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Office worker loses it and goes insane


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Someone was telling me about this yesterday...I'm so glad I finally got to see it.

Not a day goes by that I don't feel as if I could do the exact same thing here in my office.

Why are you all so surprised noone stepped in? You think those other employees give a crap? They were probably laughing their asses off and egging him on. No one's going to risk getting beaten by a crazy person fo $11 an hour.

This is just outstanding. Cube-rage at its finest.

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That is friggin hilarious, he absolutely snapped. I don't even think he knows what he's doing most of the the time. I hope they got him to a hospital because dude needs some serious counseling (especially once he realizes that he's going to face consequences for this).

I have to agree with you guys that the males in the video earn a big fail. The girls in the office should all pool their money and by them all pink handbags.

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Someone was telling me about this yesterday...I'm so glad I finally got to see it.

Not a day goes by that I don't feel as if I could do the exact same thing here in my office.

Why are you all so surprised noone stepped in? You think those other employees give a crap? They were probably laughing their asses off and egging him on. No one's going to risk getting beaten by a crazy person fo $11 an hour.

This is just outstanding. Cube-rage at its finest.

I don't care how much you hate your job or the pay you get, there's no excuse all those men stood around when that guy throw a computer screen at the girl beside him. It makes no sense......oh did anyone see that one guy check to see if that girl was alright? I agree with destino buy them all pink handbags.

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If I was there, I would have been cheering him on, that was AWESOME.

:laugh: I probably would have joined in on all the fun :D

The only thing I have a problem with is I think he threw monitor at some Lday in the office across from his. If I was there and would have saw that, I would have jumped off a desk and hit him with the flying burrito!!!!!!!

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I don't care how much you hate your job or the pay you get, there's no excuse all those men stood around when that guy throw a computer screen at the girl beside him. It makes no sense......oh did anyone see that one guy check to see if that girl was alright? I agree with destino buy them all pink handbags.

You people need to go read up on "bystander syndrome."

When something like this happens, 9 out of 10 people just freeze up and watch. It's human nature, not cowardice. They just can't believe that it is really happening.

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my guess is that the guy in the white shirt who seemingly set him off was there to tell him he hadn't properly labelled his TPS reports. That was some crazy ****. I too am suprised no one stepped in earlier. It's a free pass to beat the **** out of a co-worker.

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You people need to go read up on "bystander syndrome."

When something like this happens, 9 out of 10 people just freeze up and watch. It's human nature, not cowardice. They just can't believe that it is really happening.

Too true.

I've seen it happen many times. It usually takes more than one individual to snap people out of it in a time to crisis to actually do something about the issue at hand.

Either way, I couldn't but help think of this when I watched the video (nsfw language)


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Too true.

I've seen it happen many times. It usually takes more than one individual to snap people out of it in a time to crisis to actually do something about the issue at hand.

At my father's funeral, there were hundreds of people in the church. The priest was delivering the eulogy.

Priest starts repeating himself, then starts swaying around. Everyone just sits there.

Now he is weaving around on the steps to the alter.

Everyone just sits there.

I'm in the second row. I get up and run up there, just in time to catch him before he brains himself falling down the marble stairs. I look around. Not a single other person has left their seat yet, although lots of women are screaming.

Turns out the priest was diabetic and passed out from low blood sugar. He's fine.

I will never understand how I was able to move that day, and no one else was. I'm no hero.

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Timur Bekmambetov Punks the World With Viral Video

by Elisabeth Rappe

Jun 10th 2008

For a few weeks now, a grainy video has been circling the Internet of an office worker going absolutely insane. It originated on Break.com, and I've included it after the jump for your critical enjoyment.

Those fearing that their cubicle neighbor might engage in similar hysterics can breathe easy -- it was all a sly bit of viral marketing from Timur Bekmambetov for Wanted. He revealed the stunt over on his personal blog, where he allegedly had a good laugh at the gullibility of the West. I'm not seeing any geographic mockery here, so quite possibly he took that down.

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