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The saddest song you can think of


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Since most of the songs I thought were sad are covered, I'll throw in My Chemical Romance.. Cancer.

Turn away,

If you could get me a drink

Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded

Call my aunt Marie

Help her gather all my things

And bury me in all my favorite colors,

My sisters and my brothers, still,

I will not kiss you,

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.

Now turn away,

'Cause I'm awful just to see

'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,

Oh, my agony,

Know that I will never marry,

Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo

But counting down the days to go

It just ain't living

And I just hope you know

That if you say (if you say)

Goodbye today (goodbye today)

I'd ask you to be true (cause I'd ask you to be true)

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you

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I have to nominate "Hurt" by Johnny Cash.

"and you can have it all..my empire of dirt". his voice was so frail and not the man in black we all knew. you just knew he wasnt going to be around much longer.

when June died you knew he was going to follow shortly.

Damn you BigMike! I read through all the other posts and couldn't believe no one had posted this one yet and thought surely I'd get it, until I read this.

Totally agree on all points. Yeah yeah, it's a cover, but I'm sorry, this may sound like hypocrisy to some but I think Cash's version blows NIN's version out of the water, especially considering the relevence of the lyrics to Cash's life and where he was at in his life when he released it as a single.

It also works tremendously as any kind of tribute song- I remember WWE used it in a tribute to Eddie Guerrero which was extremely powerful even to me, despite not having watched wrestling in awhile, and I listened to it a lot when Sean Taylor died and thought someone should've used it for a video to him.

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Do What You Have To Do ~ Sarah McLachlan

I Hope I Never ~Split Enz


Vincent ~ Don McLean (about Vincent Van Gogh)

They Dance Alone ~ Sting (about women dancing in the streets of Chile torn apart by the Pinochet regime. Women would dance in the streets with pictures of their husbands, fathers, brothers or sons pinned to their clothes or they were holding the pictures and dancing with them)


Mad World ~ Gary Jules

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Natalie Merchant's "Beloved Wife" is certainly on my list.

For some reason Sarah McLachlan "Hold On" always gets me...but leaves me a little happier than when I started as it is hopeful...lately the song just means a little more as I think about my MS and I think what my kids have to go through with their own medical issues and potential family problems:

Hold On lyrics

Hold on

Hold on to yourself

for this is gonna hurt like hell

Hold on

Hold on to yourself

you know that only time will tell

What is it in me that refuses to believe

this isn't easier than the real thing

My love

you know that you're my best friend

you know I'd do anything for you

my love

let nothing come between us

my love for you is strong and true

Am I in heaven here or am I...

at the crossroads I am standing

So now you're sleeping peaceful

I lie awake and pray

that you'll be strong tomorrow and we'll

see another day and we will praise it

and love the light that brings a smile

across your face

Oh god if you're out there won't you hear me

I know that we've never talked before

oh god the man I love is leaving

won't you take him when he comes to your door

Am I in heaven here or am I in hell

at the crossroads I am standing

So now you're sleeping peaceful

I lie awake and pray

that you'll be strong tomorrow and we'll

see another day and we will praise it

and love the light that brings a smile

across your face...

Hold on

hold on to yourself

for this is gonna hurt like hell

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