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This will be the thread for the Obama/AntiChrist comparisons.(It will be VERY long!)


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I'm one of many who have a really bad feeling about Obama! :doh:

Not because of political issues.....not because of racial issues....not because of morality issues and not because of qualification issues...I have a problem with Obama becoming the President of the United States because of Religious issues or specifically...Biblical prophesy and the Christian/Jewish Holy Bible!

I'm certainly no prophet,but I have noticed many of the prophesies coming true and to light over the last 100 years....

This thread has one purpose and one purpose only!!To discredit Obama as the President of the U.S.

It's not my place to judge him as a person,as I don't know him personally and even if I did...wouldn't have that right too anyway...But it is my civil duty to share my opinion on the consequences of ANYONE taking the chance to vote for this man as the President of the U.S. in the Country I live!

On this original thread I will post other sites opinions and facts that will compare the possibilty of this man POSSIBLY being the Antichrist!

Some of you will appreciate this information and some of you will feel obviously skeptical which is OK...That is your right!

But I have the right to share this information to those that need reasurrance and to those who need to see 2-sides of this man with all the PRO-Obama threads I see...(I will be editing this thread frequently or when I can to at least have some of you open your eyes or to keep an open mind)

...and last before I post all these informative aricles...I believe he will be our next president!!I just only pray I'm wrong on all this...and you should too!


the AntichristWe’ve been wondering what’s up with this whole “Obama ‘08!” excitement, because the guy hasn’t actually done anything but win his first Senate race after Republican Jack Ryan had to drop out. (Ryan was caught trying to peddle his wife’s ass at Sex Clubs — you know, the Star Trek alien gal with the crazy tits.)

But shocking new information was delivered by owl this morning to Wonkette’s newsroom, and suddenly everything makes perfect sense.

Barack Obama is the … Anti Christ. Or antichrist, that’s a good way to spell it, too. More than you ever imagined, after the jump.

What exactly is this Antichrist, anyways? Like most crazy Jesus Freak stuff — the Rapture, Christmas, Easter, 666, etc. — the popular concept doesn’t appear in the actual Bible and was just made up by some nuts. The word antichrist (from the Greek antíkhristos, meaning “instead of Christ”) appears all of five times in the whole Bible, exclusively in the epistles John 1 and John 2.

And in those New Testament letters, the right-wing evangelical author is arguing against the popular gnostic Christian sects because they didn’t believe Jesus was a real person, or actually the Son of God or whatever. These people were pushing something “instead of Christ.” That’s all. Jesus was an alien.

Leave it to Christians to spend the next 2,000 years coming up with the most incredible backstory to go with the meager source material. Pulling stuff from Daniel and the Book of Revelation and, mostly, their collective ass, the Jesus Freaks have come to the conclusion that the Anti Christ is some modern-day political figure that will rise up and do good things, winning massive support from Democrats and Republicans (right …) and performing all the magic tricks attributed to Jesus in the Gospels, such as raising the dead, curing lepers and turning water into wine like some kind of mystical Trader Joe’s wholesale supplier.

Next, the Antichrist does terrible things to the Middle East, and then he becomes this totalitarian evil leader and forces humanity to suffer many “trials and tribulations.” Yeah, we know, this is obviously Dick Cheney. So why bring in Obama?

Two reasons: Most Jesus Freaks are Red Staters, and the Antichrist is supposed to start off as a good person.

There are 16,000 Google matches for “Barack Obama” and Antichrist.” That’s nothing compared to the 169,000 Antichrist matches for Dick Cheney, but Cheney’s been doing his evil work since Nixon Administration.

The middle-of-the-road Washington rookie is mostly an Antichrist candidate because people think he’s nice. How freakin’ cynical can you get?! Jesus Freaks knew Obama was The One (or “AC”) as soon as he gave his famous speech in 2004 — a speech that’s famous for not sucking as hard as Kerry’s:

People can think what they want about me, I could really give a hoot. People think that the AC is coming out of the mid-east. My personal belief is that the AC is going to rise right out of the UN, and with this guys popularity, charisma, and how he is climbing the ranks in government real fast!!!, He may be in the UN next.

When I first heard of Barak, a few days ago, the first thing I heard is that he is a guy who came out of nowhere and now many flock to his side. When my wife and I heard this, we both thought the same thing, the anti-christ. Now I am not claiming him to be, just something that triggered that thought in both of us.

My sister and I both feel something “spooky” about this guy, but can’t quite figure out what it is. It is odd that strangers come up to him on the street. Why would they do that, unless they were drawn to him.

