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9/11 Coincidences


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Yeah, you'd think that people who could pull off something like 9/11 without a single witness stepping forward or even a bit of real physical evidence...you'd really think they could have "found" some appropriately dangerous WMD's, or come up with a decent exit strategy.

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Yeah, you'd think that people who could pull off something like 9/11 without a single witness stepping forward or even a bit of real physical evidence...you'd really think they could have "found" some appropriately dangerous WMD's, or come up with a decent exit strategy.

Unless of course the war in Iraq is actually a ruse to throw us all off...(in my best Adam West as "Batman" voice)...diabolical!

In truth even if there is a conspiracy and so forth...it's like all the others throughout history...it'll never be proven and those (allegedly) invloved will never get caught either.

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This movie was very interesting...makes you go hmmmm....

I think that my comments were so intelligent, incisive, and on point that they are worth repeating... :silly:

Don't keep your mind so open that your brain falls out. ;)

Seriously, I'm not suggesting that you accept or reject anything out of hand, no matter who is telling you something.

It is not, however, closed minded to reject a film like Zeitgeist. It's riddled with errors. Its "experts" are not. It is a joke.

There's nothing noble or laudable about choosing to believe something so provably false. Try reading a few scholars in the fields of New Testament history, ancient astronomy, anthropology.

Here... I'll start you off. I quote such experts in my posts here, here, here, here, here.

I'm definitely biased, but notice that the people I'm quoting are actually experts in their field, and people like Bart Ehrman (an agnostic who has argued against the historicity of the Ressurection of Jesus in debates) and John Dominic Crossan (who once theorized that Jesus's tomb was empty because the corpse was eaten by wild dogs). There are quotes by astronomers, historians, archeologists, and so on. And, it's not just the people I'm quoting. They also note that the academic community as a whole, virtually without exception, hold to the same views.

Zeitgeist is a joke, and the reason it doesn't cite any scholars is that it can't. Be open-minded about something that might actually be true.

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This movie was very interesting...makes you go hmmmm....

The only reason you are hearing the hummmmming sound is from the air current circulating between your ears. . .just like when you blow into a sea shell, that's the noise you are hearing right?

We have been over this ad nausea on this board, and it is one thing both conservatives and democrats alike can agree on, the 9-11 conspiracy theorists are not scientific, disobey the laws of physics, and basically are just a bunch of punk college kids who know nothing about engineering or science.

Now IF, and this is a big IF, but IF you want to blame anything on the Bush cabal for, it is complacency. The people in power wanted to invade Iraq, that much is clear. They also stated the only way to go to war in the Middle East is with another "Pearl Harbor" type incident. . . now it isn't that much of a stretch to think they dismantled the terrorism unit because they knew the attacks would happen on US soil. They ignored the warning signs and did nothing in order to get what they wanted. . .Iraq.

You could have a much MUCH easier and substantiated case which is built on evidence and facts if this is what you went about to prove, but nope the 9-11 hacks want to say we blew up the towers :doh:

Complacency is what caused 9-11, it could even be argued that ignoring the issue was part of the cabal's agenda, but to say they were behind it? No freaking way.

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The only reason you are hearing the hummmmming sound is from the air current circulating between your ears. . .just like when you blow into a sea shell, that's the noise you are hearing right?

We have been over this ad nausea on this board, and it is one thing both conservatives and democrats alike can agree on, the 9-11 conspiracy theorists are not scientific, disobey the laws of physics, and basically are just a bunch of punk college kids who know nothing about engineering or science.

Now IF, and this is a big IF, but IF you want to blame anything on the Bush cabal for, it is complacency. The people in power wanted to invade Iraq, that much is clear. They also stated the only way to go to war in the Middle East is with another "Pearl Harbor" type incident. . . now it isn't that much of a stretch to think they dismantled the terrorism unit because they knew the attacks would happen on US soil. They ignored the warning signs and did nothing in order to get what they wanted. . .Iraq.

You could have a much MUCH easier and substantiated case which is built on evidence and facts if this is what you went about to prove, but nope the 9-11 hacks want to say we blew up the towers :doh:

Complacency is what caused 9-11, it could even be argued that ignoring the issue was part of the cabal's agenda, but to say they were behind it? No freaking way.


I'm typically very open minded about every conspiracy theory. In general, we just don't know and should always question. But, in this case, if I were to draw a conclusion it would involve complacancy and incompetance.

