Iraq. I don't like the hard timetable, but he every time he speaks about it , he seems to hedge a little bit and soften his stance, so I don't think he's as adamant about it as the left wing.

I guess I am anticipating a drift to the center through November, and a further drift to center after January ... maybe that's just confirmation bias, but hey, I like the guy. :D

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Are you saying no Dems or Libertarians have money in mutual funds? That the half of the population with money invested are all Republicans except me?

no..... what i am saying is that i find it more than humorous that republicans and those that supported going to war <regardless of party affiliation> are whining and complaining the most about potential tax hikes in the near future. someone has to pay...... i think that those who profit or support this war should be the first to open the check book..... however ...... they wanna play but they dont want to pay....

Plus, look at history. Raising the capital gains tax actually reduces revenue to the treasury.

in all seriousness....... how so?

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Alright, I'll play this game.

I like Obama's general idea on Social Security, but I think he's copping out on raising taxes for the $100k-$250k earners. I am very willing to contribute more to Social Security.

I also think he should stop pandering to the "middle class" and just be up-front about how much we need to raise taxes to cut the deficit. Tax me more Obama!

I don't really like his reticence on free trade, but everything I read from him, and his cadre of economic advisers suggest that he is merely pandering to the unions, and that as President, he would be generally in favor of free trade but with some more emphasis on human rights, which I wouldn't have a problem with.

I also don't necessarily like his support of ethanol tariffs, but I guess it's not that big a deal for me, and I attribute that, along with his free trade stance, to representing Illinois. Once we get him out the Midwest, we can change him. :silly:

Another issue like that is Iraq. I don't like the hard timetable, but he every time he speaks about it , he seems to hedge a little bit and soften his stance, so I don't think he's as adamant about it as the left wing.

I guess I am anticipating a drift to the center through November, and a further drift to center after January ... maybe that's just confirmation bias, but hey, I like the guy. :D

A lot of women have entered and then ended marriages due to thinking exactly like this. He says one thing, but I feel he means another and I'll change him after the wedding. They never can and you won't be able to either -- take Obama at his word and vote for the other guy.
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Capital gains taxes should be converted into a progressive tax structure. Once you get enough money to work with it's no sweat investing safely and still making far more than you can ever use... no reason to barely touch it (15%) while people working 50 hour weeks are getting slammed with a higher burden.

Who is the working stiff lower income person paying 15+ percent after all the deductions? I paid 9% with the house and kid etc.

I dislike his pre-emptive war with the race card on McCain when McCain was the ONLY person staying so far away from it, it was laughable.

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