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13 year old girl sends 2nd guy to jail for underage sex


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Nope not pissed at that..because I have used restraint...but to label someone as a sex offender because they were LIED to, and thought they were with a 19 year old is ludicrous.

So yet another assumption about me that is incorrect...perhaps YOU are letting your "high" morals to think everyone who doesn't act like you is wrong

No they just went hooked up with a minor, not doing anything to verify it, no one forced him to look for a hook up, no one forced he to go meet this girl no one forced him to have sex with her

Hey if you get bobo from a guy in drag you just picked thinking it is a girl you still got oral from a guy.

This guy still had sex with a minor her lying does not change that

In both cases getting to know the person as a person before engagin in sex would keep that from happening

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Actually had the chances remember what it was like but also remember showing restraint and thinking about what happens if, and I tried to live by the morals I had learned when I was attending church

bingo. same thing here. people think they should be able to live their lives however they want to live without having to worry about the consequences.

well newsflash: that doesn't work in the real world. the moral standards which are clearly stated in the bible (and taught by many other religions) are not only spiritual, but they are PRACTICAL. i'm not saying its EASY to live up to those standards. But if people do, they can spare themselves problems like this (as well as not having to ever worry about getting an STD).

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bingo. same thing here. people think they should be able to live their lives however they want to live without having to worry about the consequences.

Why do you keep saying this.

We all agree there should be some consequences. That doesn't mean that any level of consequences is appropriate, no matter how draconian.

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well newsflash: that doesn't work in the real world. the moral standards which are clearly stated in the bible (and taught by many other religions) are not only spiritual, but they are PRACTICAL. i'm not saying its EASY to live up to those standards. But if people do, they can spare themselves problems like this (as well as not having to ever worry about getting an STD).


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Why do you keep saying this.

We all agree there should be some consequences. That doesn't mean that any level of consequences is appropriate, no matter how draconian.

I don't get it myself Predicto, yeah he should be punished but everyone wants to punish him like he was out looking to nail a 13 year old girl when it's nothing like that. Give the guy 5 years probation, watch him closely should he break the law again with another sex scandal or whatever then hit him with the sex offender thing and serious prison time.

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No but you can stow the idea that everyone would do it.

Or that i forgot what it is like to be in my teens and 20's

I think you are a little more pissed because I have shown a person can choose to excercise restraint.

So much for the it is not my fault i have penis and am in my 20's therefore I have no brains defense

So common sense law should not be used?

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Do you mind explaining the irony? Sorry--I'm not trying to be dense. I really don't understand what you're getting at.

Are you talking about the fact that I accuse the guy of "putting his penis inside anything that moves" when I don't know the full details of the story?

If so, I guess that is fair. But the article says he picked her up and "after a few conversations" had sex with her. I'm sorry, but that sounds like risky behavior to me. This isn't just some dumb kid looking for a good time--he is 22. He is a fully grown adult. He should know better. "I met you on myspace" and "I just turned 18..." are red flags. Even if the girl looks mature for her age, you have to be a little more careful than that. That's all I'm trying to say.

Maybe I'm a prude. And if it turns out he did all the right things and still got caught in an elaborate lie, then I will gladly take back any critical comments.

Yes, that was the point I was making.

Let me put it this way - I'll freely admit that I've tried Internet dating before, with varying degrees of success. More than once, I've gotten to know a girl over the span of, say, a couple weeks, we've gone out somewhere, and we would up having (protected) sex that night. At no point during those encounters did these girls do anything to prove their ages to me. Their physical appearance seemed right, and nothing they said seemed off. They were all just as interested in whatever happened as I was, sometimes even moreso.

If you're telling me that I would somehow "deserve" to be put in jail for a year and be listed as a sex offender for the rest of my life because of what I just described, with the caveat that one of those girls went through the elaborate ruse of lying about her age, coming up with a completely fake background story about that lie, and had even done that exact same thing before, simply because I was, in your own words, "taking off my pants" as soon as I heard that she was legal - nevermind that she would, logically, have to be doing the exact same thing, having known me for just as long as I knew her - I'll simply respond with a smiley: :laugh:

And if you were to walk into any bar in the country and try to tell the crowd there that any of them would somehow "deserve" that massive punishment if they had a one-night stand that night, and the stand happened to be with someone who used a fake ID, you'd probably get more than just laughter.

