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Bored at work? Well here's the remedy! *Game*

Sweet Sassy Molassy

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Okay, so this game is really dumb. Let me just give you an idea of how it came about then we'll move on.

You all are probably familiar with our own poster Xameil. Well I went to IM him, and I never call him by his name, I always make up a dumb name to call him when I first address him. This time I decided to insinuate his homosexuality (which he is, I mean I'm not hating on him, he's still my friend, but the dude loves the man-meat ... flaming gayfer), so the name I came up with was, "Gayton Manning".

Which got me to thinking, how many other names could I come up with of well known sports figures, or famous people in general, that could have the word Gay incorporated into them and still sound like the person's name?

So this game (or should I say "gayme"?), is just that. Can you come up with anything?

Here are a few more I came up with:

LaGaynian Tomlinson

Gayson Campbell

Gaysey Rabach

Tom Gaydy

Regay Caldwell

Gayton Florence

:doh: Wow, I must be bored.

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You know its funny how Joe likes to call everyone Gay, I mean its obvious he is trying to drag other people down with him so he doesn't feel so alone being the only gay at the tailgates...

Don't you mean ... the tailGAYtes?

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