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This will be the thread for the Obama/AntiChrist comparisons.(It will be VERY long!)


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Autie-Christ? that's pretty interesting, you know. It makes one wonder if the whole anti-Christ thing is a misinterpretation. Afterall, early Jewish and Christian doctrine were pretty anti-women, pretty darn sexist. Perhaps, those mentions were not a mention of the DEVIL, but of an Aunt figure, the female half of the Christ circle. Yin-Yang kind of thing.

Could Angelina Jolie be the Auntie-Christ?

I can see some people volunteering to be raped by the anti-Christ.

Not anti, Auntie :doh:

but think about it. Angelina used to carry around that weird vial of blood around her neck. She's got all these bizzarro symbols engraved into her body, and she does all this charity work for kids. More, she recently visited Iraq!

Angelina may very will be the Aunti-Christ.

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Well, which is it? Is he a disciple of Wright's or a fanatic islamofacist? I really did have this conversation with someone on Friday. She couldn't even see the contradiction in her arguments. And she's not dumb.

From the front desk of the church (I'm sorry but I couldn't find the quote), There are a large number of Muslims that attend the Church, Primarily for the social messages.

And the church gave the Nation of Islam (Black Muslim) leader Farrakhan a Lifetime Achievement Award.

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When the whites start accepting a black man over a white man, and the white man has a great political career, then that is either a miracle from God, or the part of a bigger plan.

and you take this manure seriously ? or are you really joking around ?


the Antichrist does not refer to one person but many............like me :D

1John:2:22: "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son".

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I can see some people volunteering to be raped by the anti-Christ.

Don't forget it's raped to death! That's a heck of a way to go out-sign me up for that!

As for the article posted by the OP, that simply has to be a joke. Whether or not that's the case, it's still the funniest stuff I've read in a while. :laugh:

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Let's please keep the topic on point.

It worries mean that obama is an islamic christian. I mean this should really send up a warning flag that he is the antichrist.


Still, the end times crowd likes to talk about "the" antichrist moving the world to one global faith, so could Islamic Christianity be just that? :paranoid:

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Still, the end times crowd likes to talk about "the" antichrist moving the world to one global faith, so could Islamic Christianity be just that? :paranoid:

Got it. One shared global faith = devil.



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As the official ES endtimes spokes person I would like make it abundantly clear that Obama is NOT the antichrist and for him to BECOME the antichrist is extremely unlikely.

The antichrist arises from the revived holy roman empire......while the UN is a make-shift version of the HRE it needs one more main ingrediant.....

Tony Blair's interfaithism.......Now we have the HRE


the AC will arise from Europe more likely than not according to all my research and resorces......but who knows what God was thinking..... :laugh:

Even if he was the AC, we wouldn't know until we are 3.5 years from the battle of megido. By then, it'll be too late for many.... :(

The day the confermation of the covanent happens....you got 7 years left.....if you don't know what that means, watch the news....when the israelites and pali's struck a deal and that 3rd temple is moved to the new location get your crap together......

I am KB, and I do NOT approve this thread. ;)

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