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ESPN: Chad Johnson suggests trade to Redskins (merged w/other articles


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The only way he could've been the cause of the Bengals problem is if he kept handles in his locker and was filling all of the gatorade bottles. I don't think you can blame him for all of those arrests that I think totaled in the double digits. Thurman and Henry's drinking. AJ Nicholson beating a woman. Yeah, those were all CJ.

I can't remember when he said it recently, but he said that Palmer and TJ were the only ones on the team that have his back. We've seen him and Palmer get into it over his antics, but yet he's the one with CJ's back. That tells me that Palmer doesn't take any crap and if CJ was the problem, he wouldn't be supporting him.

If character is most peoples problem with him, then you should look at the source, a franchise in turmoil (arrests, consecutive years missing the playoffs, and coach on the hot seat) placing the blame on the team's most vocal player. Seems like an easy scapegoat to me.

We should definitely pursue him because he is the missing piece to the offense. CJ, Moss, and ARE would carve up every secondary in the league. And that would open up the middle and give Portis room to work.

Yeah we'll have to give up a draft pick, but I would assume straight up for a second rounder. If you look at the price for players over the last few years, draft picks are waaaay overvalued. Chad Johnson won't go for any more than a second because Moss went for a 4th and Welker went for a 2nd. Those were the leaders in receptions and TDs. I would take CJ for that every day of the week. Think on the last WR we got at the value of a second round pick.....TAYLOR JACOBS.

Who said I was blaming him for all the Bengals troubles? You're putting words in my mouth. I just question those who think they know CJ and that he isn't, or hasn't been a problem, there. As if they know the guy or work within their organization. None of us whether or not he's been a problem. But what I do know about the guy, I don't particularly care for. I'm not a fan of showboats that are more out for themselves than the team. And im not a fan of loudmouths. I don't think anyone can dispute that is his makeup.

And im not saying I don't want the guy. Sure, he could help us. But I highly doubt we could get him without giving up high draft picks and/or messing up our cap any further than it is. So with that said, im probably in the camp that says no to signing him.

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I lost alot of respect for Chad after watching this clip.

POSTED 3:02 p.m. EST, February 8, 2008


Our own Taco Bill tracked down a recent TV news item from WCPO in Cincinnati regarding a lawsuit pending against receiver Chad Johnson. There are 20 plaintiffs in the action.

We vaguely recall writing something about this one in the past. It arises from promises made by Johnson in conjunction with weekly appearances at a local comedy club in 2006. Prizes were offered to entice folks to come to the club, but Johnson allegedly didn't follow through on his promises.

The most valuable prize was a Lexus, which was to be given away on December 12, 2006.

After 300 tickets were sold to the event, Johnson announced that he was giving the Lexus to his girlfriend.

Says Johnson regarding the decision to give the car to his girlfriend and not to the people who bought , "They only showed up for a car, for one. . . . I gave it to someone who was appreciative of it, who didn't complain about it."

Asked if he saw anything wrong with that, Johnson said, "Not al all."

Here's the full clip


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I lost alot of respect for Chad after watching this clip.

POSTED 3:02 p.m. EST, February 8, 2008


Our own Taco Bill tracked down a recent TV news item from WCPO in Cincinnati regarding a lawsuit pending against receiver Chad Johnson. There are 20 plaintiffs in the action.

We vaguely recall writing something about this one in the past. It arises from promises made by Johnson in conjunction with weekly appearances at a local comedy club in 2006. Prizes were offered to entice folks to come to the club, but Johnson allegedly didn't follow through on his promises.

The most valuable prize was a Lexus, which was to be given away on December 12, 2006.

After 300 tickets were sold to the event, Johnson announced that he was giving the Lexus to his girlfriend.

Says Johnson regarding the decision to give the car to his girlfriend and not to the people who bought , "They only showed up for a car, for one. . . . I gave it to someone who was appreciative of it, who didn't complain about it."

Asked if he saw anything wrong with that, Johnson said, "Not al all."