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You could have a much MUCH easier and substantiated case which is built on evidence and facts if this is what you went about to prove, but nope the 9-11 hacks want to say we blew up the towers :doh:

Complacency is what caused 9-11, it could even be argued that ignoring the issue was part of the cabal's agenda, but to say they were behind it? No freaking way.

Well Hitler said it best

The bigger the lie the more people believe

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Judging from the rest of your post, you know this from experience. :rolleyes:

Mike, I am in agreement with you on this conspiracy stuff, but that was a cheap shot. Chom may be vehement and disagree with you a lot, but he is not vapid, and he backs up his arguments, and he is not intellectually dishonest.

Save the cheap shots for the people who deserve them because the refuse to argue fairly, not for people you just have ideological disagreements with.

/lecture over

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Mike, I am in agreement with you on this conspiracy stuff, but that was a cheap shot. Chom may be vehement and disagree with you a lot, but he is not vapid, and he backs up his arguments, and he is not intellectually dishonest.

Save the cheap shots for the people who deserve them because the refuse to argue fairly, not for people you just have ideological disagreements with.

/lecture over

Really? What facts are there to back up the claim that Bush willfully let 9/11 happen? Name one. I won't be holding my breath.

And cheep shots? You want a list of the cheap shots he has taken against me when I back up my positions with facts? The dude has outright called me a liar. Not once have you ever told someone else not to take a cheap shot on me. So here's an idea. If you cant speak fairly... STFU.

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Really? What facts are there to back up the claim that Bush willfully let 9/11 happen? Name one. I won't be holding my breath.

Chom said that? I missed that, and I'm surprised if he did.

And cheep shots? You want a list of the cheap shots he has taken against me when I back up my positions with facts? The dude has outright called me a liar. Not once have you ever told someone else not to take a cheap shot on me. So here's an idea. If you cant speak fairly... STFU.

I do speak fairly, or at least I try to. I think you and he argue about the meaning or interpretation of your facts and the discussions get heated sometimes. That is different than arguing with these conspiracy guys, who just make up the facts as they go along.

I probably shouldn't have spoken up, and I'll back out now.

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Really? What facts are there to back up the claim that Bush willfully let 9/11 happen? Name one. I won't be holding my breath.

I'm not sure I see where he said that. I think what he meant was that if you were to argue a point about the conspiracy, Bush being complacent would be a better arguement.

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I'm not sure I see where he said that. I think what he meant was that if you were to argue a point about the conspiracy, Bush being complacent would be a better arguement.
Now IF, and this is a big IF, but IF you want to blame anything on the Bush cabal for, it is complacency. The people in power wanted to invade Iraq, that much is clear. They also stated the only way to go to war in the Middle East is with another "Pearl Harbor" type incident. . . now it isn't that much of a stretch to think they dismantled the terrorism unit because they knew the attacks would happen on US soil. They ignored the warning signs and did nothing in order to get what they wanted. . .Iraq.
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Chom said that? I missed that, and I'm surprised if he did.

I do speak fairly, or at least I try to. I think you and he argue about the meaning or interpretation of your facts and the discussions get heated sometimes. That is different than arguing with these conspiracy guys, who just make up the facts as they go along.

I probably shouldn't have spoken up, and I'll back out now.

Dude, I honestly have a lot of respect for you. If I could turn the dial on the way-back machine and undo some of our earliest arguments, I would. We may disagree strongly on some issues but I respect the fact that you have a very sharp mind. I would even venture to say that if we sat down at a bar, you and I would have some extremely interesting conversations till the wee hours of the morning and while the debates might get heated, we would part ways with a handshake and a slap on the back. But damn it, you constantly make comments about me while ignoring the actions of those you are more ideologically in agreement with.

Where were you when Chom called me a liar? How many times have you told him or anyone else to chill out with attacks on me?

I've posted Page after page of FACTS showing Iraq's ties to terrorism, it's desire and record of using terrorism against the US. It's ties with groups associated with al Qaeda and it's known meetings with bin Laden. and when I say it's not a stretch to think the were not involved or supported in some fashion what happend on 9/11. I'm crazy. But let Chom suggest that Bush might have knowingly let 9/11 happen without any proof whatsoever and he's intellectually honest. Does that make any sense?

Seriously man. Examine your own bias. :2cents:

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Judging from the rest of your post, you know this from experience. :rolleyes:

Says the man with the tinfoil hat who still thinks Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda :doh:

I find it quite funny that you try to ***** slap one conspiracy theorist, when you have a conspiracy theory just as whacked out and pimp it front and center.

Keep up with your banter, Mike, the world needs people like yourself. . .people to be made examples of for the rest of us.

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