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bingo. same thing here. people think they should be able to live their lives however they want to live without having to worry about the consequences.

So, if the law stated that statutory rapists should be put to death, would you see nothing wrong with that outcome, either? Or would you think, "You know, maybe there's value in using the word 'restraint' in realms beyond just genatalia, like, say, our methods of punishment"?

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So, if the law stated that statutory rapists should be put to death, would you see nothing wrong with that outcome, either? Or would you think, "You know, maybe there's value in using the word 'restraint' in realms beyond just genatalia, like, say, our methods of punishment"?

but the law doesnt say they should be put to death. the law is 5 to 20 and this guy got 5... as i have said OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN this guy WILL NOT SERVE FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.

i'm not familiar with every states laws, but very likely, he will not serve ANY time in prison at all. prisons are too crowded to put guys like this in jail. he will serve the whole thing under some form of house arrest/probation. if he gets any jail time, it will be less than a year. just because a person gets a sentence doesnt mean its going to actually happen as harsh as the sentence.

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Hmmm...read the article and it looks like both parties were in the wrong here. I'm sorry, but this dude is a friggin idiot. The girl's 13! I could understand his ignorance defense a little more if she was 16 or 17, or even 15. But THIRTEEN! I'm sorry, but that's absolutely ridiculous and I think he should be prosecuted for simply being an moron.

As for the girl, well, I guess she didn't break any technical laws, but she certainly needs a good ass beating. Unfortunately it doesn't look like her inept parents are going to do anything to punish her. Why am I not surprised that her parents are still letting her stay out late? Seriously, what the hell is wrong people these days?

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but the law doesnt say they should be put to death. the law is 5 to 20 and this guy got 5... as i have said OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN this guy WILL NOT SERVE FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.

i'm not familiar with every states laws, but very likely, he will not serve ANY time in prison at all. prisons are too crowded to put guys like this in jail. he will serve the whole thing under some form of house arrest/probation. if he gets any jail time, it will be less than a year. just because a person gets a sentence doesnt mean its going to actually happen as harsh as the sentence.

That wasn't your argument. You said, and I quote, "why should he not serve jail time or be labeled a sex offender?" You've made it quite clear that you would not have a problem with either. This thread isn't about the possible legal progression of the case - it's about whether or not this guy is getting the really, really short end of a stick. You seem to think nothing would qualify as the short end for him, which is astounding.

You also said, "bingo. people think they should be able to live their lives however they want to live without having to worry about the consequences." Undoubtedly, if the girl's MySpace had said she was 13, this guy would have never done anything with her, seeing as he told the dad himself when he found out. He clearly did understand that something was wrong with the situation when he found out about her age. This isn't a case of "not worrying about the consequences." It's a case of having consequences sprung on someone who believed he had already made sure everything he was doing was perfectly legal.

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Hmmm...read the article and it looks like both parties were in the wrong here. I'm sorry, but this dude is a friggin idiot. The girl's 13! I could understand his ignorance defense a little more if she was 16 or 17, or even 15. But THIRTEEN! I'm sorry, but that's absolutely ridiculous and I think he should be prosecuted for simply being an moron.

Hell, why not just kill off anyone with an IQ lower than 80? They might eventually do something really f***ing stupid, right?

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Hmmm...read the article and it looks like both parties were in the wrong here. I'm sorry, but this dude is a friggin idiot. The girl's 13! I could understand his ignorance defense a little more if she was 16 or 17, or even 15. But THIRTEEN! I'm sorry, but that's absolutely ridiculous and I think he should be prosecuted for simply being an moron.

As for the girl, well, I guess she didn't break any technical laws, but she certainly needs a good ass beating. Unfortunately it doesn't look like her inept parents are going to do anything to punish her. Why am I not surprised that her parents are still letting her stay out late? Seriously, what the hell is wrong people these days?

keeast- You DID see her pic, right? She's, well... mature-looking. They must be putting something in the milk at school these days. :)

Seriously though- I cannot help but think this guy thought at some point, "She's very young-acting for her age." There's got to be a degree of guilty handed out to the man. However, she's a serial "F"er and she lies about her age. She duped him. Jail's harsh. Some kind of program is in order.

The girl's father is a bonafide retard and should not be in her care.

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A couple of things that should jump out to the Judge.

1. Sure minors have poor judgement, but for her father to allow this a second time indicates that he needs to make better judgement concerning the behavior of his daughter.