Here's the full clip


that to me just sounds like a guy that wants to be a long LONG way from Cincy

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You have got to be kidding. You would sell yourself out to this jerk? The last thing this team needs is a self centered player like this jerk. He is exactly where he needs to be. Does the name BRANDON LLOYD mean anything to you. Please God, no.:dallasuck

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You have got to be kidding. You would sell yourself out to this jerk? The last thing this team needs is a self centered player like this jerk. He is exactly where he needs to be. Does the name BRANDON LLOYD mean anything to you. Please God, no.:dallasuck

Weak argument...

Does the name CLINTON PORTIS mean anything to you???

Don't act for a second...that Clinton is that far off from Chad...in terms of flash...dancing in endzones...uniform violations...costumes...etc...

Clinton is my boy...but they both ride in the same boat...

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Your completely delusional. The reality of the NFL is that you have no trade bait with Caldwell or Thrash. The Bengals wouldn't trade CJ for either of those two players. To think that they would is crazy and insulting to the Bengals. The only choices of WR's to trade are El and Moss and I'd rather keep Moss then El.

If only I had said "Lets trade Caldwell for Johnson," then MAYBE you'd be somewhat correct.

You're completely delusion thinking that Randel El is as important to this team as Thrash or Caldwell.

THe whole point of bringing CJ in is to team him with Moss. When did I say "Lets trade Moss instead of El, EL is SO much better."

But if it'll help you keep your insanity, then you can pretend I said a whole host of other things.

Weak argument...

Does the name CLINTON PORTIS mean anything to you???

Don't act for a second...that Clinton is that far off from Chad...in terms of flash...dancing in endzones...uniform violations...costumes...etc...

Clinton is my boy...but they both ride in the same boat...

Saying "I don't want that player without Class," is all the new rage. Even if they mistakenly associate Classlessness with Celebrations and passion for your job, you just can't tell them their wrong.

If Ocho Cinco is classless, I want to be the least classy team in the whole wide world. Lets get a DE who does the macarena 15 times a Season for every sack he gets. Or how bout a TE who dunks the ball on teh Goal Post more than 10 times a year for all of his Touchdowns. Perhaps a LB who does Graveyard Dig thing after ever Tackle for a loss.

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There's no other reason than money for him to want to come here, so that shows you were his heart is.

You mean besides the fact that he is good friends with Clinton Portis, Santana Moss, and many other players on the Redskins?


Chad Johnson wants to go to a team that WINS he gets plenty of money with the Bengals.

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How about we just have a team full of "classy" players, with NO talent...then everybody would be happy. The NFL is a business, but it's also entertainment, so how can Chad be "classless" for having fun? I'll never understand some fans, it seems as if they just like to find reasons to call someone classless. I guess I'm classless at times too, because I like to have fun. :doh:

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Any news on this Chad Johnson thing? Does people here on the boards think that Dan knows about Chads request? I think he should bring Chad here and let him have all the fun he wants, celebrations and etc, Dan has so much money it should say somewhere in his contract..[ I the owner, Mr. Dan Snyder will pay all costs in fees and fines for any celebrations that Chad Johnson does, I am fully responsible for his actions ]! :D

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You have got to be kidding. You would sell yourself out to this jerk? The last thing this team needs is a self centered player like this jerk. He is exactly where he needs to be. Does the name BRANDON LLOYD mean anything to you. Please God, no.:dallasuck

Nobody wants a top 5 WR who scores 15 TD's a season..Oh wait, WE DO! Remember people said T.O wouldn't work for the cowboys, and Randy Moss wouldn't work for the patriots? I'd say they have worked out.

Bring Chad Johnson here!!

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I've heard that it's almost impossible for Cincy to trade or release Ocho because of his cap number. It's up near 7 mil.

Not sure if it was mentioned...I missed the first 9 pages but: His cap hit if he stays is ~6mil. If he's traded it's ~8mil. Not to big of a difference to trade him

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Nobody wants a top 5 WR who scores 15 TD's a season..Oh wait, WE DO! Remember people said T.O wouldn't work for the cowboys, and Randy Moss wouldn't work for the patriots? I'd say they have worked out.

Bring Chad Johnson here!!

These people thinking the Skins do not need a player like Johnson is simply ridiculous....

Yeah....we don't need a loud mouthed WR that catches TDs (Gary Clark)

If the Redskins can get Chad Johnson or any other WR that catches TDs then they would be smart to go after them.

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