I don’t think we should directly label Obama as AC, but it is very interresting. While I was watching him, the VERY FIRST thought that came to my mind was asking the Lord if I was looking at the AC. I don’t have a big opinion either way, but man, that was pretty scary.

Also, even though Obama’s from Hawaii (spooky!), his dad is from Kenya … which is, uhm, closer to the Middle East, which is where most Jesus Freaks believe the “AC” needs to be born.

Oh, and some idiot “pundits” apparently started referring to Obama as “the messiah.” That’s a pretty good way to freak out the Free Republic crowd! See, the antichrist is also supposed to be a “false messiah,” who tricks everybody, and then right before you die the real Jesus appears and rapes you to death, and then you burn in Hell for eternity, and Obama laughs and laughs.

Worse, we’ve just discovered that the anagram of “Barack Obama” is “Maraca Kabob.” (Sorry, George Allen! It was damned close.)

Maraca, as in Mexico, as in some sort of immigration freakout (very scary!) or the sinister joining of Mexico and the United States, and Kabob, as in the shared food of Arabs and Israelis, and also probably in Kenya somewhere, which clearly suggests the Final Battle of Armageddon shall be fought at some Middle East place possibly mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

While it’s true that Jerry Falwell (or Pat Robertson, one of those scumbags) says the Antichrist must be a dirty Jew, if Obama is like most senators it will soon turn out that he, too, rides with the Tribe.

Whether Obama is the Antichrist or not, something weird is going on in America’s confused psyche when it considers the junior senator from Illinois. There’s the blatant and subtle racism factor, which takes the redneck fear to a horrifying extreme: Not only is the black man taking the white woman, but the “mixed race” child becomes president.

Then there’s the general unease even felt by those who don’t consider him the A.C.

I was discussing Obama with a friend of mine shortly after his speech to the Democratic Convention, and we both confessed to having the almost immediate fear that this man would be assassinated.

Sure, great.

We’re just creeped out by all the geek fanboy love for Obama, like these nerds drooling over their keyboards because he’s so smart and pretty. Stop it, goddammit. He’s just a politician who hasn’t been caught yet.



by oneninesevenfour at 05:29 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * Didn't we go through this with Clinton? (The male one, because SHE obviously is.) And didn't all those predictions seem to come and go (and I was stupid enough to stay inside at the end of the millennium. I was in SF and higher than hell, so you'd think this would have done me in. Ya know?)

by Edsdesk at 05:33 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * Pope John Paul Called the chimp the Anti-christ...then promptly fell dead! Let's just stick to the evidence!

by mediahohoho at 05:42 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * The important thing to consider here is that, deep in their heart of hearts, American evangelical Christians are...the Anti Christ. No, sorry, just kidding. Most American evangelical Christians are racist *******s.

And those are the good ones.

by GreatSatan at 05:56 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * If the only qualification necessary to be the Anti-Christ is people flocking to you on the street, then when does the UN start building gold statues of Mick Jagger and demanding that everyone softly hum "Satisfaction" while kneeling in prayer?

Incidentally, you can put me firmly in the "geek fanboy" camp. If he's a bull**** artist, he's the best I've ever seen.

by RSquared at 05:59 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * Slow news day, guys? I mean really.

Also, thanks for clearing up how they get two buck Chuck down to two bucks. Miracles! Who knew?

by Ken Layne at 06:07 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * We report, we decide. Oh, lots more "Is he the Beast?" comments here.

by Edsdesk at 06:09 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * But it's still over 3 bucks here on the right coast! (that's my sacramental whine for the day)

by PeteJayhawk at 06:33 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * ...I first heard of Barak, a few days ago,...

Sounds like someone needs to pay closer attention to Israeli politics. Barak hasn't even been PM for a good 6 years.

by dumbdumbbullet at 06:49 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * There's more than one Star Trek angle to this story:



Conincidence? Hmmm...

by Electoral College Dropout at 08:06 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * because the guy hasn't actually done anything but win his first Senate race after Republican Jack Ryan had to drop out.

Hey now, after Ryan dropped out he had a hard fought match-up against Alan Keyes. No, no, seriously, THAT Alan Keyes.

by secularliberalradicalsocialist at 08:46 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * Hard to argue with brilliant logic like this:

When the whites start accepting a black man over a white man, and the white man has a great political career, then that is either a miracle from God, or the part of a bigger plan. Mans bigotry will never change as long as we are on this earth!!! This white man who had a great career in politics, is SUDDENLY shamed by a scandal.

