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PFW: Whispers- Gibbsvs. Williams; Zorn gets respect

Walking Deadman

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Only Redskins tidbit:

"Our sources tell us that there has been far less friction in Redskins Park so far this offseason since Jim Zorn has taken over. The root of the earlier stress, we are told, was Gregg Williams, who at times seemed to undermine the authority of Joe Gibbs, creating an awkward work environment at times. Zorn, we are told, has earned the respect of the veterans and is being treated as a nice guy who is not a pushover and is both competitive and intense."

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Only Redskins tidbit:

"Our sources tell us that there has been far less friction in Redskins Park so far this offseason since Jim Zorn has taken over. The root of the earlier stress, we are told, was Gregg Williams, who at times seemed to undermine the authority of Joe Gibbs, creating an awkward work environment at times. Zorn, we are told, has earned the respect of the veterans and is being treated as a nice guy who is not a pushover and is both competitive and intense."

Great to hear. And I don't think the news about Williams is surprising considering moves he made on the field, such as 10 men without telling Gibbs

While GW was at the top of my personal list (continuity everyone!) his reputation as being egotistical and rubbing people the wrong way was pretty much set in fact

The Tom Friend article discussed in 2006 and the way he could just come off as a prick, like when Chris Clemons was injured and he had a comment about "you gotta be able to stay healthy" or something along those lines

There is no way him and Snyder would have been able to co-exist, no way at all

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Another "inside sources" type story? I don't know how much weight to put on this. And I also don't like Zorn getting the "nice guy" label. When I heard Sellers talking about how he treats them like adults, what I kinda got from that was that he trusts the players, and I don't think thats a good thing. Hopefully our players don't take advantage of him.

I really wonder which coaching personality Zorn will be more like between Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs and Williams. I really hope he's not a pushover like Norv and Spurrier, but part of me fears that he may become just that with all the work he's putting in to install an offense and be the QB coach.

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Another "inside sources" type story? I don't know how much weight to put on this. And I also don't like Zorn getting the "nice guy" label. When I heard Sellers talking about how he treats them like adults, what I kinda got from that was that he trusts the players, and I don't think thats a good thing. Hopefully our players don't take advantage of him.

I really wonder which coaching personality Zorn will be more like between Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs and Williams. I really hope he's not a pushover like Norv and Spurrier, but part of me fears that he may become just that with all the work he's putting in to install an offense and be the QB coach.

I am not sure you can discern that just right away. Maybe after a few years of Gibbs it is good that Zorn kinda pulls back the layers of rules and authority and lets the guys have a bit more fun

I don't know if you felt it the past 4 years, but I certainly felt the tension that was at Redskins Park at times. Just not having that could do wonders

Odds are Zorn won't be like Marty. But then again we haven't seen him run a training camp and he could pull out the Oklahoma drill, who knows.

I am just hoping for a Gibbs 1.0 :)

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So, I'm guessing this would be a Red (High Level) on Larry's "Source Meter" on Redskins Radio :silly:

Actually, since it paints the 'Skins in good light and was not written by the Sourcerer, I think LM would laud it as another reason why Snyder and Cerato run the best organization in the history of the world and another reason why Zorn was the perfect hire, and difinitive proof that the 'Skins are going 19-0 and everybody on the team will eventually be enshrined in Canton, even if they are only on the practice squad.

Was that laying it on too thick?

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I never got the impression from our gibbs 2 coaching staff that they were ever in synch.. from gibbs calling redzone plays to the assistant coaches on GW's staff fighting, to rumors of GW and AS having issues with Gibbs...

as much incongruity as the staff may have had though, 2 playoff appearances in 4 years... they gave the team opportunities, we'll just never know if they came near their full potential...

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I see Zorn being kind of a Danny Smith lite in terms of personality. And if that's the case, I'll be ecstatic.

As long as it isnt Norv Turner Lite. I remember this same type of off season when and unassuming assist off co-ordinator from "The Pokes" came in. Well we know the rest of that sad tale. Hopefully Zorn is a young Gibbs.

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Another "inside sources" type story? I don't know how much weight to put on this. And I also don't like Zorn getting the "nice guy" label. When I heard Sellers talking about how he treats them like adults, what I kinda got from that was that he trusts the players, and I don't think thats a good thing. Hopefully our players don't take advantage of him.

