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Two Gay Priests get Married


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Jim Jones had an online production?

I see that you and Michael_33 are both Coaches. Both of you also believe the rapture is imminent. I hope you aren't teaching kids this stuff.

It is a bit uneasy knowing this you are around children.:2cents:

Aside from this rapture stuff you both seem like good people.

Would you rather them be teaching that they evolved from monkeys?

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Would you rather them be teaching that they evolved from monkeys?

Well, looking at Michael_33's grammar. He shouldn't be teaching anything. Nor should he affect children.

CW is just a character.

By the way if you are saying you don't believe in evolution, I have some things i'd like to sell you.

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Good God. This is insanity. I urge you to go back and reread my posts. I don't care what others do in the privacy of their life. That's their business. When they make public pronouncements of their life that are designed simply to agitate and irritate, I think using their love for political statements in deplorable.

Just want to clarify....so if a hetero couple put their wedding pic in the newspaper its ok. But if a homo couple put their wedding pic in the paper, they are using their love for political statements?

How many gay weddings have you been too? (I find it interesting that you go to all these gay weddings but you are so against homosexuality)

I've been to at least a dozen or more and none ever were about anything more than two people making a commitment to each other.

It's ok to have "Congratulations Mike and Jane on your Wedding" up on a bilboard (yes I really saw a bilboard w/ that) but if someone put, "Congratulations Mike and John on your commitment ceremony"...once again, they are rubbing in the faces of people....hmmm

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