Yes... Macaca: all part of God's plan. Or Satan's. Or something. by enginerd at 10:49 PM on 10/23/06 Reply by Email * I can't believe this is your first post under "antichrist". Ya'll should've fingered someone for it sooner, we've had 6 years of Bush.

by SkipNewarkDE at 06:23 AM on 10/24/06 Reply by Email * Jeri Ryan has some killer cans.

by Silo333 at 08:41 AM on 10/24/06 Reply by Email * The suspense is killing me. The media build-up of this guy is so incredible that when they inevitably scorch his ass, the fireball crashing to earth will fill the night sky so brightly that you could thread a needle at midnight.

by Alkibiades hearts Josh at 11:53 AM on 10/24/06 Reply by Email * Ronald Reagan was also fingered by, I mean as, the antichrist. The hard evidence: each of his names has 6 letters.

by Senator Boomdog at 12:10 PM on 10/24/06 Reply by Email * No, he was definitely fingered by the antichrist too.

by SwingOhio at 03:26 PM on 10/24/06 Reply by Email * What kills me is that the "evangelicals" even go after the church-going types - Obama's a card-carrying convert to the United Church of Christ. To those goons the UCC apparently isn't "churchy" enough - probably because we beleive in things like equal rights for everybody and ending poverty and hunger. Yeah, clearly he's The Beast. We can't have any hippie-ass, homeless-homo-loving Christians in America....

by Destardi at 10:50 AM on 10/29/06 Reply by Email * ..obama's no antichrist, but with my living in Chicago, he's no messiah, either.

"junior" is about as a good a title as any; what has he DONE? You know, to deserve the attention? I haven't seen much cause for all the love...just sayin.

by mnash at 05:05 PM on 11/05/07 Reply by Email * I don't believe in ghosts, but I would not stay in a hotel that is widely believed to be haunted. I am not very religious, but I will not vote for the potential "antichrist." Sometimes it's best to just not walk under the ladder whether you're superstitious or not.

by ILOVEJESUS at 04:53 PM on 12/11/07 Reply by Email *

You are a rude ignorant person.

Wud u rather live life like there is a gone and find out there isnt, than live life like there isnt a god and find out there is! God didnt come for righteous people, he came for sinners like you! PICK UP A BIBLE!

by ILOVEJESUS at 04:54 PM on 12/11/07 Reply by Email *


by selene at 08:19 PM on 01/12/08 Reply by Email * I am not a born-again Christian; I am even a poor Catholic at that!! But I did have that idea about the man? Did you ever wonder why it is that people just inexplicably "flock" to him?!!! This country is profoundly marked by racism, blacks are not in the majority, so if he wins, do you not find it strange, that racism just gets "suspended" for him?!!! Also, I am listening to pundits on CNBC and the like who are saying that Wall Street prefers that he wins!!! Why, if he further left from Clinton, and Wall Street by definition veers Republican and to the right?!!You know if Wall Street wants anything, it cannot be good for main Street!!!! My instincts are telling me that there is something VERY ODD going on here, and that I should not vote for him.

by mahvin at 07:44 PM on 01/16/08 Reply by Email * OMG, ILOVEJESUS, you obviously are the ignorant one because that very bible you refer to specifically states that you should "JUDGE not, lest ye be JUDGED". I would strongly recommend you start reading YOUR bible and quit wasting space on the internet with your ridiculous ranting. Go in peace, my child, and be healed of your inability to make sense.

by OnlyManolos at 04:26 PM on 01/17/08 Reply by Email *

Barack Hussein Obama


first letter of his first name

Second two letters of his second name

and last letters of his last name...

b u s m a = MABUS

Nostradamus' name for the third anti-Christ

by williamcook7 at 05:30 AM on 01/21/08 Reply by Email *

In a base sense, there could be some slight significance in the numerical aspect of his full name if you believed in prophecy etc. Ie, the letters of his name amount to 18. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18

by BibleIsLame at 01:47 AM on 01/26/08 Reply by Email *

A few things, first: the anti christ is BS, because there would have to be a christ. (obviously there WAS a christ... i mean a christ that actually had powers)

2: if you look at anyone they can be considered the anti-christ by numerical value if you try hard enough. Adding up their letters in their name, numerical values of the letters in their name, birthday etc.... unless it turns out to be something EXACTLY like 666 it is very easy to manipulate. (and multiple of 6 will do ie: 36= 2(6+6+6) ZOMG hes twice the anti christ.

