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Commentary: Why I Don’t Support the Troops


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Bosses realize you don't say "Why me" "Not my job" so much as others. (generalization, i know).

And being ex mil, military resumes go to the top of the stack as in most cases i can count on them to get it done when theres stress.. as opposed to the cybercafe mall 23yr old that goes home at 5:01pm. (Again, generalization) but thats my exp.

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Have you ever seen a military pay scale?

People don't join the military to get paid

They most certainly do.
Look at E-1 under 2 years

That $1500 is a month

Don't tell me people join for that

For most who enlist, that is significantly more than they could earn in the real world, particularly when you consider the other financial benefits offered to personnel i.e. housing, health care, discount goods and services, tuition, etc.
Most people in the "Real World" don't get sent to Turd World countries and get shot at either
You really are clueless. I was in college when I enlisted. Half my Marine platoon had attended some college. Almost all of us had better 'opportunities' in the civilian sector if thats what we were looking for. You need to stop watching so many Oliver Stone movies friend. I could have made more money working overtime at McDonalds. Talk about something you actually know something about...

When did you work at McDonalds?

No. They earn their money in far more constructive ways.
When were you in the military?
Never. I grew up 5 miles from Quantico and had two aunts who married Marines.
Well, that gives you more military experience than Chommie :rolleyes:
No. It gives his Aunts experience :)

:laugh: :laugh:

I want to thank the 3 of you for making my day. It has been a long day, and I needed a good laugh.

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Its like being for the death penalty but pro-life. Its a fine line you walk my friend and you have to talk yourself into it quite often to make sure it sounds right.

There's no contradiction there.

Pro life is giving every baby the oppurtunity to be born, and not killing them because of the mistakes of others.

Death penalty is punishment for someone who committed a heinous crime.

They are completely unrelated things, it is no contradiction at all to be pro-life and for the death penalty

btw: i am pro choice and for the death penalty

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In response to all the guys discussing whether or not people join the armed forces for the pay or not...

When I was in boot camp back in 1986, our company commander had us fill out a questionnaire. The last question asked us why we joined the military. I answered something about the college benefits and seeing the world.

After the test was over, our CC read all the answers in his office. That night before lights-out, he told us he had never spent such a disappointing day. Out of about 60 men in our company, ONE guy put down the answer, "To serve my country."

One guy.

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I joined for all the great benefits like walking 300 yards to take a dump while Im in the desert nothing like trying to take a deuce when its a 105 degrees outside and its only 10am. Is there any other job in the world where you have to deal with that kind of conditions???? I really joined because at the end of the day its about the greater good. Its something that you pride yourself knowing that your doing something for your family and your country and to hear all this B.S. is just another spit in the face to all the people that died so people can *****... Sorry for the rant but thats my :2cents:

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I joined for all the great benefits like walking 300 yards to take a dump while Im in the desert nothing like trying to take a deuce when its a 105 degrees outside and its only 10am. Is there any other job in the world where you have to deal with that kind of conditions???? I really joined because at the end of the day its about the greater good. Its something that you pride yourself knowing that your doing something for your family and your country and to hear all this B.S. is just another spit in the face to all the people that died so people can *****... Sorry for the rant but thats my :2cents:

Korean girls are pretty cute.

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I think many may join for the money. As stated above a new Soldier only makes around $1500 a month but also basically gets room and board. I originally joined in 1985 for something to do becuse I had no desire to go to college and to see the world. I served 8 years in the Active Duty.


I continue to serve (in the Reserves) due to a sense of duty and honor and because I TRUELY believe I am making the world a safer place for those I love.

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I could only assume people join the military for the money, why else would they offer those awesome signing bonuses?

Personally, if I were to join the military I wouldn't join for the money (and I'm sure most don't), I would join for personal accomplishment. Can you really name a job in country that garners more respect than those in the military?




Celebrities in general

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Why people join?

"As to why people join, I learned that every year the military conducts an annual survey of new recruits which asks, among other things, their reasons for enlisting. Dr. Curtis Gilroy, the head of personnel policy at the Pentagon, said that in the last several years one particular reason has risen in prominence: service to country. The number citing this as their main motivation went from 27.5 percent of all responses in 2002 to 38.1 percent in 2006. (It was followed by skills acquisition, cited by 20.2 percent, then by adventure, mentioned by 16.4 percent, then by money for education, benefits, travel, and pay.) But Beth Asch of the RAND Corporation, who does research for the Pentagon, says that such figures should be handled with care, since new recruits, when asked, often like to give their decision an idealistic cast."


Regarding the original article posted . . . I guess the author doesn't understand anything beyond black and white. Too bad. There are probably plenty of people who oppose the war because they support the troops: we'd lose fewer of them if they weren't in combat.

The fact that I wasn't happy that we invaded Iraq does not prevent me in any way from wanting our troops to stay safe. It does not prevent me from respecting the fact that many of the individuals who chose to serve did so out of a sense of duty, and that they want to make the world a better place. And it does not prevent me from wanting us to "succeed": if we're in there anyway, doesn't it make sense to want the least number of deaths, and the fastest/smoothest transition of regimes possible?

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