2. First time poor judgement, second time she pretty much new what she was doing.

3. Myspace has a minimum age limit of 15. They should have closed her account long ago.

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keeast- You DID see her pic, right? She's, well... mature-looking. They must be putting something in the milk at school these days. :)

Seriously though- I cannot help but think this guy thought at some point, "She's very young-acting for her age." There's got to be a degree of guilty handed out to the man. However, she's a serial "F"er and she lies about her age. She duped him. Jail's harsh. Some kind of program is in order.

The girl's father is a bonafid retard and should not be in her care.

Yeah Chachie, I saw her picture. And I'll definitely give you that: she's more mature looking than a regular 13-year-old (and yes, it's all the hormones in our food these days, girls are physically maturing at a faster rate). That being said, she's THIRTEEN. I coach girls, 11-17 and there is a discernable difference in the maturity of girls who are 13 and girls who are 16-17. Come on now, regardless of this girl's looks (and I still don't think she looks 18), I'm sure it was somehow, somewhere evident that she wasn't 18. Sure, she's a manipulative brat and her father is an idiot...but I seriously think this guy deserves some jailtime. I mean, she's 13. Ahhh!

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Yes, that was the point I was making.

Let me put it this way - I'll freely admit that I've tried Internet dating before, with varying degrees of success. More than once, I've gotten to know a girl over the span of, say, a couple weeks, we've gone out somewhere, and we would up having (protected) sex that night. At no point during those encounters did these girls do anything to prove their ages to me. Their physical appearance seemed right, and nothing they said seemed off. They were all just as interested in whatever happened as I was, sometimes even moreso.

If you're telling me that I would somehow "deserve" to be put in jail for a year and be listed as a sex offender for the rest of my life because of what I just described, with the caveat that one of those girls went through the elaborate ruse of lying about her age, coming up with a completely fake background story about that lie, and had even done that exact same thing before, simply because I was, in your own words, "taking off my pants" as soon as I heard that she was legal - nevermind that she would, logically, have to be doing the exact same thing, having known me for just as long as I knew her - I'll simply respond with a smiley: :laugh:

I like how putting a fake age on myspace is now an "elaborate ruse".

Look--I don't think you "deserve" to be put in jail.

If somebody runs out into the street without looking, do they "deserve" to get hit by a car? Absolutely not...but I would say that they took an unnecessary risk, and they should have known that there was a chance that this could happen. I'm sure that analogy will fall apart if looked at too closely, but that's basically how I feel. Every time you have sex with somebody you don't know very well, there is a CHANCE of something bad happening. Maybe it's a disease, maybe it's jailtime, maybe it's pregnancy,

Just out of curiosity, do you know any 13 year olds personally? I can tell you that 13 is REALLY flipping young. I don't care if she says "I just turned 18". If she's 13, and you have sex with her, then you risk jailtime.

"But she had boobs, officer!" isn't a valid excuse.

"taking off my pants" as soon as I heard that she was legal - nevermind that she would, logically, have to be doing the exact same thing

She's thirteen. THIRTEEN! You're the adult. Sorry, man. Adults need to be held to a higher standard than 13 year old girls.

And if you were to walk into any bar in the country and try to tell the crowd there that any of them would somehow "deserve" that massive punishment if they had a one-night stand that night, and the stand happened to be with someone who used a fake ID, you'd probably get more than just laughter.

So some drunks in a bar will beat me up if I tell them they'll go to jail for having sex with a 13 year old who lies about her age. Gosh, I guess you're right. You know what, I change my stance. This 22 year old man should not be punished at all. In fact, he should be awarded a medal.

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but the law doesnt say they should be put to death. the law is 5 to 20 and this guy got 5... as i have said OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN this guy WILL NOT SERVE FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.

again...YOU and the other moral fortitude don't get it...It's the sex offender tag. He doesn't deserve the sex offender tag AT ALL!!! That in effect will ruin his life, and he doesn't deserve it. He wasn't looking to hook up with a kid.

As for the girl, well, I guess she didn't break any technical laws, but she certainly needs a good ass beating. Unfortunately it doesn't look like her inept parents are going to do anything to punish her. Why am I not surprised that her parents are still letting her stay out late? Seriously, what the hell is wrong people these days?

Technically, I do believe she could be busted for wire fraud.