3: stay in school

4: going back to reading the bible....

dont..... God was created for people who cannot live for themselves and want to blame things on other people, christians especially manipulate this with their "forgiveness." if you think i am a load of crap... tell yourself this:

if you kill 19 people... and confess, nothing better has been done. you have been giving no punishment, you are still going to heaven dispite how you killed freaking 19 people... (it also gives priests an excuse to molest little boys)

by John777 at 10:41 PM on 01/26/08 Reply by Email *

5000 is a legion.. I dont want to be weird.. but the SC primary he said we are "one out of many"... the number 5K is all over this man--google "Barack Obama 5000"... its creepy or dumb, i know... but I started to like him when he spoke.. and I dont like anyone... so that was my first inclination to be suspicious... then I…

by Edie777 at 10:35 AM on 01/29/08 Reply by Email *

Barack Hussein Obama is someone we ALL need to keep our eyes on. I just DON'T think that he is being HONEST at all, if he was being honest, people wouldn't think this way. For all that believe in the word of God read Matt 12:39.

by BarackAntichrist at 11:19 PM on 02/12/08 Reply by Email *


Barack Obama is the antichrist, read more at my website BarackObamaAntichrist.Blogspot.com

by goingb at 12:49 PM on 02/15/08 Reply by Email *


by aries121 at 06:22 PM on 02/15/08 Reply by Email *

Google Mabus.

Mabus (Ray Mabus)is one of Barack Obama's top middle east advisors, and for anyone who doesn't know the name Mabus is Nostradamos' 3d anti christ.

by TheTHORN at 12:31 AM on 02/16/08 Reply by Email * As far as the accuracy of the Bible is concerned with regard to the climax of this cosmic drama (setting aside other fulfilled prophecies, such as the miraculous survival and restoration of the Jews and Israel, the end of Babylonians, Jesus being born in Bethlehem, a man named Cyrus invading and conquering Babylon, 200 years before Cyrus was born and named! etc., etc.) I personally am impressed that we see the narrative as it is presented in scripture coming to closure; the stage is set for the world to turn on Israel and for the armies of the world to descend on the Middle East and Israel at some point, which is part of the apocalyptic narrative. That certainly seems plausible now. The story of mankind's redemption extends throughout the Bible. Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures, Isaiah 53, Psalm 22) and foretold the false Christs, which we see (Maitreya, Moon, etc.) and the roaring of the seas, etc. You don't have to believe it, but if you're going to criticize it, you at least ought to read it instead of spewing like a kid being forced to go to Sunday school.

by aries121 at 08:30 PM on 02/16/08 Reply by Email *

Bush can't be the anti christ...the anti christ will be loved and admired. He will be charming and a great speaker. He will promise peace and hope. Does this sound like Bush?

by Katzenelson at 02:50 PM on 02/18/08 Reply by Email *

No Christ and no Antichrist either, just another loser to soon play with J. Kerry ketchup catch-up in the dark Democratic parking lot: [preeedict.blogspot.com]

Hillary will curse whomever that it had to be her to fight that B. Hussein Obama, wishing for anybody else.

Whatever will be after Ohio, the next Democratic loser in this presidential race will have nothing to forgive him/herself for: Or s/he lost against a black guy or aginst a woman - what could be more of an embarrassment anyway?!

by Katzenelson at 02:52 PM on 02/18/08 Reply by Email *

Mabus can't be third antichrist, take a lesson:

Nostradamus - Century II quatrain 62

"Mabus will soon die and there will come

A dreadful destruction of people and animals,

Suddenly vengeance will be revealed,

Hundred, hands, thirst and hunger when the comet will pass."

by Sabre1075 at 03:37 PM on 02/20/08 Reply by Email *

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." -- Matthew 7:15

The Bible says: The antichrist has been here since the first century (1John 2:18, 1John 4:3)The antichrist will still be here when Jesus Christ returns (2 Thessalonians 2:8) Therefore…The antichrist cannot be a single personality because the antichrist has been here almost 2000 years so far. The antichrist must be an office or a position of authority. The antichrist will not occupy a temple in Jerusalem but will occupy a place amongst what might initially appear to be the body of Christ. The antichrist will sit as the head of this false church.(2 Thessalonians 2:4)- The Catholic Church. There is only one possibility that can fulfill all these prophesies. And the pope is the only possible position that fulfills all of these scriptural prophesies. But just as Jesus Christ is the only possible fulfillment of who was to be the Messiah, so too, the pope is the only possible fulfillment of who would be the antichrist. And still millions of people are blind to both!

