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Holding ES Members Accountable for "I'm Done" or "I'm Done if..." Threads


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You should work for Bush. Any dissent or disagreement is hatred, which shall result in banning or other stern punishment. You are either with me or against me. . .

How about holding Snyder accountable for the mediocre on-field product he has offered, by hurting him the only place he would really care--the checkbook.

Or how about we ban all the Snyder apologists who defend him no matter what he does? Isn't that just as foolish as those who condemn everything he does?

I support the right of every fan to post on this board--even a tool like you.

Only when the dissent and disagreement looks like they are rooting for us to fail in the war on terror or the Bush bashers takes glee in anything negative even if they help create it.

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This is where ND says to himself 'Rut Ruh!' And then goes & reads Rule #18 & then PMs me with his understanding of it & what has happened here. And the things will revert to normal.

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I didnt read this whole thread but...

Do we get to call out people that say "this player will be this" or when we say "the Redskins are going to destroy this team" ?

The point really is, what good comes out of these threads? To be able to point at someone and laugh or to say "You where wrong." Does that make you feel better as a fan or as a person?

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I didnt read this whole thread but...

Do we get to call out people that say "this player will be this" or when we say "the Redskins are going to destroy this team" ?

The point really is, what good comes out of these threads? To be able to point at someone and laugh or to say "You where wrong." Does that make you feel better as a fan or as a person?

Absolutely not. All you had to do was read the first post or even the title and you would realize that this thread is about getting people to own up to threads in which they said they were leaving the site and were going to stop watching the Redskins.

There are currently two threads going on right now from the same person who on two separate occasions two years apart said he was done with the team. He's still here and still posting while calling everyone pathetic for posting and somehow still wishing Patrick Ramsey was our QB.

This is a thread about holding people accountable for the "threats" that they make on here.

Before you say it's bad how about you make sure what it really is.

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Absolutely not. All you had to do was read the first post or even the title and you would realize that this thread is about getting people to own up to threads in which they said they were leaving the site and were going to stop watching the Redskins.

There are currently two threads going on right now from the same person who on two separate occasions two years apart said he was done with the team. He's still here and still posting while calling everyone pathetic for posting and somehow still wishing Patrick Ramsey was our QB.

This is a thread about holding people accountable for the "threats" that they make on here.

Before you say it's bad how about you make sure what it really is.

Why has it become your mission to worry about "threats" of leaving. Who cares? It seems like a huge waste of time on your part. However, it is funny how worked up you get.

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Why has it become your mission to worry about "threats" of leaving. Who cares? It seems like a huge waste of time on your part. However, it is funny how worked up you get.
It's a message board and he's stating an opinion, just like everyone else here--in fact, he's engaging a topic centered around the concept of members holding each other accountable for the integrity of what they say.

That's one of the fundamental premises this board was founded upon, as has been mentioned more than once.

Other points of view on the matter, and debating his stance, are also part of the discourse, as it ever was. Your vacuous question is answered by the obvious to anyone choosing to be aware of what's going on around them on ES.

Many people here care as evidenced by the number of posts affirming such in any number of threads, both currrent and regularly existing over time in this forum.

I'd ask you why you seem to be posting as such a clueless goof about this, regarding your implying otherwise in your post I quoted, but I'll provide my own answer to that query.

Your user notes and a number of your posts do not cast you as some kind of "objectivist" (as you posture yourself in some of your posts) as much as a troll and a head case (technical term).

And your post quoted here is basically a troll post as constructed: it makes flautlently pointless yet inciteful comments with no legitmate substance re: the topic. You have made several recently such as this one. Given your accrued record in just one year, my prediction is you likely won't be here very long. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

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:laugh: Sorry to laugh, but you remind me of the OP. IMO people who are done with something simply do away with that thing or disregard it totally. They don't deal with it one more time in order to make a grand proclamation that they are now done with it. :laugh:

Sorry, I just think it's funny.

yes... if you were to meet me, you would see that nearly everything i say is laced with sarcasm, wrapped in irony, and tongue is always firmly in my cheek. it really gives my iraqi interpreter a hard time when i am trying to tell my counterparts a joke... they always think i am trying to be serious, and my terp has to take a moment or two to explain that i am joking... usually it ends in a good iraqi laugh.... example, i had my iraqi counterparts in our american chow hall, and they were making sure that all of the food that they were eating was not pork... i told them everything was pork-free except the apricots they were eating and all of them stopped mid bite and where like "holy sh*t this american made me violate all of my religous principles!" of course a moment or two later, they all realized that i was messing with them, and we had a good chuckle... what does this have to do with this thread-- i was of course being ironic.... that being said-- I am SO done with this post. ;)

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Why has it become your mission to worry about "threats" of leaving. Who cares? It seems like a huge waste of time on your part. However, it is funny how worked up you get.

It has become my "mission" because I would like to see more posts that involve arguments backed up by facts than ones that are one sided with the other side saying "if I don't get my way then I quit" only to return a week later to do the same thing.

