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Commentary: Why I Don’t Support the Troops


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Kenneth is exactly right. Therefore, I'm compelled to urge all my fellow baby killers to join me in opening up a can of whoop-ass on him.

Yeah - its brutal, and wrong. But we're a bunch of salivating mongoloids. Really, can we be held accountable?

Watch out Kenneth - the savages are coming for your ass. We'll feel really bad about it afterwards though.... I mean, as much as our limited intellect allows us to that is....

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For most who enlist, that is significantly more than they could earn in the real world, particularly when you consider the other financial benefits offered to personnel i.e. housing, health care, discount goods and services, tuition, etc.

You really are clueless. I was in college when I enlisted. Half my Marine platoon had attended some college. Almost all of us had better 'opportunities' in the civilian sector if thats what we were looking for. You need to stop watching so many Oliver Stone movies friend. I could have made more money working overtime at McDonalds. Talk about something you actually know something about...

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You really are clueless. I was in college when I enlisted. Half my Marine platoon had attended some college. Almost all of us had better 'opportunities' in the civilian sector if thats what we were looking for. You need to stop watching so many Oliver Stone movies friend. I could have made more money working overtime at McDonalds. Talk about something you actually know something about...


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You really are clueless. I was in college when I enlisted. Half my Marine platoon had attended some college. Almost all of us had better 'opportunities' in the civilian sector if thats what we were looking for. You need to stop watching so many Oliver Stone movies friend. I could have made more money working overtime at McDonalds. Talk about something you actually know something about...

Your personal, specific story has no bearing on the broader truth of my statement, friend.

When did you work at McDonalds?

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Your personal, specific story has no bearing on the broader truth of my statement, friend.

When did you work at McDonalds?

Well, lets just say I've worked at McDonalds, and for the US Marine Corps. Therefore, when I say you're clueless, its probably something you might want to consider a real possibility....The hardships the average US military servicemember have to endure are something you'll never understand - pay doesn't begin to compensate them.

Then again, you think America is the world's biggest problem - so what you think really doesn't matter much :)

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I wouldn't imagine some one from Berkeley to know what it means to serve his country. When you join the military, you take an oath. And you agree to follow the Commander in Chief, whoever it may be, republican or democrat.

The writer can spin it anyway he wants. I do not see the US pushing some imperialist agenda. The UN was created to protect against Hitler wannabes. Well, they failed at that. Hussein's atrocities bordered on genocide. He was a madman that lived in a part of the world in which chaos could erupt at anytime. Lord forbid he ever got his hands on nuclear weapons. He needed to go. Others need to go but the US is the only one to ever step up and address it. The new super power China won't, Japan won't, don't even think about France.

One can argue that the US is no more safe without Hussein but Israel damn sure is. The women that were raped in the rape rooms are, the soccer team that was tortured for losing is, the Kurds in the North are.

The funny thing about it, that writer has the right to publish articles like this because of the tens of thousands of young men and women from the East Coast, New England, South, Mid West, West Coast and Pacific North West died to secure that right. In many different wars.

I served during the first gulf war in the US Army. I take it as a personal insult for him to say I was an Imperialist. He should feel lucky there is no longer a draft. But I guess it is weak minded men like him that makes a draft impossible. Spoiled brats of baby boomers too concerned with hugging trees and reading poetry in coffe shops while their liberal minded friends snap instead of applauding.:2cents:

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I could only assume people join the military for the money, why else would they offer those awesome signing bonuses?

Personally, if I were to join the military I wouldn't join for the money (and I'm sure most don't), I would join for personal accomplishment. Can you really name a job in country that garners more respect than those in the military?

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I wouldn't imagine some one from Berkeley to know what it means to serve his country. When you join the military, you take an oath. And you agree to follow the Commander in Chief, whoever it may be, republican or democrat.

The writer can spin it anyway he wants. I do not see the US pushing some imperialist agenda. The UN was created to protect against Hitler wannabes. Well, they failed at that. Hussein's atrocities bordered on genocide. He was a madman that lived in a part of the world in which chaos could erupt at anytime. Lord forbid he ever got his hands on nuclear weapons. He needed to go. Others need to go but the US is the only one to ever step up and address it. The new super power China won't, Japan won't, don't even think about France.

One can argue that the US is no less safe without Hussein but Israel damn sure is. The women that were raped in the rape rooms are, the soccer team that was tortured for losing is, the Kurds in the North are.

The funny thing about it, that writer has the right to publish articles like this because of the tens of thousands of young men and women from the East Coast, New England, South, Mid West, West Coast and Pacific North West died to secure that right. In many different wars.

I served during the first gulf war in the US Army. I take it as a personal insult for him to say I was an Imperialist. He should feel lucky there is no longer a draft. But I guess it is weak minded men like him that makes a draft impossible. Spoiled brats of baby boomers too concerned with hugging trees and reading poetry in coffe shops while their liberal minded friends snap instead of applauding.:2cents:

Amen brother. Amen. :cheers:

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Originally Posted by skinsince72

I wouldn't imagine some one from Berkeley to know what it means to serve his country. When you join the military, you take an oath. And you agree to follow the Commander in Chief, whoever it may be, republican or democrat.

