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Best James Bond movie


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Good topic.

From Russia With Love. Bond was never cooler IMO.

Live and Let Die - Moore's best

Casino Royale - awesome - will be hard to top

Living Daylights - I thought Dalton was a good Bond

Wow. Finally someone lists From Russia with Love. I was wondering why nobody listed that. From Russia with Love was great.

I also loved The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only. Goldfinger was awesome too.

I have every Bond dvd. It's one of my favorite franchises. "Never Say Never Again" wasn't technically a Bond movie and wasn't technically part of the Bond franchise. It's like the joker out of a deck of cards. I still love it though and have the DVD.

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Extra points for going back to Bond's roots of being a cold blooded killer instead of the Disney version of Bond that Brosnan played.

Although I was never really impressed with Brosnan I did think the Brosnan movies had some really good points. There's one scene in one of them that I was really impressed with. (I'll admit, I don't remember which movie.)

It's a party. Bond and Hot Chick make eye contact across the room. Both freeze. The cameras zoom in. The crowd parts. Hot Chick slinks, feline, across the room. The music fades into the background, She walks straight up to Bond.

And throws her drink in his face.

Bond blinks. Wipes at his face. "Was it something I said?"

"How about 'I'll be right back?'"

I really liked that one scene.

(Granted, I'm sure Roger Moore had a good scene, somewhere, too.)

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Liking the folks who mentioned Never Say Never Again.

Granted, there were moments that made me want to :puke:. (A stupid Lunar Lander that's fired from a Polaris launch tube as a covert insertion vehicle?!?)

OTOH, there were other scenes that, IMO could not have been pulled off by any other actor. (If Roger Moore tries to tango with Kim Basinger, the scene's a comedy. The only spy-movie tango I've seen that, IMO, comes close was Arnie in True Lies.)

Or when Bond and Leiter are standing over the corpse of the Bad Girl, and the cops are coming. They strip down to boxers and t-shirts, and exit the scene as a boxer and his trainer out doing road work. Love the scene.

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Wow. Finally someone lists From Russia with Love. I was wondering why nobody listed that. From Russia with Love was great.

I also loved The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only. Goldfinger was awesome too.

I have every Bond dvd. It's one of my favorite franchises. "Never Say Never Again" wasn't technically a Bond movie and wasn't technically part of the Bond franchise. It's like the joker out of a deck of cards. I still love it though and have the DVD.

Def. My favorite - I have read all the novels and Bond is the man!

Never Say Never was a great film. It was supposed to be the start of another franchise and Connery came out of retirement to basically say F-you to the original producers... I read at one point the producers were going to get Liam Neeson for the next movie but they were never able to secure funding. The producer (forget his name) won the right to make his own Bond movies after winning several lawsuits - he won the rights to the Spectre organization, which never appears after Diamonds are Forever. He created the Spectre idea with Ian Fleming. He even nearly sued after a bald criminal with a white cat appeared in a wheelchair in the beginning of For your Eyes only (the one bond drops from a helicopter down a smoke stack) but decided against it because he was working on Never Say NEver and didnt want to distract the production. It was Directed by Empire Strikes Back vet Irvin Kirschner....

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Although I was never really impressed with Brosnan I did think the Brosnan movies had some really good points. There's one scene in one of them that I was really impressed with. (I'll admit, I don't remember which movie.)

It's a party. Bond and Hot Chick make eye contact across the room. Both freeze. The cameras zoom in. The crowd parts. Hot Chick slinks, feline, across the room. The music fades into the background, She walks straight up to Bond.

And throws her drink in his face.

Bond blinks. Wipes at his face. "Was it something I said?"

"How about 'I'll be right back?'"

I really liked that one scene.

(Granted, I'm sure Roger Moore had a good scene, somewhere, too.)

It was Teri Hatcher in Tomorrow Never Dies. She looked really good in that movie. Its too bad it was rated PG.

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Although I was never really impressed with Brosnan I did think the Brosnan movies had some really good points. There's one scene in one of them that I was really impressed with. (I'll admit, I don't remember which movie.)

