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David Beckham vs Tony Romo

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Its tough. Because Romo sits to pee could throw a football at him at high speed. But Beckham could nail him with a soccer ball right in the privates also. But Romo sits to pee has the advantage with the football pads.

Romo sits to pee.

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I am going with Romo sits to pee... Beckham is hot but as soon as he opens his mouth its over for me... he sounds like a freakin girl with the high pitched voice.

As for the women, I would take Posh hands down. Her attitude is fierce and she would run circles around Jessica (and her dad!)

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After much deliberation, i had to vote for Tony Romo sits to pee. He may be a Cowboy, but its still tougher than being a soccer player.

And he's GOT to be mentally tough if he didnt split open a wrist after fumbling the hold in the playoffs. Because MAN, that mustve sucked. :laugh:

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Why does posh spice look like she came out of an Alabama trailer park? Is it just me?

Anyways, my $$$ is on Beckham. One kick to the nads and its over


Romo sits to pee wears a cup. And a helmet. One head butt and its over.
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When I first saw this thread I thought Jim Rome had lured Beckham on his show and beat him up or something. Remember when QB Jim Evert was on Rome's show and Rome called him Chrissy Evert and Jimbo ***** slapped him across the face..

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