The writer can spin it anyway he wants. I do not see the US pushing some imperialist agenda. The UN was created to protect against Hitler wannabes. Well, they failed at that. Hussein's atrocities bordered on genocide. He was a madman that lived in a part of the world in which chaos could erupt at anytime. Lord forbid he ever got his hands on nuclear weapons. He needed to go. Others need to go but the US is the only one to ever step up and address it. The new super power China won't, Japan won't, don't even think about France.

One can argue that the US is no less safe without Hussein but Israel damn sure is. The women that were raped in the rape rooms are, the soccer team that was tortured for losing is, the Kurds in the North are.

The funny thing about it, that writer has the right to publish articles like this because of the tens of thousands of young men and women from the East Coast, New England, South, Mid West, West Coast and Pacific North West died to secure that right. In many different wars.

I served during the first gulf war in the US Army. I take it as a personal insult for him to say I was an Imperialist. He should feel lucky there is no longer a draft. But I guess it is weak minded men like him that makes a draft impossible. Spoiled brats of baby boomers too concerned with hugging trees and reading poetry in coffe shops while their liberal minded friends snap instead of applauding.

Thanks for posting that. I tried and tried to form similar words in my mind but all I could think of was how much I wanted to kick that morons ass. :doh:

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I wouldn't imagine some one from Berkeley to know what it means to serve his country. When you join the military, you take an oath. And you agree to follow the Commander in Chief, whoever it may be, republican or democrat.

The writer can spin it anyway he wants. I do not see the US pushing some imperialist agenda. The UN was created to protect against Hitler wannabes. Well, they failed at that. Hussein's atrocities bordered on genocide. He was a madman that lived in a part of the world in which chaos could erupt at anytime. Lord forbid he ever got his hands on nuclear weapons. He needed to go. Others need to go but the US is the only one to ever step up and address it. The new super power China won't, Japan won't, don't even think about France.

One can argue that the US is no more safe without Hussein but Israel damn sure is. The women that were raped in the rape rooms are, the soccer team that was tortured for losing is, the Kurds in the North are.

The funny thing about it, that writer has the right to publish articles like this because of the tens of thousands of young men and women from the East Coast, New England, South, Mid West, West Coast and Pacific North West died to secure that right. In many different wars.

I served during the first gulf war in the US Army. I take it as a personal insult for him to say I was an Imperialist. He should feel lucky there is no longer a draft. But I guess it is weak minded men like him that makes a draft impossible. Spoiled brats of baby boomers too concerned with hugging trees and reading poetry in coffe shops while their liberal minded friends snap instead of applauding.:2cents:

:applause: :applause: :applause:

The sad thing about people like him, are that they only see violence and war. They live in a fantasy world where talking, hugging and being nice will get you farther than a gun and some blood.

War isn't evil, it's a necessary evil. Unfortunelty we live in a world where nations would strip our nation of the things it hold dear and there are men and women who have the divine atributes of wanting or feeling the need to place their lives on the line so idiots like him, who don't get it can say and write stuff like this.

Regardless of the war, anyonewho would fight for thier country and it's freedoms, deserves honor and praise!!!

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I am a Democrat

I hate the 'War' in Iraq

I think George Bush is the worst president to ever sit in the Oval Office

But I will always, ALWAYS support the troops, and there is no excuse not to. If you don't like the US Military then get the hell out of this country and see what its like to not enjoy the freedom that the our military protects.

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The sad thing about people like him, are that they only see violence and war. They live in a fantasy world where talking, hugging and being nice will get you farther than a gun and some blood.

If only Jesus had a gun eh?

The idiot in question has a warped view of the world and how it works to be sure.... but it's not because he over values peace. His problem is that he's overly critical of the US and basically ignores the wrongs of all other parties involved.

These days violence is a justification in and of itself. Support the war because we are at war. So long as it's done by people that the government allows use deadly violence that violence is ok. It's disgusting how people will pretend to value life and ignore the reality that war is hell on earth... as long as there is something to be gained.

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I made more money as a cook for Sea Galley than I did when I was in the Air Force,(for the first several years anyway). So I'm pretty damn sure I didn't do it for the money. I can damn sure guarentee that my father,( a 26 year Army Pilot with 2 tours in 'Nam), didn't do it for the money either. And we worked more hours,(on average), in the military than we did as civilians. I went in to serve my country, to further my education, get disciplined,and maybe find a career. In that order. I knew the risks when I joined and was ready for that responsibility. I grew up military and served 4 years myself. So please don't bore me with any of this joined for the money bull****. Maybe some did and do, but overall, that's hardly the reason. Though I will say that there were those that joined so that they could make more money when they got out. Which they did. As for this..whatever it is, we may not have agreed with all the policies being set, but we did our jobs and obeyed our orders. That's what we were and are supposed to do. If someone wants to term that imperialism, whatever. I've been accused of worse by far better and more informed than this loser.

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I did it for the money. And some. An 18 year old high school dropout? Yeah, I did it for the money. Beat the hell out of working some entry-level position at some ****ed up fast food joint. Plus I felt it would give me the tools to actually do something with my life afterwards. From my experience with the people around me when I served I'd say that was the standard story. We had some older heads that had enlisted after 9/11 that were all whooa whooa super soldier but they were definitely not the norm. For the most part it was just a bunch of 18 year old, alcoholic, ****-ups. But that's just my experience. Maybe the Army is a different beast. I don't know.

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