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Two Gay Priests get Married


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1) I have no idea, though I doubt the number is very high. Are you telling me you believe these things never have a social or political agenda behind them, at least marginally?

Hey, I attended the wedding of a guy in my Star Trek club, where he had the pianist play Trek music during the ceremony.

I've been at a sci-fi convention where two people were married in Battlestar Galactica uniforms. (I didn't attend, I was busy elsewhere.)

OTOH, I have a great deal of trouble believing that anybody would actually invite people who disapproved of their wedding, to the wedding, for the specific purpose of "rubbing their noses in it".

And further, IMO, anybody who went to the wedding and got their feelings hurt gets tough noogies. Don't like gay weddings? Don't go.

Was there an element of "take that, world!" involved? Maybe. So what? It's their wedding. Just because you think they should have acted guilty and ashamed and hidden, doesn't mean they have to.

In my personal experience people who complain about "those gays rubbing everybody's noses in it" are really saying "I think gays should act like criminals and hide who they are from everybody else".

Again, as stated by me above, I do think homosexuality is wrong, but I don't think people shouldn't get married because of it. I just have a hard time with gay marriages that have obvious political or social agendas behind them.

But, apparently, your definition of "political or social agendas" is "they acted happy and celebrated".

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Hey, I attended the wedding of a guy in my Star Trek club, where he had the pianist play Trek music during the ceremony.

I've been at a sci-fi convention where two people were married in Battlestar Galactica uniforms. (I didn't attend, I was busy elsewhere.)

OTOH, I have a great deal of trouble believing that anybody would actually invite people who disapproved of their wedding, to the wedding, for the specific purpose of "rubbing their noses in it".

And further, IMO, anybody who went to the wedding and got their feelings hurt gets tough noogies. Don't like gay weddings? Don't go.

Agreed with everything.

Was there an element of "take that, world!" involved? Maybe. So what? It's their wedding. Just because you think they should have acted guilty and ashamed and hidden, doesn't mean they have to.

Now you're putting words in my mouth, which isn't appreciated. Nowhere did I say they should not celebrate. And I certainly did not say they should be ashamed or guilty, and "celebrate" accordingly.

In my personal experience people who complain about "those gays rubbing everybody's noses in it" are really saying "I think gays should act like criminals and hide who they are from everybody else".

And yet, curiously, I just explained my personal position on this, and you practically ignore it?

But, apparently, your definition of "political or social agendas" is "they acted happy and celebrated".

Go back and read my previous post about the gay marriages I have attended. That's not at all what I said. If you would like to debate, at least have the courtesy to so do factually when debating my posts.

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I think its beautiful.:) It's good to see progress.

For those of you that think its such a horrible sin, maybe you should pause and examine your own heart. Its about whats in each of our hearts my friends, the judgements we have about others are ours alone...not 'Gods'. :2cents:


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And yet, curiously, I just explained my personal position on this, and you practically ignore it?

Your personal position, as you stated it, is that when two gays celebrate at their own wedding they're "rub[bing] it in the faces of those who think it is wrong".

Normally when I hear people spouting that cliche they're complaining because two gays flirted in public, or because some Hollywood celebrity stopped concealing that he's gay. But you apparently believe that them celebrating in a private ceremony is over the line, too?

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Your personal position, as you stated it, is that when two gays celebrate at their own wedding they're "rub[bing] it in the faces of those who think it is wrong".

Normally when I hear people spouting that cliche they're complaining because two gays flirted in public, or because some Hollywood celebrity stopped concealing that he's gay. But you apparently believe that them celebrating in a private ceremony is over the line, too?

My personal position is that there are sometimes gay weddings that are more concerned with social or political statements than they are an expression of the couple's love. In those cases, I think that is inappropriate, imo.

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My personal position is that there are sometimes gay weddings that are more concerned with social or political statements than they are an expression of the couple's love. In those cases, I think that is inappropriate, imo.

And who makes that judgement call? You? Why do you all care so much who it is that other people choose to love in the privacy of THEIR life?

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" ~Ernest Gaines

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And who makes that judgement call? You? Why do you all care so much who it is that other people choose to love in the privacy of THEIR life?

