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9/11 Coincidences


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Nice find Predicto. I like the end "Ask Questions, recognize answers". They've got the first part down. I mean they are all over it. That second part about recognizing answers not so much.


Truther Loons: But why was there an explosion in building seven? People heard them.

Sane Folk: Well friend, that was most likely the sound of things crashing into the building.

Truther Loons: That still doesn't explain why a missle hit the pentagon.

Sane Folk: I'm dumber for sharing this thread with you.

Truther Loons: Hey! don't call me names. You always resort to name calling when you can't back up your statements.

Sane Folk: You're a nightmare.

I have a member of Ghouliani's cabinet saying the building was exploding before the towers collapsed.

Your turn...

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Wow, I thought you were in Law or something. Your talents needs to be better utilized by NIST and FEMA. You should forward your hypothesis to them so they can finally end this silly investigation of Building 7.

Also, talk to the emergency personell who heard a countdown over their radios for the building to come down. Also, disregard the fact that the building was "blowing up" before any of the towers fell down.

But other than that, I'm with you....

Actually, none of those things happened except in your fevered mind.

You guys just spew it out, over and over. You never answer a single specific fact when it is debunked right in front of your nose, you just raise something else.

I have come to the conclusion that you are a joke poster, and you are just trying to see how long you can string people along with this stuff. No other explanation makes sense.

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The world doesn't work the way it is told to you it works. I know this is very hard for you to understand, but please, you really need to look into who owns all of the channells you watch and then who controls those channells. Then, you need to see who owns the airways (hint: he is running for Pres) and then you look at who controls the airways.

Then you look at statements from the CIA saying they control the tv and radio. Then you see the amount of money that is put into crafting news. Then you wake up.

This is tricky to write without coming off as a loon, but I've done alot of reading about the "mainstream media", and I somewhat understand your viewpoint on the subject. Although I don't necessarily take it to that extreme so to speak as you do, but I know where your coming from.

BTW-Question about your sig: Have you read 'Mein Kampf'? I'm reading it now and this guy is crazier than I imagined.

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I am sure that is an interesting read.

Interesting, but at the same time dull and boring if that makes any sense.

But did you need to read that in order to put that mans insanity into its proper perspective? smile.gif

Nah. I wanted to read it to try understand how somebody that psycho could rise to have that much power and put his crazy theory to practice. Of course he wrote it before he was in power, but it still answers some questions. Especially about how he thought and analyzed information.

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Also, talk to the emergency personell who heard a countdown over their radios for the building to come down. Also, disregard the fact that the building was "blowing up" before any of the towers fell down.

Let me see if I understand what you are implying...

Agents of the U.S. government conspired to secretly wire Building 7 to explode with a controlled demolition, then broadcast a countdown over an open channel?

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Actually, none of those things happened except in your fevered mind.

You guys just spew it out, over and over. You never answer a single specific fact when it is debunked right in front of your nose, you just raise something else.

I have come to the conclusion that you are a joke poster, and you are just trying to see how long you can string people along with this stuff. No other explanation makes sense.

Facts?? you call that website you keep posting in here 400 times facts??

Please your facts are worth no more than Ours

Even if we provide names of experts who sign off on them you just call them loons and keep posting your little website link

I quit this thread the second the name calling got started because I knew where it was going

Name calling then in comes the cosigners who haven't argued a damn thing but have to throw in an insult here or there and then you all gang up and turn this into a joke thread

Simply put some people believe the official story and some don't

I guess since no real investigation was ever done we wont ever know who is right will we??

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This is tricky to write without coming off as a loon, but I've done alot of reading about the "mainstream media", and I somewhat understand your viewpoint on the subject. Although I don't necessarily take it to that extreme so to speak as you do, but I know where your coming from.

BTW-Question about your sig: Have you read 'Mein Kampf'? I'm reading it now and this guy is crazier than I imagined.

Well, I appreciate your understanding. Just know that it is far worse than you probably read.

Never read "Mein Kamf", and I do realize he was crazy, what specifically jumps out at you as nuttier than you imagined?


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Facts?? you call that website you keep posting in here 400 times facts??

Please your facts are worth no more than Ours

Even if we provide names of experts who sign off on them you just call them loons and keep posting your little website link

I quit this thread the second the name calling got started because I knew where it was going

Name calling then in comes the cosigners who haven't argued a damn thing but have to throw in an insult here or there and then you all gang up and turn this into a joke thread

Simply put some people believe the official story and some don't

I guess since no real investigation was ever done we wont ever know who is right will we??

It is a nasty, vicous cycle, isn't it?

Fortunately, the same people who have their heads in the sand, are always the same, while the people who doubt the OS grow....

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:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

^^^IQ of 85...tops.

Anyway, here's the deal. The whole argument can be divided into two camps:

1. Those who have or pretend to have absolute faith in the integrity and findings of the 9/11 Commission.

2. Those who do not.

Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively, of The 9/11 Commission would appear to fall in the second category. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/02/opinion/02kean.html

As do I. But then again, my IQ is far greater than 85.