I would hope that by holding these guys, yourself included, to their word so that we can weed out some people who aren't doing anything to add to this board. Instead all you're doing is detracting from some perfectly good topics and causing them to spiral down into some trollfest.

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It has become my "mission" because I would like to see more posts that involve arguments backed up by facts than ones that are one sided with the other side saying "if I don't get my way then I quit" only to return a week later to do the same thing.

I would hope that by holding these guys, yourself included, to their word so that we can weed out some people who aren't doing anything to add to this board. Instead all you're doing is detracting from some perfectly good topics and causing them to spiral down into some trollfest.

Hell, in 50% of my posts I go out of my way to provide stats and my own personal analysis for interpreting these stats.

There was a rash of near-political bolstering over our quarterbacks and who was and who wasn't words like "elite", "franchise", "starter" and even "good/great". Thats when I first really started posting because I was tired of reading opinions based on simple, uninformed (I won't say ignorant or uneducated... a lot of people don't know the actual definition of ignorance) posturing. I took a hard stance against the notion that Jason Campbell was a franchise caliber player. I wasn't alone in that belief, but a lot of people said some harsh things in the defense of Campbells performance and I heard a lot of "you're wrongs" and "you are stupid" in response. But not once could anyone prove to me the point I was making was false because its IN THE NUMBERS. I don't think stats make the player, and oft it isn't a perfect barometer of a players importance or contributions. To avoid further rambling.... to the point....

I made a comment that I wish there was a separate forum that you had to earn the right to post in. It was tongue in cheek, but the idea is it would be nice to have a discussion with a group of people that doesn't get derailed by people like MassSkinsFan. And believe it or not, he always wins because someone at some point quotes him and the faint sound of a good conversation getting flushed can be heard in the distance.

Not, call me an ass for making this case.... but I believe there is a strong correlation between the people who make idle threats and the people who post inane drivel that adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.


Member 1: Clinton Portis is the best HB in the league!

Member 2: (quotes member 1) I agree!

Member 3: Nah, I think LT is better. Hes a better runner and blocker.

Member 4: (quotes member 3)Have you seen Clinton Portis stay in and block? Hes a BEAST!!!

Member 5: (quotes member 3) You are an idiot. Enjoy wearing womens underwear, ponyboy.


Thats the record player skipping.

Maybe I am wrong, but god wouldnt I love to have a roundtable with all of you intelligents. It would be a good time.

I'll bring a Glenfiddich 21 year.

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Member 1: Clinton Portis is the best HB in the league!

Member 2: (quotes member 1) I agree!

Member 3: Nah, I think LT is better. Hes a better runner and blocker.

Member 4: (quotes member 3)Have you seen Clinton Portis stay in and block? Hes a BEAST!!!

Member 5: (quotes member 3) You are an idiot. Enjoy wearing womens underwear, ponyboy.

I don't know what message board you're reading but I think you're blowing the problem WAY out of proportion.

Do a whole lot of people post uninformed, ignorant and or stupid things on here? Of course, this is the internet--it encourages stupidity and there is little accountability for what people say/do. Thats why we have this thread. We want this BS to stop. I would add that I also want people to read the damn rules, do research before they post, quit exaggerating how good or bad players/teams/situations are etc...but to expect that much intelligence out of the 70,000 or however many people we have is foolish.

I think in general there are some very good debates on here, those threads continue on for months and normally include very well informed posts that are occasionally interrupted by idiots who say things like you posted.

The Mods job is not to stop people from saying "CP IS THE BEST EVER OMG!", nor is it to stop another incredibly annoying habit of entirely useless posts like saying "CP is good" after an article about him. We can't entirely stop these things but we can try. I respect the OP for his idea here, him/myself/Blondie fought an epic battle against another poster recently about Rock, in which the poster used no facts and then threatened to leave the board. Its BS like that, which happens far too often, that we are trying to stop.

You, so far as I can tell so far, are a pretty smart guy. Not that higher post counts really mean much, the people in the Ring of Fame aren't necessarily smarter (no offense Bubba), they've just been here longer...but normally new guys aren't very well informed as to the rules and sometimes the Redskins in general. You seem to know what you're talking about and have the mental capacity to make well informed posts (even if this one, IMO was a little exaggerated).

Welcome to the board.

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Are you ok??? I'm so sorry. If you wanna talk about it. I'm here. I've felt that kind of pain before.

Haha, its just the USB I tried to use a wireless adapter and it wouldn't recognize it so I'm sending it in for repair. It is rough though...

20 years old & he joined in Nov. 2007.

And he gets it. :)

I take that as a very high compliment, thank you sir.

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Do me a favor. Each time you post a quote, post the link to the quote as well. That said, you & this thread are GOLDEN.:)

Seriously, I am fully impressed here. Right on Tiger!!

I will leave this board when they pry it from my dead clammy hands!!

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