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Yahoo: Dobson blasts Obama; blriesenbeck07 is sick of holier than thou lunatics

Toe Jam

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Dobson has the right to speak.

I have the right to call him a sanctimonious, moralizing, irritating, sanctimonious a-hole.

(in spanish accent) You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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I agree with you, bl.

How DARE a white male Christian respond to a call out. He should know his role in our "progressive" America and STFU. :rolleyes:

So you think Dobson would have kept his mouth shut about Obama even if he wasn't "defending" himself?

Not likely.

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Never said he was.

I actually disagree with Jim Dobson on many things. :2cents:

My point was, just because somebody is religious, doesn't exclude them from the freedom of speech and the right to be critical of a candidate like everyone else. And I'm sick of the crying and whining about it. Its beginning to surpass the likes of Skinsfan51 with his persecuted Christian threads.

My point is that many Christians consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

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What is that even supposed to mean?
It means that based on your posting history that I've seen, you are an Obama supporter.

And you're whining about religion affecting politics when the man you are most likely going to vote for brought it into the Presidential race of his own volition by emphasizing his Christianity in an attempt to gain support.

To be perfectly frank, I'm sick of people whining and moaning about those of us who follow one religion or another. Free speech and press apply to us too.

And, just because some may not think a person's religion holds value in making a judgment, doesn't mean everybody thinks that way, nor are we wrong for doing so.

Those who claim that others are sanctimoneous are usually the most sanctimoneous of all.


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My point is that many Christians consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

I guess that's why I know a lot of SOuthern Baptists who supported Romney (A MORMON) right?

My point is that many [insert religion of choice or atheism here] consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

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My point is that many Atheists consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

My point is that many Environmentalists consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

My point is that many Vegans consider those who don't believe what they believe to be lower on the totem pole than they are.

How is that fair?

Fixed that for ya.

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I think JohnLockesGhost has a very good point. It ain't fair and very few play fair in politics.

I do agree with blriesenbeck07 that there have been many below the belt shots taken this go around and that evangelicals have gotten far too comfortable flexing their muscles (even though they are mostly being used by the Conservative right... seriously, other than lip action, what have the Conservatives done about sex ed, abortion, prayer in public places, etc. Evangelicals have been sold a bag of manure. I think that their guess is that if they keep buying enough bags of manure one of them is bound to be filled with gold... even if by purest accident (Mind you, sometimes I think the same of the African American loyalty to the Democratic Party. Although, they at least do fight for several minority issues)

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So you think Dobson would have kept his mouth shut about Obama even if he wasn't "defending" himself?

Not likely.

Oh, so now when reality doesn't fit your argument, we're just going to disregard it.

Obama made a comment. Dobson responded. That's kind of how the world (and espeially the political world works.)

I dare say your personal biases play a HUGE part in your perception of what actually happened here.

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It means that based on your posting history that I've seen, you are an Obama supporter.

And you're whining about religion affecting politics when the man you are most likely going to vote for brought it into the Presidential race of his own volition by emphasizing his Christianity in an attempt to gain support.

To be perfectly frank, I'm sick of people whining and moaning about those of us who follow one religion or another. Free speech and press apply to us too.

And, just because some may not think a person's religion holds value in making a judgment, doesn't mean everybody thinks that way, nor are we wrong for doing so.

Those who claim that others are sanctimoneous are usually the most sanctimoneous of all.


Good rant. :applause:

(and thats coming from an agnostic. :silly: )

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It means that based on your posting history that I've seen, you are an Obama supporter.

And you're whining about religion affecting politics when the man you are most likely going to vote for brought it into the Presidential race of his own volition by emphasizing his Christianity in an attempt to gain support.

To be perfectly frank, I'm sick of people whining and moaning about those of us who follow one religion or another. Free speech and press apply to us too.

And, just because some may not think a person's religion holds value in making a judgment, doesn't mean everybody thinks that way, nor are we wrong for doing so.

Those who claim that others are sanctimoneous are usually the most sanctimoneous of all.


ZGUY could.... go... all ... the way... and he does! TD! HTTR!

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I'm sick of it. I can't take it anymore.

Religion needs to stay out of politics forever and ever and ever and ever!

No more.

I'm throwing in the towel. See you after Armageddon.

Dude, it's called Freedom of Speech. I am not sure what it is about you dems, I will ask any way.

Why is it when someone says something bad about Obama you get all upset?

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Dude, it's called Freedom of Speech. I am not sure what it is about you dems, I will ask any way.

Why is it when someone says something bad about Obama you get all upset?


I'm not a democrat. I'm not a republican.

I look at the issues. This year, my support is for Obama.

I'm not mad that he said something bad about Obama. That's not it. I know things like that are going to happen. It's politics.

I'm mad that religion plays such a big role in politics. It really shouldn't. But that's my opinion. We're all free to have one.

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Because religion should be kept out of politics.

Again, that's just my opinion.

Religion isn't taking a part in politics, one of our nations religous leaders thinks Obama misrepresents what the Bible really stands for and he is speaking out about it.


I'm not a democrat. I'm not a republican.

I look at the issues. This year, my support is for Obama.

I'm not mad that he said something bad about Obama. That's not it. I know things like that are going to happen. It's politics.

I'm mad that religion plays such a big role in politics. It really shouldn't. But that's my opinion. We're all free to have one.

If we are not allowed to look at one's past, who they associate with, and which religion they practice, we do not have freedom.

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