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Facts?? you call that website you keep posting in here 400 times facts??

I post that little website because it gathers dosens of other sources in one handy place. Source that you are apparently unable to comprehend or afraid to investigate because they might pop your fragile conspiracy bubble.

Please your facts are worth no more than Ours

Sorry. My facts are things like: the Moon is a large satellite of the Earth. Your facts are like: the Moon is made of green cheese. There is no comparison.

Even if we provide names of experts who sign off on them you just call them loons and keep posting your little website link

They are only experts to you because you don't check their credentials or attempt to verify anything they say. You are total suckers, unable to differentiate between real questions and internet gibberish.

I quit this thread the second the name calling got started because I knew where it was going - Name calling then in comes the cosigners who haven't argued a damn thing but have to throw in an insult here or there and then you all gang up and turn this into a joke thread

On that we can agree. This stuff is a joke.

Simply put some people believe the official story and some don't

I guess since no real investigation was ever done we wont ever know who is right will we??

I agree that we may never know every detail of what happened on that day. But that is no excuse for claiming whatever the heck you want, without backing up your speculation, when your theories are so easily countered by anyone with an open mind and five minutes to investigate.

Why don't you just say that Godzilla knocked down the Twin Towers? If we call you on it, ask you for some evidence of your Godzilla theory, you can just say that you are "asking questions" and say "why oh why do you lemmings oppose questioning our government?!?!?!?"

You conspiracy guys violate every rule of fair debate and reasoned discussion on this board. You throw tons of crap around and none of it sticks. If anyone points out a specific refutation of one of your "facts" or theories, you change the subject. Two weeks later, the same non-fact and disputed theory arises like the Phoenix from the Ashes.

You have fully earned every bit of approbation that comes your way - from conservatives like MadMike and Truman and Honorary_Hog and Nabs and Portissizzle, from liberals like Rincewind and Mjah and Me, from Corcaigh and Henry and Dan T. and Zoony and Nabs and all the rest of us.

None of us can agree on ANYTHING around here except that you conspiracy nuts are totally intellectually dishonest and your arguments are completly full of ****. Because you are and they are, and those are the most undeniable facts of this whole mess.

/rant off

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Anyway, here's the deal. The whole argument can be divided into two camps:

1. Those who have or pretend to have absolute faith in the integrity and findings of the 9/11 Commission.

2. Those who do not.

That is an incorrect characterization.

The whole argument can be divided into two camps:

1. Those who try and investigate things with a sceptical eye and use their brains to sift the wheat from the chaff.

2. Those who are willing to believe anything at all, no matter how stupid or easily refuted, because they cannot or will not distinguish between real possibilities and silly ones.

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That is an incorrect characterization.

The whole argument can be divided into two camps:

1. Those who try and investigate things with a sceptical eye and use their brains to sift the wheat from the chaff.

2. Those who are willing to believe anything at all, no matter how stupid or easily refuted, because they cannot or will not distinguish between real possibilities and silly ones.

Then we're both in category one. The key word there is TRY. So, when do we re-open the investigation, truth-seekers and wheat-sifters united as one for the common good?

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Well, um, they are.

Geez, I remember when I thought like you. Everything was so much simpler then.

The world doesn't work the way it is told to you it works. I know this is very hard for you to understand, but please, you really need to look into who owns all of the channells you watch and then who controls those channells. Then, you need to see who owns the airways (hint: he is running for Pres) and then you look at who controls the airways.

Then you look at statements from the CIA saying they control the tv and radio. Then you see the amount of money that is put into crafting news. Then you wake up.

Or, you can just sit there and make fun but the joke is on you.

My cynicism of government, of the media, and of popular culture is long standing and well earned, sometimes to a fault. I'm cynical and skeptical, but not to the point of delusion or irrationality.

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Let me see if I understand what you are implying...

Agents of the U.S. government conspired to secretly wire Building 7 to explode with a controlled demolition, then broadcast a countdown over an open channel?

Strange how Ken couldn't find the time to answer this. Really strange.

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The world doesn't work the way it is told to you it works. I know this is very hard for you to understand, but please, you really need to look into who owns all of the channells you watch and then who controls those channells. Then, you need to see who owns the airways (hint: he is running for Pres) and then you look at who controls the airways.

Then you look at statements from the CIA saying they control the tv and radio. Then you see the amount of money that is put into crafting news. Then you wake up.

Or, you can just sit there and make fun but the joke is on you.

So don't listen to the people who are telling me how the world works (strange I've never noticed them), listen to how you tell me how the world works. But then, the world doesn't work the way it is told to me, which would even include you, since you're trying to tell me, so.... Geez, I just don't know what to believe any more. Oh wait, I do. You're crazy.

