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Official: Does Jim Zorn make you Zorny or angry poll?


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Well, so much for all the "It's Fassell.." people. And we didn't get the retread, or hot coordinator. This was the twist that was predicted by some. I'm OK. Can't wait to see the spin "espn" ( i refuse to cap) puts on this hire. I'm sure it will blow their minds.

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Quite your wining!! Gibbs; when they hired him his wasn't hot prospect. Jim Zorn is the coach they gave Seattle a decent QB. Mind you, they have spanked our A----!!! in the Playoffs twice. What can we really learn from Jim Zorn. Its a new day in Washington.

Personally, I thought it was a good choice. What better way to revamp a stagnant Offense with a HC who actually has played NFL football and played it well on a Sorry team!! Jim Zorn was the Seattle Seahawks. He was the only one you feared other than Largent!

Stop moaning and complaining!! Get on board and support our troops in Washington. :applause: :point2sky :thumbsup:

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If we as fans are a little patient, we will get to football heaven, we have a new head coach that has no bad habits, who is full of new ideas and who has a team that made the playoffs behind him, I cannot see this going bad, the coordinators will have to earn their money but thats what they are there for, Zorn will provide the players with the enthusiasm to play well and the playbook that is easy to put into action, JC will improve with his tutaledge (sp) and the skins will prevail, this is the best thing that has happened to the skins for some time, I love joe gibbs but this is easily the best hiring for some time GO ZORNSKINS

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I didn't like the wording of the poll either. I'm not furious. My reaction was more along the lines of "Typical." It's got to be a surprise; and it's got to be a Company Man or one that's willing to be. One that accepts the purposely murky ways of "doing things." What's kind of funny is that Snyder's ability to lure someone really good is fast diminishing. What a Circus Washington must seem. After all of this, you have to ask the question: Was Gregg Williams that bad a choice? Really. You blow the team's coaching staff up....for Jim Zorn? Spare me the continuity thing. That's Press Conference filler. This is all about Snyder reasserting his authority over his Toy. The Gibbs years are already a glimmer in the rear view mirror. Whatever you think about the Gibbs II years, it was an honest attempt to construct a team with some sort of offensive & defensive philosophy. Given another organization, that in fact is run like an organization, Zorn might do well. Here? Dead on Arrival. This is a doomed decision, not because of the choice, but because what he, Zorn, will have to work with. He doesn't have the legendary name or reputation to counter the endless meddling soon to come. Which is too bad, because I'm sure he's a stand-up guy.


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I didn't like the wording of the poll either. I'm not furious. My reaction was more along the lines of "Typical." It's got to be a surprise; and it's got to be a Company Man or one that's willing to be. One that accepts the purposely murky ways of "doing things." What's kind of funny is that Snyder's ability to lure someone really good is fast diminishing. What a Circus Washington must seem. After all of this, you have to ask the question: Was Gregg Williams that bad a choice? Really. You blow the team's coaching staff up....for Jim Zorn? Spare me the continuity thing. That's Press Conference filler. This is all about Snyder reasserting his authority over his Toy. The Gibbs years are already a glimmer in the rear view mirror. Whatever you think about the Gibbs II years, it was an honest attempt to construct a team with some sort of offensive & defensive philosophy. Given another organization, that in fact is run like an organization, Zorn might do well. Here? Dead on Arrival. This is a doomed decision, not because of the choice, but because what he, Zorn, will have to work with. He doesn't have the legendary name or reputation to counter the endless meddling soon to come. Which is too bad, because I'm sure he's a stand-up guy.


you can at least give this thing a chance to work.

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After all the d*cking around, we finally have a head coach. Whether or not this was part of a master plan or "it is what it is," Jim Zorn is our head coach. From the sounds of it, he's done some good things in the places he's been. It's a bit concerning that he's never been a head coach, but it's not necessarily the experience, but the skill that's important. I suppose in my book Joe Gibbs will always be the head coach of the Redskins, and it'll always hurt me to see someone else in charge to a certain extent. Nevertheless, I'm willing to give this guy a chance. I'll stand behind him and see what happens. GO SKINS!!!

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As I posted last night, I am on board with Zorn as HC (albeit reservedly) ... it's scary but exciting at the same time.

Kinda like bungee jumping. :D

But this morning, as I sit here anticipating the presser today, I must say I find the timing of the announcement and the PC very strange ... especially for Dan.

He usually likes to be in the news ... keeping the spotlight on the team where he can mazimize media attention.

Isn't it kinda odd to have released this on Saturday night, and then to schedule the presser for a Sunday?!?!

That's when he would get the least amount of splash with the realese for sure ... is it strange he didn't hold off another day and a half and make this announcement and have the presser on Monday?

Just strikes me as strange ....

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Art enought with the homerism, and the spin for the team. How do you honestly feel about giving the job to someone that has never had a coaches meeting, called a play or even run an offense???

UH, yes, he has called plays and run an offense--from the inside as a quarterback! This may make him uniquely qualified as a HC! Let's give him a shot. I'm excited and intrigued by the "Zornocopia" of possibilities! :silly:

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As I posted last night, I am on board with Zorn as HC (albeit reservedly) ... it's scary but exciting at the same time.

