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Poll: Biggest Offseason Mancrush

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You know what I'm talking about...the gushing, fawning and lavish praise tossed onto players who are usually undrafted and have contributed absolutely squat to the team during the regular season. Yet their legion of fans swear by their undiscovered talent and can't figure out why the Skins don't see what they see.

Who would be the #1 Mancrush of ES in your eyes?

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Right now I'd say Mix.

I've seen some people throw up predicted WR depth charts with Mix competing as the #4 receiver with Kelly.

Bramlet's really gotten a lot of loving around here in the past year or so though, who can forget such gems as these, the best was certain people claiming he had better potential than Campbell or we should cut Collins to make room for Bramlet:




I really think Kerry Brown can get a good train going this summer though.

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Right now I'd say Mix.

I've seen some people throw up predicted WR depth charts with Mix competing as the #4 receiver with Kelly.

Bramlet's really gotten a lot of loving around here in the past year or so though, who can forget such gems as these, the best was certain people claiming he had better potential than Campbell or we should cut Collins to make room for Bramlet:




I really think Kerry Brown can get a good train going this summer though.

:laugh: Nice research... :applause:

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I think people are fixated on Mix because that man-crush is most recent.

Mix was a top special teams player last year, so at least he HAS contributed to the team. Unlike Lumsden.

His receiving skills are unknown but a standout SP player deserves some props. Special teams too often goes under appreciated.

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Its Mix and has been Mix for the last 1.5 years.

Don't understand the infatuation with a lazy, marginally talented WR that went undrafted and cut from the Giants.

Oh yeah, he's tall.. :rolleyes:

Did you see something that said he was lazy? I know he busted his butt on special teams and was among the leaders in tackles, forced a fumble, and recovered a fumble in less than half a year.

Special teams is mostly heart, which is why the lazy thing would surprise me. Vinny and Zorn themselves have volunteered Mix's name as someone of interest. Some fan boys take it far too far, but countering it with over the top skepticism and a near level of contempt doesn't even things out.

Perhaps be careful that you don't displace your annoyance for the fan boys incessant propping of Mix onto Mix himself. All he's done since he's been here and make an impact on special teams. That's something that prima donna WRs don't do, so I appreciate his effort and we'll see what he can do in camp.


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It's Mix by a mile, the infatuation with this mere practice squad player was/is nothing short of astounding. He's tall, yes, and played with JC at Auburn, those two things alone give people the impression that this is gonna be Brady to Moss 2.0. Not gonna happen Ladies and Gents:laugh:

edit: Oh yea he's a "true redskin", whatever the hell that means. I think people around here just say that for all our special teams players :silly:

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Lumsden got the most undeserved gushing from ES members... but Bramlet had more fierce loyalists who were convinced he'd be a star in the NFL. So its hard to say between the two who wins the award but I think I'll go with Lumsden. Nemo and McCune get an honorable mention.

ES has taken a more cautionary wait-and-see stance with Mix and, previously, Espy. Skaggs is outclassed in mancrushedness compared to everyone on that list.

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ANYONE who voted for the flavor of the month over McCune definately doesn't know ES. McCune will go down in ES lore as the biggest mancrush of all time. Just do a search on him. There were AT LEAST 10-15 threads on this guy for the LONGEST time.

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I voted Mix, because he is on the current roster.

I never, ever, understodd the mancrush for Espy. IMO he was nothing special. Can't be all that amazing if he has yet to be picked up.

Before the draft and drafting 3 "pass catchers", all over 6'2", Mix was the next Plaxico/Moss/TO, "mixed" all into one. He was Hall of Fame bound.

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Kerry Brown...i think that guys gonna be a stud

I second this notion. Well, not the fact that I necessarily agree that Brown will be a stud, but people are going ga-ga over this kid. A thread earlier this week about him grew to like 4 pages.

Apparently some nobodys at NFLDraftScout (or something similar) liked the kid so everyone has annointed him the next Jeff Saturday/Stephon Heyer/Joe Jacoby (or enter your favorite UDFA NFL lineman).

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