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I post that little website because it gathers dosens of other sources in one handy place. Source that you are apparently unable to comprehend or afraid to investigate because they might pop your fragile conspiracy bubble.

So what? I post links to websites that back my viewpoint

Oh yea, they are all loons so mine doesn't count :doh:

Sorry. My facts are things like: the Moon is a large satellite of the Earth. Your facts are like: the Moon is made of green cheese. There is no comparison.

Please the arguments are a lot closer than you are willing to admit

But this conspiracy theory movement that the government/media likes to tag on anyone that questions what they want us to believe clouds your mind

So you can't view any of our opinions without that bias

They are only experts to you because you don't check their credentials or attempt to verify anything they say. You are total suckers, unable to differentiate between real questions and internet gibberish.

Like I said you wont accept it no matter who supports our side period

You think we are loons and anyone who questions the official story are loons

So you can't argue objectively

On that we can agree. This stuff is a joke.

If it's a joke then why are you still here saying it's a joke after so long??

You guys turn it into a joke thread so you can use the 'conspiracy theory' and everything that goes with it (moon, aliens and whatever else) to help boost your view point and call us all loons

If it was such a open and shut case then this thread wouldn't be as long as it is

I agree that we may never know every detail of what happened on that day. But that is no excuse for claiming whatever the heck you want, without backing up your speculation, when your theories are so easily countered by anyone with an open mind and five minutes to investigate.

Why don't you just say that Godzilla knocked down the Twin Towers? If we call you on it, ask you for some evidence of your Godzilla theory, you can just say that you are "asking questions" and say "why oh why do you lemmings oppose questioning our government?!?!?!?"

You conspiracy guys violate every rule of fair debate and reasoned discussion on this board. You throw tons of crap around and none of it sticks. If anyone points out a specific refutation of one of your "facts" or theories, you change the subject. Two weeks later, the same non-fact and disputed theory arises like the Phoenix from the Ashes.

You have fully earned every bit of approbation that comes your way - from conservatives like MadMike and Truman and Honorary_Hog and Nabs and Portissizzle, from liberals like Rincewind and Mjah and Me, from Corcaigh and Henry and Dan T. and Zoony and Nabs and all the rest of us.

None of us can agree on ANYTHING around here except that you conspiracy nuts are totally intellectually dishonest and your arguments are completly full of ****. Because you are and they are, and those are the most undeniable facts of this whole mess.

/rant of

Like I said none of you can look at our arguments without the conspiracy bias because you can't fathom that the government and media can pull this over your head

Your facts mean no more than ours but for whatever reason we have to pull confessions out of our asses or we are all loons in your opinion

Point is the 9/11 investigation was a joke

They used it to go to war and they still use the fear of terrorism to drive their politics even as we speak right now

The biggest political weapon on this planet is fear

All you have to do to solve 9/11 question is follow the money and I damn sure don't see how this benefited any Muslims. But if you do please be my guess........

..Oh yea, they hate us because we are freeee........... I forgot :doh:

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So don't listen to the people who are telling me how the world works (strange I've never noticed them), listen to how you tell me how the world works. But then, the world doesn't work the way it is told to me, which would even include you, since you're trying to tell me, so.... Geez, I just don't know what to believe any more. Oh wait, I do. You're crazy.

And there is the crux of the conspiracy theorists. The delusional belief that they are smarter the the rest of the world. :rolleyes:

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^^^IQ of 85...tops.

Anyway, here's the deal. The whole argument can be divided into two camps:

1. Those who have or pretend to have absolute faith in the integrity and findings of the 9/11 Commission.

2. Those who do not.

Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively, of The 9/11 Commission would appear to fall in the second category. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/02/opinion/02kean.html

As do I. But then again, my IQ is far greater than 85.

I have an IQ of 85?

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Strange how Ken couldn't find the time to answer this. Really strange.

I'm really not sure how to answer it.

I could post video of the witness, who was an EMS worker there, I can also post video of foreign troops saying it was going to "explode", but that wouldn't sway any of the "people who know".

Why they were sloppy, I don't know. I don't claim to know all of the answers, and I don't claim to know exactly what happened. All I know is the official story is complete BS and anyone who believes it is as gullible as a 3 year old.

I can't put it any simpler than that.

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So don't listen to the people who are telling me how the world works (strange I've never noticed them), listen to how you tell me how the world works. But then, the world doesn't work the way it is told to me, which would even include you, since you're trying to tell me, so.... Geez, I just don't know what to believe any more. Oh wait, I do. You're crazy.


I'm not suggesting you listen to me. I'm suggesting you look for alternate means to get your information because your souces are likely contaminated.

Even if you looked outside of the US media, you would be much better off...

But hey, the government loves you and wants the best for you.

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  • 2 months later...

I wonder how much Bush paid all of those people in the towers, planes and their families to die in that horrible planned catastrophe.

Maybe thats why were going into a great depression!! And to top it off, Osama isnt really hiding, he is hanging out at Club Med with Saddam and his sons.

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