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" ~Ernest Gaines

Good God. This is insanity. I urge you to go back and reread my posts. I don't care what others do in the privacy of their life. That's their business. When they make public pronouncements of their life that are designed simply to agitate and irritate, I think using their love for political statements in deplorable.

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designed simply to agitate and irritate, I think using their love for political statements in deplorable.

Sir, whether you realize it or not...equal rights for gays is civil rights. This is a case of Civil Rights....question to you, would you have opposed any public references to the Womens Movement? What about the African American Movement? Discrimination is discrimination....understand that the only reason it can be inferred as a political statement in the first place is BECAUSE of the discrimination that permeates societies....do you follow?

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So are you admitting that you got all of your end times information from the internet?

Some of the things you post is no different than believing in 72 virgins in heaven.

There's a BIG difference between something I could prove to you if you were willing to listen to the logic behind it and some hand-me-down oral tradition which many believe could be a mistranslation. :rollseyes:

and no, I didn't learn Bible prophecy over the internet :laugh: it just happens that the minister I learned it from has a video production studio and placed all 83 hours online for free so the people WILLING to watch will. I don't expect anyone to believe it until they see it. In fact I still hold my old bet up to anyone willing to do it.......that was, watch the video series, take notes and prove him wrong......it's exactly what I did and I ended up buying the darn thing because I believed it after a few months of cross referencing everything he said......

I think its beautiful.:) It's good to see progress.

For those of you that think its such a horrible sin, maybe you should pause and examine your own heart.

I have, my heart says that while we are all sinners and can't help ourselves at times intentionally living a lifestyle of sin is FAR worse than living a spiritual Xtian lifestyle and screwing up sometimes.

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There's a BIG difference between something I could prove to you if you were willing to listen to the logic behind it and some hand-me-down oral tradition which many believe could be a mistranslation. :rollseyes:

and no, I didn't learn Bible prophecy over the internet :laugh: it just happens that the minister I learned it from has a video production studio and placed all 83 hours online for free so the people WILLING to watch will. I don't expect anyone to believe it until they see it. In fact I still hold my old bet up to anyone willing to do it.......that was, watch the video series, take notes and prove him wrong......it's exactly what I did and I ended up buying the darn thing because I believed it after a few months of cross referencing everything he said......

I have, my heart says that while we are all sinners and can't help ourselves at times intentionally living a lifestyle of sin is FAR worse than living a spiritual Xtian lifestyle and screwing up sometimes.

Jim Jones had an online production?

I see that you and Michael_33 are both Coaches. Both of you also believe the rapture is imminent. I hope you aren't teaching kids this stuff.

It is a bit uneasy knowing this you are around children.:2cents:

Aside from this rapture stuff you both seem like good people.

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Oh, and BTW:

The reason I came in here was:

Every time I see the subject of this thread, what I think is "A guy walks into a bar . . . " :)

You..know that's exactly why I came into the thread when it was posted. :laugh: I thought damn here comes another good joke. Someone needs to come up with a joke for this.

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Jim Jones had an online production?

I see that you and Michael_33 are both Coaches. Both of you also believe the rapture is imminent. I hope you aren't teaching kids this stuff.

It is a bit uneasy knowing this you are around children.:2cents:

Aside from this rapture stuff you both seem like good people.

Who is jim jones :whoknows:

My teacher is Irvin Baxter Jr.

I law'd @ the other stuff......;)

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What would you know? The married couple is two two religious experts with decades of professional experience who are formally trained, married by another similarly experienced religious professional. These people would disagree profoundly with you.

In contrast, your 'knowledge' is based on extremist end-time delusions you found on teh internets.

And I bet they don't have problems with mops and strawberry milk either.

That logic couldn't be more perverse... :doh:

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Sir, whether you realize it or not...equal rights for gays is civil rights. This is a case of Civil Rights....question to you, would you have opposed any public references to the Womens Movement? What about the African American Movement? Discrimination is discrimination....understand that the only reason it can be inferred as a political statement in the first place is BECAUSE of the discrimination that permeates societies....do you follow?

Whats next Civil rights for NAMBLA?

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