It's a party. Bond and Hot Chick make eye contact across the room. Both freeze. The cameras zoom in. The crowd parts. Hot Chick slinks, feline, across the room. The music fades into the background, She walks straight up to Bond.

And throws her drink in his face.

Bond blinks. Wipes at his face. "Was it something I said?"

"How about 'I'll be right back?'"

I really liked that one scene.

(Granted, I'm sure Roger Moore had a good scene, somewhere, too.)

That was a good scene.

I hated Brosnan until The World is Not Enough - I thought that was a pretty decent movie. The opening sequence lasted nearly 20 minutes before the credits - the boat chase - very cool and the villan had potentially the coolest gimmick I had seen in a movie in years - the guy felt no pain from a bullet lodged in his head. I dont think they made as much of it as they could but I enjoyed it the most of the Brosnan movies. Denise Richards as a nuclear scientist may be the biggest suspension of disbelief in the history of flim but damn, her jugs looked great....

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I was going to call you an old fart, but then I actually looked at your age. So I guess you're just retro. :)

(I liked all of them. And I observe that all of them had great theme songs.)

(Trivia: Only one person has performed more than on Bond theme song. Who, and which ones?) :)

Shirley Bassey:

1) Goldfinger

2) Diamonds are Forever

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Wow. Finally someone lists From Russia with Love. I was wondering why nobody listed that. From Russia with Love was great.

But... I mentioned it up there in a ... it was... i got there first...

Aw, forget it. :(

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I woudl say live and let die (also had a badass soundtrack), diamonds are forever, golden eye, and the living daylights ( I loved Dalton in that film)/ Worst has to be license to kill, just never sunk in with me, because of the boring drug dealer plot...BTW this is what Ian Flemming wanted bond to look like:



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I woudl say live and let die (also had a badass soundtrack), diamonds are forever, golden eye, and the living daylights ( I loved Dalton in that film)/ Worst has to be license to kill, just never sunk in with me, because of the boring drug dealer plot...BTW this is what Ian Flemming wanted bond to look like:


Looks like Pierce Brosnan except Pierce has better hair :cool:
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OK, I decided to count the votes. (What can I say? I'm bored.)

Of course, first I had to invent rules for counting all the people who insist on posting in a thread titled "Best James Bond Movie" by posting a list of four.

Being a Liberal (according to many) I of course have no trouble making up rules after people vote.

Therefore, anybody who said "I like Movie X, and the rest of my Top 3 are Y and Z", got counted as a vote for X. Anybody who simply said "X, Y, and Z", got counted as 1/3 vote for each. (I also didn't count the posts I made where I was agreeing with other posters.)

Don't like the way I counted your vote? Don't vote for Al Gore and Pat Buchannen. :)


Casino Royale           12.87
Goldfinger               8.70
From Russia With Love    2.25
Octo****                1.75
Goldeneye                1.70
Live and Let Die         1.67
Diamonds Are Forever     1.17
On Her Majesty's         1
Thunderball              0.92
Never Say Never          0.75
Living Daylights         0.70
World is Not Enough      0.58
A View to a Kill         0.50
Man With the Golden Gun  0.25

(And thanks a bunch to the folks who can't just vote once.)

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I woudl say live and let die (also had a badass soundtrack), diamonds are forever, golden eye, and the living daylights ( I loved Dalton in that film)/ Worst has to be license to kill, just never sunk in with me, because of the boring drug dealer plot...BTW this is what Ian Flemming wanted bond to look like:


Looks like a young James Cromwell.


speaking of James Cromwell, how's this for local topicality?

(December 2001) On July 3 2001, Cromwell was arrested during an animal rights protest in Fairfax, Virginia at Wendys. He was released after five hours. His fine of $1,000 was suspended. He was ordered to stay out of all Wendy's restaurants in Fairfax County Virginia unless he intends to eat there.

Come on... that's funny. I wonder which Wendy's was involved.

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