Yeah Chachie, I saw her picture. And I'll definitely give you that: she's more mature looking than a regular 13-year-old (and yes, it's all the hormones in our food these days, girls are physically maturing at a faster rate). That being said, she's THIRTEEN. I coach girls, 11-17 and there is a discernable difference in the maturity of girls who are 13 and girls who are 16-17. Come on now, regardless of this girl's looks (and I still don't think she looks 18), I'm sure it was somehow, somewhere evident that she wasn't 18. Sure, she's a manipulative brat and her father is an idiot...but I seriously think this guy deserves some jailtime. I mean, she's 13. Ahhh!

She without a doubt looks around 18. As for telling the difference? No...I have seen younger then 13 online able to fool people he/she is older. Its ALOT more common then I think alot of you want to admit. You have to get around the 13. She portrayed herself as an adult, duped not one, but 2 guys she was an adult. When the guy realized it, he manned up and came clean. So, he should be punished for being stupid, but only probation...he wasn't looking for a 13 yr old...he was looking for an 18 year old. Do you see the difference?

I like how putting a fake age on myspace is now an "elaborate ruse".

Look--I don't think you "deserve" to be put in jail.

If somebody runs out into the street without looking, do they "deserve" to get hit by a car? Absolutely not...but I would say that they took an unnecessary risk, and they should have known that there was a chance that this could happen. I'm sure that analogy will fall apart if looked at too closely, but that's basically how I feel. Every time you have sex with somebody you don't know very well, there is a CHANCE of something bad happening. Maybe it's a disease, maybe it's jailtime, maybe it's pregnancy,

Just out of curiosity, do you know any 13 year olds personally? I can tell you that 13 is REALLY flipping young. I don't care if she says "I just turned 18". If she's 13, and you have sex with her, then you risk jailtime.

"But she had boobs, officer!" isn't a valid excuse.

She's thirteen. THIRTEEN! You're the adult. Sorry, man. Adults need to be held to a higher standard than 13 year old girls.

So some drunks in a bar will beat me up if I tell them they'll go to jail for having sex with a 13 year old who lies about her age. Gosh, I guess you're right. You know what, I change my stance. This 22 year old man should not be punished at all. In fact, he should be awarded a medal.

Yet another who seems to think that online you could pick out the 13 year old...I would actually bet, you couldn't. Now...I'll tell you all why I know this. I am on a chat site called IMVU. I have alot of friends there. In my time there, I have met a few girls. Was tricked by one big time...but it wasn't youth, she was older then what she said, among other things she was trying to pawn off. But, because of this, I decided to look into it more. I have helped catch a few that were able to sucessfully pull off they are younger then their age they list. In fact, there was a 9 year old on there who was able to get ahold of a credit card and buy an adult pass. She was listed as being 21. She had several males and females fooled about her age. She got caught because one of her "interests" friends became suspicious. Needless to say, she eventually tripped up.

But that was a HUGE eye opener to alot of people...yes a 13 year old can completely pull off they are older. You think there is some secret code on how an 18 year old acts? No, not at all. You watch enough TV or movies, you can figure out anything.

What you naysayers have to get into your heads is that this guy was not looking for a 13 year old. He thought she was 18, and she probably was very good at portraying an 18 year old. Was he naive and dumb, yes. Was he blinded by emotions he had for her...yes. But throwing him in jail and labeling him as a sex offender for it, is absolutely ludicrous.

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Yet another who seems to think that online you could pick out the 13 year old...I would actually bet, you couldn't.

You're absolutely right. Online, I would probably not be able to guess her age.

But in person? I would have to be pretty darn sure of her age before having intercourse with her. If you're not sure, then you're taking a risk.

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You're absolutely right. Online, I would probably not be able to guess her age.

But in person? I would have to be pretty darn sure of her age before having intercourse with her. If you're not sure, then you're taking a risk.

so...you'd ask her for ID?

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"Never mind, I found my wallet with some cash in it. Hey, wanna rent some pornography first, to get ourselves in the mood? Movie Gallery revoked my membership due to unpaid late fees, so you'll have to go in and rent it yourself. Here's ten bucks, now go!"

Ok, maybe I'm getting ridiculous now. But seriously, even if it's awkward to ask for an ID, it's not hard to figure stuff out over the course of a date or two. Take her to an R rated movie, or a bar where they card everybody. Start a conversation about how dorky your drivers license picture is, or something. Something.

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