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Tips For Your Kid To Become A Skins' Fan


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My wife and Iare having our first baby in a couple of weeks. I need some ideas to help him see the light of the burgundy and gold. I have outfits, socks, hats and bibs. Should I do more? Please help.
Have Hail to the Redskins play.

My cousin just had a baby on thursday at 4am. Buy 4PM I had a Build-A-Bear with a Redskins shirt, pants and helmet in the mail.

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just be really interested in it around him and make it sound as exciting as you can. get him stuff and show him how cool you think it is. kids are SO eager to do what they think their parents like.

my son used to eat his veggies because i acted like they were SO good and SO cool. even though i hated them and wasnt really eating them myself.

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My wife and Iare having our first baby in a couple of weeks. I need some ideas to help him see the light of the burgundy and gold. I have outfits, socks, hats and bibs. Should I do more? Please help.

YES! Do more! It's your responsibility as a new parent. If this child, God forbid, becomes a Cowturd fan, you will have failed as a parent. Everything must be Skins for the next 3-5 years(these are the formative years;) ). Even if it's a girl. Don't worry about your wife..she'll get used to it after the first 3 years or so;) .

List of things for you to buy:

1. Skins pacifier clip

2. Skins baby booties

3. Skins receiving blankets

The above things can be found on EBAY for low prices.(I know that new parents sometimes need to save money:thumbsup: ).

Well...what are you waiting for? Are you still reading this thread? Get yourself over to Ebay.com and start shopping! Right now! It's never too soon...The balance of the universe rests on this baby's shoulders!

p.s. Congrats on the baby btw! Raise him/her right and push the Skins at every turn!:thumbsup:

p.s.s. Just tell him/her that the Skins are the only team in NFL! Problem solved!:silly: On gamedays he/she will wonder who the Skins are playing tho..be prepared to answer that question.:laugh:

Good luck and happy raising!

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Ok, this reminds me of a friend of mine who is a diehard cowpukes fan. So I was over their house a couple of days before the Cowboys and Redskins game this past year and asked his son who is 4 years old, who his favorite football team is. His dad, the ******* who will call me up after a pukes victory to rub it in, screams out, "Cowboys!" The boy looks at me and doesn't say anyting.

I saw my opening. I said to him, "Bobby you are a Redskins fan aren't you?!?!" He looked at me and said, "Yes!' So I had him say it again. He said "Redskins!" I looked at his father and started laughing. His father tried desperately to get him to say Cowpukes, but by this time I had him saying, "Hail to the Redskins!"

His father is still pissed because the boy is still saying Redskins!!!!!

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Ok, this reminds me of a friend of mine who is a diehard cowpukes fan. So I was over their house a couple of days before the Cowboys and Redskins game this past year and asked his son who is 4 years old, who his favorite football team is. His dad, the ******* who will call me up after a pukes victory to rub it in, screams out, "Cowboys!" The boy looks at me and doesn't say anyting.

I saw my opening. I said to him, "Bobby you are a Redskins fan aren't you?!?!" He looked at me and said, "Yes!' So I had him say it again. He said "Redskins!" I looked at his father and started laughing. His father tried desperately to get him to say Cowpukes, but by this time I had him saying, "Hail to the Redskins!"

His father is still pissed because the boy is still saying Redskins!!!!!

my dad did something similar awhile ago and it seriously screwed up my son. i understand my kid's position... he loves his pops (my dad) and liked the attention he was getting from them for cheering for the eagles. the sad thing is, my dad isn't even a die hard fan. he rarely watched football while i was growing up and made no effort to get me to like the eagles.

so, i thought it would blow over pretty quickly. my son's favorite song growing up was httr... we sang it at dinner instead of a blessing at his request; lots of skins gear right away. sadly, i think my son liked playing this eagles "joke" on dad and liked the rivalry it created between us. i'm not sure if i made a mistake in making too big a deal of it or not (with my son), but i did call my parents and said the ish had to stop; when my dad started chuckling about it, i had to remind him that the skins were a passion of mine and he couldn't name too many players other than mcnabb, TO, and kearse. he agreed, but the damage is done. i've taken a more laid back approach with the eagles thing... my son isn't a huge sports guy anyway, so i think it will blow over once we get season tickets in a year or so.

anyway, sorry for the long post. i just wanted to weave a cautionary tale... plus, this is cheaper than a therapy session for me (or my son). :)

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My wife and Iare having our first baby in a couple of weeks. I need some ideas to help him see the light of the burgundy and gold. I have outfits, socks, hats and bibs. Should I do more? Please help.

just brainwash the kid. he won't stand a chance. at least that's been my approach for the last 4 years (almost).

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just brainwash the kid. he won't stand a chance. at least that's been my approach for the last 4 years (almost).

This is the approach my father used on me and my brother. It worked. :)

If your kid needs more prompting, spray him in the face with a pressure washer. :D

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Positive reinforcement. Last year at the AZ game, I was paying my 6 year old son a dollar every time he stood up and yelled Dallas Sucks. Not sure if it was the money, the proud look on his Dad's face, or the enthusiastic response he received from the Redskin Faithful sitting around us that did the trick but whenever I pick him and his sisters up for visitation now, they always start by saying Hail to the Reskins and then Boo Dallas. (Of course I told my son the only time he can say "Sucks" is at the stadium with his Dad, or whenever he sees some nimrod wearing a Dallas hat or shirt:laugh: )

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Not sure if I just got lucky or it was something I actually did....

My 10 yr.old daughter is as much a die-hard as a 10 yr. old can be.

As far as that goes she is more die-hard than most fans (can you sing all of HTTR?) I know.

For me it was pretty simple, I just did what I do and showed her the love and passion I have for the Redskins. It rubbed off. Don't believe me, ask her teacher, a Colts fan, my neighbor, a Patriots fan, my pastor, a Ravens fan and many, many others. She'll set you straight!

It was the same way for me growing up, I watched my Mom and Dad live and breath 'Skins football and I caught that bug. Only problem is that it seems to have increased in intensity from them to me. That could be a HUGE problem if this happens with my daughter!

Anyways, best advice I can offer thru all this rambling is just love them, love the Skins and hope for the best!

Good Luck! Keep Us Posted!

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