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Yahoo: Dobson blasts Obama; blriesenbeck07 is sick of holier than thou lunatics

Toe Jam

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:rolleyes: There's a difference between disagreeing with someone and trying to silence them.

I'm sick of it. I can't take it anymore.

Religion needs to stay out of politics forever and ever and ever and ever!

No more.


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That's all well and good but it seems to me you are being kind of easily offended.
Its called being silent until you are finally fed up.
I still haven't figured out why it matters who I am or am not voting for. I have stated many times I lean towards Obama on policy matters but would consider McCain as well if he made a good showing in debates or what not. My vote doesn't belong to a particular party in any given election - I vote for the individual.

I don't really see how anyone was trying to silence you.

Did you read the opening post?
I don't mind having a civil debate on religion but I think most people would do better to do work in the community as you suggested
This debate isn't about religion. Its about free speech.

This thread was started on the conclusion that those who devoutly believe in religion should "shut up" when it comes to politics.

instead of telling people like myself that you KNOW what's best for me or anyone else and what we should believe.
The candidates are telling you what's best for you aren't they?

What makes us less worthy when it comes to free speech and press?

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