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Two Gay Priests get Married


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LONDON, England (AP) -- The bishop of London said Sunday he would order an investigation into a wedding-like church service for two male priests.The priests exchanged rings and vows in a service at one of London's oldest churches marked by a fanfare of trumpets and capped by a shower of confetti on May 31, Britain's Sunday Telegraph reported.

The Bishop of London the Rt. Rev. Richard Chartres said in a statement that such services were not authorized in the Church of England and said he would ask the archdeacon of London to investigate.

While civil partnerships between homosexual couples are officially recognized in Britain, the Church of England's guidelines ask clergy not to bless such partnerships.

The wedding ceremony is likely to anger conservative members of the Anglican Communion, a loose-knit worldwide Christian grouping which includes the U.S. Episcopal Church.

Conservatives are fiercely opposed to both same-sex partnerships and the ordaining of gay priests, and the issue threatens to tear the Anglicans apart. The Archbishop of Uganda the Most Rev. Henry Orombi was quoted by the Telegraph as calling the ceremony blasphemous.

The ceremony took place at St. Bartholomew the Great, according to the Telegraph. Rev. Peter Cowell and Rev. David Lord walked up the aisle in morning suits to the tune of Mendelssohn's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and, after exchanging rings, took part in communion, the paper said.

Click link for full story.

Oh and.... :munchout: :munchout: :munchout:

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Now I can't count church among the places where I can have an alternative lifestyle crammed down my throat.


Ummm.... sounds like you either meant this to be a double negative and it isn't or you meant it to be a no negative and it ain't that either.

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Ummm.... sounds like you either meant this to be a double negative and it isn't or you meant it to be a no negative and it ain't that either.

Ohhhh, Mr. Big Four-Oh with the grammatical lesson for the day. :rolleyes:



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I was just confused. I was reading it thinking "I know he should be against this, but that reads that he isn't..." :confused:

Thank you for helping me to avoid appearing tolerant. That was a close one. :whew:


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There is NO point in pointing out the numerous references Biblically why this is an abomination since Jesus said this would happen anyways more and more right before his return......

".....as in the days of Lot...."

All of your beliefs, thoughts, and actions are an abomination...

Does this mean we're going back to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah? Cause that would be swell. :applause:

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There is NO point in pointing out the numerous references Biblically why this is an abomination since Jesus said this would happen anyways more and more right before his return......

What would you know? The married couple is two two religious experts with decades of professional experience who are formally trained, married by another similarly experienced religious professional. These people would disagree profoundly with you.

In contrast, your 'knowledge' is based on extremist end-time delusions you found on teh internets.

And I bet they don't have problems with mops and strawberry milk either.

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