I really wonder which coaching personality Zorn will be more like between Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs and Williams. I really hope he's not a pushover like Norv and Spurrier, but part of me fears that he may become just that with all the work he's putting in to install an offense and be the QB coach.

Zorn was a QB, he probably knows a little something about football player dynamics. Call me crazy but he's been coaching for a while now and should have a feel for the "new" NFL type players. He comes across as a players coach, not a pushover. A QB is used to dealing with the ego's and different types of personalities so he should be able to get the most out of what he has. With Blache as a counter balance I don't think we have anything to worry about. :2cents:

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Wow....like we didn't already know about Greg Williams' ego, intensity, and his influence. I also know this: the Jags now have a BETTER defensive coordinator than the REDSKINS. That being said, I fully support coach ZORN, and I truly believe his fresh ideas will open up the Skins offense, and make the Skins a MORE competitive team.

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I agree that Gregg "The seccond g stands for genius" Williams, was an ego maniac and I am somewhat disappointed with how the hiring and firing was handled. It would have been better had Williams just been told from the jump that he wasn't going to get it. It sounds like to me, yes Williams is an ego maniac, but he is an excellent D-coordinator. He had done a pretty good job for us overall and he should have been allowed to leave with some dignity. I don't know how he would have done as coach, but I guess I have come around on Zorn. I do think that he should be given beyond this year to really see what he can do. I think that he should have a minimum of two years. Daniel Snyder isn't that patient, IMO.

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Greg Williams was arrogant..no doubt. But I know he had to look at Gibbs and think "This old guy has lost it and I know I could do a better job."

And he probably was right.

well he didn't do a better job in Buffalo...what would make you think he would here. If he undermined Gibbs that much, then he didn't learn anything, and would have returned to his old coaching style that he had in Buffalo

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well he didn't do a better job in Buffalo...what would make you think he would here. If he undermined Gibbs that much, then he didn't learn anything, and would have returned to his old coaching style that he had in Buffalo
he was awful in Buffalo...just plain ol awful...
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You think gregg williams had too much of an ego,

What about marvin lewis and ray rhodes?

Shrinking violets?

I think not.

That george edwards was a nice fella,

shame about his defense.

You want a top defensive co-ordinator then you know what comes with the territory.

Would rhodes/lewis have spoken their minds to gibbs?

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I called Norv "that damn Cowboy" from day one.

The point is, I think almost every coach we bring in here, we try to compare to Gibbs I. We try to say that they're the second-coming. I'm not going to get my hopes up that high for Zorn. Right now, I just hope that Zorn can take a 2007 playoff team deeper into the playoffs this year.

We see what Norv was able to do when he took over San Diego. Hopefully we don't have as much of a struggle starting off as they did last year. And hopefully Holmgren has prepared Zorn for the duties and responsibilities of being a head coach better than Jimmy Johnson prepared Norv. I look at guys like Mike McCarthy and Andy Reid as examples that this may be true, although neither was able to be successful in their first years (but neither had the talent we have).

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Yeah, Grilliams was egotistical, but he is still one of the best D-coordinators in football right now.

And we let him walk. Had we just hired Zorn as HC and kept williams at DC to play out his contract, Zorn woulda let Williams let him run things the way he wanted on defense.

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well he didn't do a better job in Buffalo...what would make you think he would here. If he undermined Gibbs that much, then he didn't learn anything, and would have returned to his old coaching style that he had in Buffalo

Cause I'm sure gibbs was putting his 2 cents into waht to do on defense, which is why Williams would undermine him.

But I dunno, even if I but heads with someone, I still learn something. I woulda thought that Grilliams woulda done the same.

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Greg Williams reads negative articles and comments and laughs all the way to the bank...NONE of us will ever know what kind of success he would have had here with the SKINS. Dan Snyder saw to that. Hey, what's done is done, and I support ZORN, but Williams CLEARLY had earned and deserved the HC job, and little Danny did what he did. Like I said earlier, the JAGS have a much better D coordinator now than the Redskins do. It'll be a shame if the Skins start averaging 4 TDs a game with Zorn, but also have a D that gives up 4 TDs a game.

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