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Best Birthday Cake Ever..


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Does anyone make a redskinn helmet cake or a jersey cake? I think it would be awesome to have a Cooley jesey cake.

If you ever get to the south Publix grocery bakerys can make any kind of cake you want. They have some real artists there. They made me a redskins helmet cake that was almost a sin to eat. :silly: Wish I had taken a picture of it before I ate it.

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Does anyone make a redskinn helmet cake or a jersey cake? I think it would be awesome to have a Cooley jesey cake.

I didnt read thru the five pages of responses..but there are some ice cream places out there ..in my area Ice Cream World...that have a liscense to do NFL and other major sports logos on their cakes...the cake i got for my Bday this past year was an awsome huge redskins logo essentially looks like a complete clear photocopy, but was sprayed on...i personally dont get how they do it, but it was the best damn cake I ever got!!! If i find a pic of it I will get it on here...

To the OP...that cake is awsome!! Nothing like the thought in caring that goes into a personalized cake like that - your gf did an awsome job. :cheers:

Hope you had a great birthday!!!!

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is that yellow cake?


good stuff, she's a keeper.!

She's a keeper was exactly what I was going to post.

Someone who embraces what you love and then bakes? A very thoughtful person. Think about doing some ring shopping and then you can have a cool groom's cake like in the other thread.

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