Roman Catholics see the pope as Christ's vicar, which means, substitute. The pope's Latin title is Vicarius Filii Dei, which means "Substitute for the Son of God." In the Greek, "antichrist" simply means "in the place of Christ" Thus, by very definition, the pope IS the antichrist. The word "Pope" means "Father." The word "Father" as a title was forbidden by Jesus Christ:

"And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven."

--Matthew 23:9

by whocares08 at 07:02 PM on 02/25/08 Reply by Email *

I am very thrilled that he has finally arrived. I have been waiting for HIM. I just never knew he would be so good looking and smooth. I wonder if Hillary is really one of his own and is secretly helping him to reach his rightful place. "Please allow me to introduce myself...."

by wilkince at 05:15 PM on 02/26/08 Reply by Email *

This is absolutely absurd. Many other leaders have been very popular in history and they have not been given such names.Why is everyone accusing Obama of all that? Maybe because he really seems the first black to be president of the United States of America.

by UneedChrist at 02:27 AM on 02/27/08 Reply by Email *

It amazes me that so many of you bad mouth Christ or Christians. You obviously believe, you talk bad about Christians and Christ. If you did not believe, you would take a more passive approach. The author think Christ was just a magician? Great magic trick to having the staying power He has. You are not merely stating an opinion, you are attacking Christ, God, Christians, etc... That makes you and those like you ANTI-Christ. You are not passive, but rejective. I suppose your life is not as you think it should be and you feel you need to blame someone. I dunno... All I know is, God, Christ... is real, and you only need to ask for Him to be revealed, to see it for yourself. I feel bad so many Hate Christians and God. Some talk about bigots, or racists... what are you? You are a racist as well, you hate christians... Reread the bible, and you may find what you are missing.


by 19LINDA48 at 10:11 PM on 03/05/08 Reply by Email *



by TruthTeacher at 10:49 AM on 03/08/08 Reply by Email *

It never ceases to amaze me that people will quote the Bible, they think, and yet have no clue as to what it actually says. Instead, they take what their pastor or televangelist says as truth and swallow it hook, line and sinker. The word antichrist has been so mis-used and mis-applied to so many people that it is mind-boggling. Taking the Bible literally and saying it is the innerrant "word of GOD" and then believing that it was written by GOD in King James English no less is close to the height of ignorance. Barack Obama is no more and antichrist(instead of christ, NOT false christ or against christ) than Jay Leno. People flock to Jay Leno and listen to him as well. Given that Barack Obama is an active member of a very large, forward thinking church in Chicago, I suspect his pastor might have something to say about these ridiculous ideas of Barack being the antichrist. The antichrist was never referred to as one particular person anyway. Read your Bible. Plus, think about this, the ancient Egyptians taught about CHRIST in their religion. And their civilization flourished for a rather long time, as long as they were free to worship GOD. Not the destructive, angry, tribal deity of the Jews, but the benevolent GOD who cared about humans. The GOD who could be known thru a personal relationship with GOD. Again, read your BIble, and read some history, OR, watch the Discovery Channel and learn!

by maremare1225 at 04:13 AM on 03/09/08 Reply by Email * This is the worst mix of religion and politics.

I think it's sad to teach people that anyone who tries to unite people and speak for peace has to be considered as the anti-christ.

C'mon. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if he had a different name and/or was white.

So here's ur logic, let's vote for the people who don't run on peace just to be safe and guarantee our misery instead of voting for the candidate with a hope perspective cause he might me in some creepy predictions from Nostradamus?

Ugh. What happened to voting on THE ISSUES?

by laytheism at 12:10 PM on 03/09/08 Reply by Email *

This is very well written. Nice job... I thought it was current, but it's two years old! By the way, can you delete the crazy ALL CAPS jesus-screaming in the comments? I have added you to my RSS feed. Keep up the good work.

by WOW2008 at 01:57 AM on 03/21/08 Reply by Email *

WOW - impressed that this was seen about the great one 2 years ago!!! They are not done with him yet!! It will be nice to see the "king" dethroned!!! All of those followers...what will they do...what will they do?? I am guessing the lemmings will drink the Kool-Aid anyway!! Nice Work Ken - just don't stop now!!! LOL

Here are a few videos you can check out...


