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If You Were Stuck In An Elevator With Mr. Snyder.......


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I might tell Mr. Snyder a few things I've been thinking about lately.

1. Discretely back up against the "Stop" button, to gain a little more time.

2. I'd thank him for trying so hard to make the Redskins good again. I'd remind him to think with his head and his heart before his wallet. I'd offer my services to him as a front office fan liasion for one-year, money back guaranteed if not satisfied with my results.

3. Hand him my resume and begin the sales pitch for my new job as SVV (Senior Vice Vinny).

4. If I had no resume copies with me, I'd write the most important things from my resume onto his forehead with a Sharpie marker -- backwards so he could read it later. To be fair, I'd let him sign my forehead too.

5. I'll tell him my top coaching choices:

-1a-Belicheck (not attainable, but dream big)


-2-Ron Rivera

-3-Steve Marriucci

6. I'd tell him to hire George Michael as his new short term play-by-play radio voice (3-5 years). After that, new booth personalities consisting of potentially Mark May, Joey T., Monte Coleman or Fred Smoot (if he's done playing by then). Love Sonny and Sam, but their time is coming to a close. And frankly, Larry never quite fit in.

7. I'd sketch out a rough drawing of a new 80,000 seat stadium on one of the floor tiles of the elevator, then tell him it needs to be within walking distance of a Metro stop. It also needs to have a sizeable family section, where NO ALCOHOL is served and hooliganism is not tolerated. Remind him his next generation of paying Redskins fans are still kids and would like to be able to attend a game without having beer poured on them or having their parents hands covering their ears (****ing profanity filter) the entire game.

8. I'd tell him about 10 things he needs to fix with his Six Flags parks before they open in the Spring.

9. I'd say to him "Never let yourself be caught unprepared like this again", as a reminder that even if your HOF head coach resigns unexpectedly, he must always have a contigency plan.

10. Remind him how much the fans love this team. Also tell him Scientology isn't all it's cracked up to be and that Coach Joe's Man upstairs has been doing His thing a lot longer than LRon Hubbard.

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Ask him why a kid who grew up watching the skins play and dreamed of owning the team someday did not plan ahead on how to run it.

Seroiusly?? What kid dreams of OWNING a team? When I was a kid, I dreamed of PLAYING for the Redskins. Now that I'm an adult, I still dream of playing for the Redskins. What a joke. Tells a lot about his personality.

If I were riding in that elevator, I'd tell him he's going to need to call his dentist when it stops...

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First I'd grab his keys, and hold them over his head, laughing as he jumps up to try and grab him.

After I had a good laugh over that I'd beat him into a vegetable, with the hope that whoever has to take over for him hires a GM to run the team.

Now, in reality I'd probably only say "Hi, how's it going", and continue on to my floor.

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What advice would you give him?

Dan don't listen to all these idiots talking trash about you. Your taking your time to find the best head coach possible. If people think you should rush your decision they obviously don't know much about football. Keep doing what your doing and I'm sure we are gonna have a great coach for next season

By the way can I borrow some money?

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9. I'd say to him "Never let yourself be caught unprepared like this again", as a reminder that even if your HOF head coach resigns unexpectedly, he must always have a contigency plan.

I thought you mean never let yourself be caught alone in an elevator with a deranged fan.

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Will you ever stop price gouging?

Will you ever have ketchup in the ketchup receptacles in the stadium?

Why would you call Gibbs telling him to not run the ball on 3rd down against the Vikings?

Why do you invite Tom Cruise to our games so that we look like a laughing stock, mentally-ill franchise?

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