Kinda like bungee jumping. :D

But this morning, as I sit here anticipating the presser today, I must say I find the timing of the announcement and the PC very strange ... especially for Dan.

He usually likes to be in the news ... keeping the spotlight on the team where he can mazimize media attention.

Isn't it kinda odd to have released this on Saturday night, and then to schedule the presser for a Sunday?!?!

That's when he would get the least amount of splash with the realese for sure ... is it strange he didn't hold off another day and a half and make this announcement and have the presser on Monday?

Just strikes me as strange ....

I agree with you suzie on this especially with a tribute to ST and 3 Redskins in Probowl almost an 1hr later:2cents:

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Goddamn we are bunch of blind suckers. We'll eat any plate of feces Snyder sets in front of this.

At the beginning of this mess, Zorn was on NO ONE's radar for OC. NO ONE was talking about him even as a hot prospect as OC. But, we nevertheless hire him. We use this BS justification that it is so she can spend time turning JC into a Pro Bowl QB. Then when we FAIL--- FAIL FAIL FAIL---to find any competent head coach, we promote this guy to HC.

So now, we have as a HC someone who NO ONE IN THE LEAGUE was even looking at as an OC. He was NOT a hot commodity. This is not Tomlin or Garrett or any of the other hot young coaches. And the whole point of bringing him here--to develop JC--now won't occur because a HC can't spend his time working with a QB. They have to do a HC job.

The fact that people are talking this up makes me sick because I realize that Snyder can do anything he wants and y'all will eat it up.

We come up with this BS things like "he is young and hungry." Well, no, he is not young. And WTF is hungry? Someone tell me what that means. It sure sounds a lot like "Desperate because has no other options""

There was NO TEAM IN THIS LEAGUE that wanted this guy as an OC or HC. He is now given our team as HC after we failed to find anyone else.

If this doesn't cause y'all to protest Snyder, then nothing will. He is making a mockery out of our franchise and y'all get excited about it. It is as if he walked onto a stage, dropped his pants, and crapped right in front of us and some of y'all applaud it.

I'm sick to my stomach right now.

Dude....go take some Maalox and %$ the @#$@ up! Give the man a chance.

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As I posted last night, I am on board with Zorn as HC (albeit reservedly) ... it's scary but exciting at the same time.

Kinda like bungee jumping. :D

But this morning, as I sit here anticipating the presser today, I must say I find the timing of the announcement and the PC very strange ... especially for Dan.

He usually likes to be in the news ... keeping the spotlight on the team where he can mazimize media attention.

Isn't it kinda odd to have released this on Saturday night, and then to schedule the presser for a Sunday?!?!

That's when he would get the least amount of splash with the realese for sure ... is it strange he didn't hold off another day and a half and make this announcement and have the presser on Monday?

Just strikes me as strange ....

I feel the same way about this and I know you wanted Mooch also.The unknown factor worries me.However at the same time the fact that Zorn comes here without the baggage most of the other candidates had intrigues me.The track record of the coaches that come from the Holmgren tree is very impressive which is a definite plus for Zorn. Look at the bright side.His first name might be Jim, but his last name isn't Fassel!!:D

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I feel the same way about this and I know you wanted Mooch also.The unknown factor worries me.However at the same time the fact that Zorn comes here without the baggage most of the other candidates had intrigues me.The track record of the coaches that come from the Holmgren tree is very impressive which is a definite plus for Zorn. Look at the bright side.His first name might be Jim, but his last name isn't Fassel!!:D

You're right about Mooch ... and ABF :silly:

BUT, I really am excited about Zorn ... the unknown and all.

I really can't wait for next season to start!!!

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I like the choice, but honestly would have supported the final decision in any case.

Zorn is a Redskin and is happy to be a Redskin. I expect a couple of bumps in the first couple of years and am willing to give him the time to develop a cohesive offensive unit.

Hopefully Coach Dan gives him the time he needs also.

Plus Cooley's excited about it. 'Nuff said.

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Every head coach at one point has not been a head coach before. Zorn has tons of experience, and from everything I've heard bout this guy he is a very good leader. He was a quarterback in the nfl for many years which tells me he must be some kind of leader. Any successful person will tell you, you have to take risks in life to reap rewards . Is this a risk, ?sure it is, but I for one believe that their will be many rewards reaped by this franchise for the decision Dannyboy made here. Go skins !Whhoooopppppeeeeeeeeeeee I loooovvvvveeeeeeeee it. :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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Every head coach at one point has not been a head coach before. Zorn has tons of experience, and from everything I've heard bout this guy he is a very good leader. He was a quarterback in the nfl for many years which tells me he must be some kind of leader. Any successful person will tell you, you have to take risks in life to reap rewards . Is this a risk, ?sure it is, but I for one believe that their will be many rewards reaped by this franchise for the decision Dannyboy made here. Go skins !Whhoooopppppeeeeeeeeeeee I loooovvvvveeeeeeeee it. :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

What about Zorn's risk? I'm not at all sure any HC can achieve his potential with an owner and GM like we have.

Will Snyder be able to keep his meddlesome hands out of the team's operations?

Will Snyder sit on monkey boy Cerrato to keep him from completely hosing the team with his lack of ability when it comes to finding talent?

Big questions I'd be asking myself if I were Zorn.

Good luck to him however....he's going to need a ton of it.

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