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Not because of political issues.....not because of racial issues....not because of morality issues and not because of qualification issues...I have a problem with Obama becoming the President of the United States because of Religious issues or specifically...Biblical prophesy and the Christian/Jewish Holy Bible!

I'm certainly no prophet,but I have noticed many of the prophesies coming true and to light over the last 100 years....

This thread has one purpose and one purpose only!!To discredit Obama as the President of the U.S.

So another religious thread ? Great...

So since you are not a prophet let the chips fall where they may...

Or make you look like you have an agenda...

BTW - I am a long way from choosing who to vote for.

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I also would like to add that the timeline is quite interesting if somehow Obama is the AC...

1)Presidential election in Sept.08'...

2)ID cards come in affect in May of 08'

3)Antichrist creates 7 year peace treaty with Isreal and middle East..(this is required)

4)Antichrist will create peace for the 1st 3 1/2 years of peace treaty...

What's 3 1/2 years after the year 2008,before the Antichrist lets the wraith upon the world and WARS?...?Well that would be feb-Mar of 2012...when you will be required to wear the mark of the beast and those that don't serve him will be killed and more than likely be-headed...

What are the prophesies of Nastrodamas,Mayans and many other predictions of when the world would change or end?Dec 21st 2012....

Interesting...Could that be the date of Armageddon or the day of Jesus Christs Return?Or perhaps both?

Just something to wrap your brain around...

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What are the prophesies of MayansDec 21st 2012....

The mayan doomsday prophecy is because of astronomy, they began there calender when the planets were in a certain order, and they will be in that order again in 2012, that is it.

Also emperror Nero was the Antichrist, so I don't see how there can be another.

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I don't know whether to :rolleyes: and :slap: or to :munchout:

Why not all three? :laugh:

Serious question for those that think he is (or could be)the antichrist.

If he IS, it is fated he will come to power and there is nothing to stop it.

If he is NOT...Don't you think your being a bit foolish??? :silly:

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Oh, and some idiot “pundits” apparently started referring to Obama as “the messiah.” That’s a pretty good way to freak out the Free Republic crowd! See, the antichrist is also supposed to be a “false messiah,” who tricks everybody, and then right before you die the real Jesus appears and rapes you to death, and then you burn in Hell for eternity, and Obama laughs and laughs.


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Ummm... if you're a good Christian why would this bother you? If he is the anti-christ and is the harbinger of armageddon, doesn't that mean you'll soon be in paradise?

yeah those "rapturists" can't wait for that **** to happen. If I was a rap artist, I;d write a song call the "raturist's rap" and dance like the church lady on SNL :silly:

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Just imagine. If his mom had named him Barry instead of Barrack, he could have been spared 90% of this. What a bunch of xenophobic, anti-semitic, silliness.

I'm not sure if this is you Michael, but I've recently heard this argument made and it just baffles me.

People have told me that they don't like Barrack because he won't put his hand on the Bible and that he is in truth a Muslim, and Islamic fanatic no matter what sheep's wool he puts on. Then, in that same breath these same people tell me that he's unfit because he's been too heavily a part of this Christian Church that preaches hatred for twenty years. That this Reverend Wright is his mentor. He Married Obama, he baptized his children. He's such an incredible influence on his life.

Well, which is it? Is he a disciple of Wright's or a fanatic islamofacist? I really did have this conversation with someone on Friday. She couldn't even see the contradiction in her arguments. And she's not dumb.

We are in the season where people are just desperately tossing mud and hoping that some tenuous or real thing will stick and harm those they don't like. That seems more like the work of the devil to me than the guy who keeps getting spattered.

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Taking one thing you said ... can you show where "ID cards coming into effect in May '08" ties into a biblical prophecy. Be specific about exactly what you claim is happening in May '08 and who will be impacted. And then explain how this confirms a specific passage in your scripture.

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auntie-Christ :)

Autie-Christ? that's pretty interesting, you know. It makes one wonder if the whole anti-Christ thing is a misinterpretation. Afterall, early Jewish and Christian doctrine were pretty anti-women, pretty darn sexist. Perhaps, those mentions were not a mention of the DEVIL, but of an Aunt figure, the female half of the Christ circle. Yin-Yang kind of thing.

Could Angelina Jolie be the Auntie-Christ?

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all this guy does is post mock drafts, crazy trade scenarios like trade our 4th and 5th rounders for 2 1st round choices of the cowboys and other crazy bull****.

At least his delusions are widespread, rather than specific to one area of interest. You have to wonder what the OP does for a living, and whether it involves machinery or dealing with minors.

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